

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


"I'm gonna have to stop passing out like that. I can't really be that weak, can I?" I wondered while I stared at the ceiling of the hospital.

They'd already brought me up to speed of the happenings once I got up, or at least, what they thought had happened in the forest.

A grade A beast had attacked the school as students went home to prepare for camp and had managed to kill one student. I was told I was very fortunate to survive that encounter with minor injuries and was to be discharged the next day.

Don't be so surprised with how easily I've handled killing another monster. Believe me, this is not my first time, nor my last. Such is the way of the life of all monsters.

"Never in my years as a doctor have I have ever seen such a horrendous death executed with extreme prejudice . A bullet that can decompose a body that quickly?! Luckily, the forensic team will have the answers soon," Gerald said as he entered the room.

*Cough, cough*

"I'm sorry, what?!" I asked him in a panicked voice just to be sure.

He stared at me with a perplexed look before answering reassuringly," Don't worry. We'll have that beast in our grasp very soon. Nothing to be scared of now,"

Puleaseee! If only he knew what I really was afraid of! Sure, killing is not unheard off in our beastverse. But it's still illegal, and is punishable by torture and even in some cases death!



<Don't worry. They can't trace you even with the help of Beast king>

[Phew! Right then. Now how about you explain to me what happened back there?!]

<Bro, at any cost, retain yourself from using your dark power. I've managed to stop its progression before more life threatening abilities come pass, but I can only do so much. The power is too much for you handle>

[Hey! Come on man! The one time I finally have power and you're tell me that I can't even use it?! I knew the god of luck hated me!]

<Now, now. Don't be such a drama monster. You still have the drain skill. If you play your cards right, just might reach calamity level>

[That's...…. actually, that ain't half bad. So, what level do I need to attain to be that powerful?]

<Be a master of one the four elements>


<Learn one of the laws that govern a world?>

[I know I'm awesome, but I'm not that awesome!]

<Then get off your lazy bum and start looking for an actual ability!>

[Do I have a choice?]

<No. >

[*sigh* Guessed as much]


This conversation only took half a second in my mind. So right now, Gerald was still giving me a dumb look while apparently waiting for something.

"What? Something on my face?" I asked him while unconsciously touching my face.

"Nah, it's just that your going to camp today," he answered with a sad tone.

"Maybe Justin actually had the guts to–wait, WHAT?!"

Immediately, two large monsters wearing army gear burst into the room and without a word grabbed my sorry excuse of a body. Soon after, they hauled me over to the door, each one grabbing both my arms and lifting me as easily as a sack of feathers, and I was in no position to object. Though I wouldn't even dare to, mostly because they'd easily overpower me, but more importantly due to the information that just popped up on my status page.


<*Deep rooted lightning ability detected!*>


[Hey Bradley, buddy, I think you've lost a signal or something. No one has such an ability in this beastverse. And even if they did, how the hell do you just pull up such a power by only physical contact from me?!]

<My guy, you don't give me the respect I deserve. When said I'm here to help you, ain't joking. As of now, most if not all soldiers have earth ability but one holding your left hand has origins lightning in his generation>

[Generation? Wait, more importantly, can I get it?]

<Of course! Do you choose this as your first ability?>

<Yes no?>

<Yes! Obviously yes!]< p>


<*Drain skill activated!*>

<*Draining successful!*>


<*New ability has been obtained!*>

<*Mandrax Randoff(LVL 1)*>

<*Ability: Lightning castor(LVL 1rare)*>

<*Mana {0 500}*>


<*New skill unlocked!*>

<*Flash point (LVL 1)*>

<*Mana 10 usage: per minute*>

<*Gives the user ability to move faster than speed of sound. Can be upgraded*>

<*New skill unlocked!*>

<*Thor's hammer (LVL 1)*>

<*User is able to summon multiple lightning bolts that can deal great damage enemies. Can only be used thrice a day. mana usage(100)*>


"You alright kid? You seem kind of too excited to go to camp. And Jeff, you look sick. You feeling up to the task?" the guard to the right asked after observing both me and his partner.

"I'm good.... I think. Let's just get this over with," Jeff said, yawning. Guess the drain skill did have its after effects.


Now all that was left is trying this baby out. I wonder what I should try first. Flash point? Nah, let's just wait till I settle in camp. But I should really do something about my grin. I don't think both soldiers appreciate nor agree with my excitement.

We soon arrived at the teleportation gates after a long drive in the small car, which took us to the Hovercraft Dream Transport(HDT), that was one of the ways to earth. We soon got on, and began our journey to the planet Earth.

"Seriously kid. Get a hold of yourself. You know, when I was your age...…" the first guard began but I wasn't really listening to him. I still wasn't sure whetjer this was real or not.


[Ok. Real funny Bradley. Almost had me there with the fake Lightning ability thingy]

<Seriously Max, this isn't a prank. You really do have power>

<Really? That's awesome! Quick question, how do I level up?>

<Easy, Kill beasts and other monsters. Points are awarded depending on their strength.>

[Does it have to be a monster or beast though?]

<I'm not sure. Perhaps there's another way. Just kill beasts from dungeons for now, ok? Monster killing won't make you as incognito would like to be>

[Some useful system you are ]

<Hey! I'm working on a whim here! Let's see how you'd feel if you were tossed into whining twerp whose only goal is lamenting about weak he>

[Twerp? Why you no good, useless, hunk of-]


"Kid!" one of the soldiers shouted.


"You got wax in your ears or something? We're here,"


I couldn't help but exclaim at the magnificent sight that greeted me. I always thought that humans were a race in the medieval times. Who would have thought that they were this advanced?! All I could see from miles around (I have good eyes, deal with it) were large buildings with teleportation gates at the top that all seemed to be made from Titanium.(Believe me, that ain't cheap)

People were busy in the streets bustling about: a mix of humans, half elves, half beasts, monsters and so on. I can see why it's the most visited planet in the beast verse. Man, they even had high quality hovercrafts that are a sharp contrast to the one we came with. I should have come to earth a lot sooner.

"Hey, kid. This way." The soldiers led me onwards once we landed.

"OK. So uh.... where's camp?"

"That's classified,"

"Classi-wha-arggh!" I felt my head back handed before I lost consciousness. Again.