
The Monster Bloodline System [DROPPED]

This is the story where ordinary office worker but he was just a slave worker there even he did all work of other in 7 years he didn't even got promotion and then he suddenly died becuase of overworking. After he died he got transmigrated into fantasy world into the 'Quefaialm' realm where human and monster are in peace becuase of the past... And after reincarnated into world of 'Quefaialm' he got monster bloodline system too. He can change her bloodline after meeting a requirement. Becuase of her low level bloodline he struggles to changes her bloodline into better bloodline. -If you are tired a system that is too op and the mc is not struggles to survive. -If you are tired that mc is so lucky and many coincidence happening then this is your cup tea. -Where mc is not simp and like to saving around without reason, even he have a power to save them he will not save them without reason -Not a naive mc -This story will develop into better to better one like a story that weak to strong and will change her habit (The cover is not mine if you want take it down just comment it :) but you need evidence if it that was really yours :) thank you) *I just create this novel to practice my writing and I will write a new novel after this novel finished.* *DROPPED I WRITE ANOTHEE STORIES PLEASE READ IT*

AHvillain · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 17 - Library

it's was already morning he woke up and get her clothes and clean her teeth after that he walk out into door and then he heard lively like he was in town. He walk down and then he order into waiter then sit into corner and then waiting for her food. Around 8 minutes the waiter came with her order then the waiter place down her order and said "Enjoy" her food look like a chicken wings and has a sauce and looks like gravy and damion order too a alcohol then he eat the chicken using his hands "This was truly delicious..." damion with a happy face and keep eating and eat. Around 10 minutes he order again then he finished it around 10 minutes again and then he get up to go into Library.

A goblin reading a book and he said "So that's why I am quite weak because I didn't master the magic I though my magic is better than other maybe not..." he shakes his head "I though only getting skill without mastering it was already perfect accomplish" "I should start learn how to cast magic spells..." he sighed and then said "I am truly ignorant..." then he get few book about how to spell and how to be a mage and then he go into table and then he looked around he saw almost all of them are mages monster mage human mage they are quietly reading.

He sat down then he read into her mind 'So thats why I can't cast multiple spell into once and other can because you need to master the 'Multiple basic Cast spell' plus the most important here is bloodline... why is it bloodline again' damion read into another page 'So human have a affinity into magic... and the elf is have higher affinity into magic even than human but the dragon is the most have affinity into magic even physical they look like they are most perfect races in all races..' then he gets up to leave.

Damion go into adventure guild to took quest.

He already picked quest and it's a pick herbs like that no kill and only has little reward damion picked it becuase he want to rest for a day becuase of yesterday.

After few day he just eat and sleep and read about mage of course he can't master it for a days even for a mage can't master it for a days and it will take around a weeks to master the 'Basic multiple casting'.

Damion was now into forest to hunt some monster so he can get EXP. Damion was punching a monster that look like a goblin but it look like werewolf he even didn't know what is it and then he checked using analyze.

|Rohoj - 1st evolution

Level 6/10

Heath 30/30 |

Then he punched rohoj using only physical and then it died.


Damion was not satisfied and said "If only I was mage and not fighter mage maybe I can use more destructive spells and large scale spell too like aoe and I can gain more easily exp..." he sighed and thinking what will he do because he got only useless spell into past month and it was for a single target and will not damage much into stronger beings but still he was thankfully becuase all the class he got into evolution was so useless and mage fighter was good compare to the other job. Then damion checked her status.

[- Damion Levitius

Bloodline - Middle level goblin | 2nd evolution

Class - (Mage Fighter)

Level - 8 (2010/8000)

Mana - 130/155

Health - 170/170

Strength - 19

Speed - 21

Vitality - 17

Intelligence - 33

Charm - 2

Stats points - (3) |3 per level up|


Then he asked into system "How can I know when I can recover my mana no I mean how many mana I gained into minutes without using potion?" then the blue screen appeared front into damion.

[Becuase your Bloodline is weak and can only recover without using mana potion us 1.5 mana per min]

Daimon got sad becuase he though he recover 5 mana per min but only 1.5 then he shakes his head 'I never thought that this is only my recovery into mana without using potion if only I didn't have mana potion maybe I will already died.' then he checked her dimensional pouch then looked there was so many man potion around 90 mana potion and 30 health potion 'i should add more Into future...'

Hi guys I will write new function about system and it is "?????"

AHvillaincreators' thoughts