

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · ファンタジー
111 Chs


[...hey Bradley?]

<Yeah? >

[Is there a feature in the system that can allow me to predict my enemies next move, like, I don't know, if he plans to knock me out or something?]

<Sorry Max. You're not really qualified for that level yet>


[Worth a try at least]


Right now, I have no idea where I'm heading. A sack to my head is the only comfort I have. All I know is that I'm not alone. Bradley informed me that we were more than twenty in this truck carrying us and, judging by the snoring and a bit of movement, I'd say they're in the same predicament a me.

"Damn, what I would do for some steak right now," I spoke, trying to start a conversation.

"Nobody cares!" someone to the right of me said.

"What a cold bunch," I muttered as the truck finally came to a stop.

"EVEYBODY, LISTEN UP!" a domineering voice suddenly echoed across the truck, and immediately after I could hear the doors of the truck being reaped open.

"I'm General Zard, and I'll be your year general. Welcome, cadets, to Camp Mars!" the same voice repeated.


"What? No reaction? Even a look of surprise would have sufficed,"

"With all do respect sir, how do you expect us to react to something we can't see?" I asked in my most serious voice.

"Use your brain boy! What's the point of your monster senses? In fact, just for that, everyone get down and give me twenty!" the voice shouted.

Groans could be heard as everyone shifted to position.

"Thanks... ONE!.... for...… TWO!... nothing!... THREE!" a girl to my left said.

Soon after thirty pushups (someone was too slow on the push-ups*cough* not me *cough*), we were all ordered to remove our sacks, once untied from our bonds.

When I saw the camp...let's just say, it was just as I imagined. High tech gadgets covering the entire place which, in reality was just a highly mechanized high school.

We were led through the premises by the school president and my mind was almost overloaded with the many words that came in contact with it. Infinite space in lockers, presence of jetpacks(just for the fun of it), shifting classes as security and they even had an escalator! To some country bumkin such as me, that was a huge deal.(Don't judge me).

We were each given a room key along the way, and mine had the room number 104 written at the back. Most of the day had gone by due to the tour, but soon, we were all left to our own devices.

Unfortunately, they forgot one important detail: how to get to our rooms. At first, finding the hall was relatively easy, but the doors themselves had no order. To make matters worse, the hall stretched as far as my powerful eyes could see.

"Hmph! Noobies," an elegantly dressed young first year said before lifting his room key and saying his room number. Immediately after, he vanished into thin air, leaving many of us red with shame for not knowing how to use the room key.

We all followed suit and soon after, I found myself in a well furnished room. The carpeted floor and large balcony didn't surprise me one bit. The bottomless wardrobe and well furnished furniture were mere background images to the half-elf that stood in frot of me. He turned his head towards me and my breath was almost taken away.

The guy had light brown hair with big brown eyes and a delicate face that gave him an angelic look. Were it not for the white cloak with blue stripes and icy blue boots, I'd have mistaken him for a girl.

He gave me a smile that sent goosebumps to my skin due to how good he looked, making me question my priorities as a boy.

"Hi," he said while folding his arms.

"Hi?" I answered, for once being speechless.

"I can tell by that look on your face, that you are attracted to me. Hmm... a cute Furrha with light green hair, deep green eyes with fluffy wolf ears. Yeah, I guess your my type. Now how about a kiss, sweet lips," he said, puckering his his lips.

"Wait, WHAT?!" I said, almost backing away. "Listen, bro, I don't go that way. But if you want, I do know a guy–"

"HAHAHAHAHA!" he started laughing to a point tears formed in his eyes.

"Gets them every time," he said, wiping a tear away. "Anyways, I'm Arnold white. A pleasure to meet..."

"Mandrax," I said, regaining my composure. "Mandrax Randoff, at your service,"

"Oh, service you say? Cause you see, I've got this large, mighty sti-"

"NOOOO! Not that kind of service," I shouted, stopping him from saying words he'll regret later on.

"I'm just messing with you Max, can I call you Max? I'll just call you that, don't need your approval. I'm sure we're gonna be the best of friends, you and me. So, what ability do you hold?" he asked, his eyes shining in anticipation.


<Don't tell him about your lightning power. From now on, say you hold the speed ability>

[What, why?]

<I've appraised him. He holds a high title as the son of one most powerful wind ability users. Here>


<*Arnold White (LVL 5)*>

<*Title: Prince*>

<*Half elf grade B (mid)*>

<*Mana {300 300}*>

<*Health {100 100}*> 


<*Strength: 10*>

<*Agility: 25*>

<*Defense: 10*>

<*Speed: 50*>

<* Mind 50*>


[ Hold up. Mind fifty? So this guy is literally immune to mind attacks and can as well attack with his mind? Wow. Um.... what's my...]

<Five. Your mind is at five. Dumdum.>

[Oh, right. Forgot you were on your period]

< Whachu say? You–>


"Speed ability, yours?" I asked, even if I already knew. A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes before he looked away.

"Wind," he said bitterly.

Oh, what was that disappointment for? And why does he hate his ability that much? Interesting start for my roommate.

"I hate to be that guy, but I couldn't help notice you were a bit disappointed with my ability," I said, feeling as if I had crashed his high expectations of me.

"Nah bro. It's just that...." he trailed off as he went over to one of the luxurious beds and sat down. I guess that's his now, right?


"To tell you the truth, I was hoping you had 'no offence' a more powerful ability so that you can help me in my predicament. But enough of that. Since its getting late, how about we get some sleep," he said before immediately collapsing on the bed and going out cold.

"Damn. That guy must have been really tired," I said as I heard Arnold snoring. Must be the long day we've had. I'm also tired, but before that...


[Hmm.... A problem that I can't handle. Any ideas?]

<I might have one>

[Show me]


<*Spy magic detected. Do you wish to dispel it?*>


[Spy magic? Then Arnold must be in some really tough situation. Dispel>


I felt the pressure of the room suddenly lessen before I could finally sigh in relief. To cast such a spell from a long distance isn't something just to scoff at. If my memory serves me, the planet Arnold probably is from is a few light years away, so he must be dealing with some real powerful individual.


<Oh yeah! Another thing I forgot to inform you, his power is sort out by many who wish bend ones mind. So, in truth, even though he powerful for age, I'm sure lives a secluded life. If he's already found out.....>

[Then his life is in mortal danger. I may not be strong enough now, but I'll do my best to help him]

<Yeah, you do that. No go to sleep, first day of class tomorrow and all that>

[Yeah, yeah. Don't act like my mother ever again, ok?]

<...fine >


#&I'd appreciate it if you rate my book. Would really encourage me. Thanks for reading and reaching this far though. The guy with little words, the writer &#