
The fight and rescue

"Oh. Or maybe a babysitter" he said in a disgusted voice which makes want to burn him on the spot, "Are you really the monkey king?" asked little brother as I held his hand tight, "You got the wrong monkey. Goodbye!" yelled the monkey as he turns around to walk away from us which makes reviled that he's not Sun Wukong but that doesn't explain why he said those things to the Buddha statue. "It's Him!" yelled my little as he let go of my hand which gets me off, guard, "He really is The Great Monkey King!" Liuer yelled with excitement in his voice, I was about to say something until "I am not The Great Sage!" yelled the great sage as we saw him jumping on the rocks, "No Sage, no greatness, just a monkey in torn pajamas. Beat it!" he continued as he vanishes into the forest, I grabbed liuer's arm but he pushes my hand off him, "Great Sage!" liuer yelled as he ran after him but he stops in the middle of his tracks, I ran close behind him "Liuer maybe he's not the great sage from the legends" I said hoping liuer would come back to his senses as I was catching my breath but then he ignores me as a groundhog master appeared and shows liuer the way to the so-called great sage, "Over There" said liuer as he ran but stop in the middle of tracks "Thank You Master Groundhog" said liuer as he bows to the groundhog master as he disappears in puff of smoke as he jumps to dive into the ground.

"LIUER WAIT!" I yelled as I chase after him but then I see the monkey walking away until "Great Sage!" yelled liuer as he was not far behind from the monkey who stop as he looks at him and then at me, "Wait for Us!" yelled liuer as he climbs over a log but I jump over the log to catch up with liuer who found the so-called great sage giggling to himself thinking that he had us fool by hiding behind a tree from us as I walk behind liuer, "Great Sage, what are you doing here?" asked liuer as he smiled at the monkey who looks shocked as he saw us so in response I glared at him showing that I don't trust him one bit, the monkey sigh in defeat "Well I'm not too good at "Hide and Seek" I guess" said the monkey turns around to walk away so I was about to grab liuer's hand but he ran to catch with the so-called great sage which in result I growel in anger as I ran to catch up with liuer who was walking next to the monkey so I slow down as I walk next to liuer.

"Great Sage, We had just seen you talking to the Buddha's statue," said liuer as I saw the so-called "great sage" face light up with an idea as he looks around "Then you must have seen..." said liuer before he could finish the so-called great sage jump and leap on some rocks that lead to a cliff, "Sorry kids. I'm taking a short cut, you understand right?" Said the so-called great sage as he laughs as he walks away, but then I notice liuer was climbing on the cliffside so I had no choice but chase after, "I'm going to burn this monkey alive" I thought to myself as I saw liuer caught up with the so-called "great sage", "Great Sage" said liuer as I saw that he have leaves on head when I walk behind him, "You must have met Buddha himself!" said liuer with a smile on his face but the so-called "great sage" look surprised when he saw us and he also looking around to see where we came from. "Tell me, can Buddha hear me whenever I recite the sutra?" asked liuer as he asks the so-called "great sage" the question but I can tell that he doesn't sim too happy about us being with him.

"Listen, short stuff," said the so-called "great sage" as he sim to be not in the mood to answer questions right now, "I'm not really looking for some friends right now, okay?" Said the so-called "great sage" as he looks like he already hates even though we did find him in that cave but I was wondering about all the Buddha statues all around the cave but my head comes back to reality as I notice that the so-called "great sage" was walking away and liuer ran to catch up to him so I chase after him again, "Great Sage you know magic!" said liuer with excitement in his voice which I smiled as he walks backward in front of the so-called "great sage", "I know" said liuer as he ran towards a boulder which he climbs on top of it. "Sun Wukong-the Great Sage Equal of Heaven," said liuer as he stands on top of the boulder. "Cast of iron with eyes of fire" continued liuer as I can't help but smile to see my little brother retelling some parts of the stories I always tell him about the monkey king every night. "The Immortal one, who can transform seventy-two times," continued liuer as I saw the so-called "great sage" looks annoyed. "Your Somersault Cloud takes you a hundred thousand miles," said liuer as the so-called "great sage" smiled as he puts his hands behind his head then I hear liuer giggle as he climbs down the boulder. Liuer went behind "The great sage" moving side to side as "the great sage" puts his behind his back "Pull off a strand of hair and blow it" said liuer as he pulls off some of "the great sage's" fur from his right arm which got him off guard and blows it to see if makes the clones from the stories I told him but it seems like "the great sage" didn't like when liuer pulls some of his hair as he rubs his right arm but nothing happened after liuer blow his fur.

"How come nothing comes out?" asked liuer as he looked confused, "Maybe it only works when he does it" I answered as I continue to walk next to "the great sage" who looks annoyed, "By the way, Great sage" said liuer as he walks behind us but I definitely tell that "the great sage" was already annoyed as it is. "You also have a power pole" said liuer as he twirled his finger in the air, which results of "the great sage" to stop dead in his tracks, "That mighty pole weighs ten thousand pounds" said liuer as I singled him to stop talking because I saw that "the great sage's" body was getting tense as he sighs but it didn't stop liuer, "Where is that pole of yours, great sage?" asked liuer as he ran in front of him, "Liuer enough" I said but liuer didn't listen as he continues. "All the stories say that you hide it inside your ear!" said liuer as he ran to the great sage right-hand side, "Show Me!" said liuer as he jumps up and trying to see "the great sage's" power pole but "the great sage's" body was even getting tenser, "Show Me!" said liuer as he continues and then "the great sage" snap.

"Listen Up!" yelled "the great sage" as I just stood and watch Liuer's hero yelling at him which gets to the point that I really want to burn him to ashes, "I'm not jumping clouds for you, and I'm not pulling a pole out of my ear!" yelled "the great sage" as I want to punch him in the face but I was trying to keep calm but no one yells at my little brother but me, "Got it?" said "the great sage" as he points at liuer, "Alright" said liuer as he was about to something, "Not one more question, okay? Not one!" yelled "the great sage" as he points at liuer, "Is it true that you the strength of a hundred men?" asked liuer as "the great sage" had enough of liuer's questions so he punched a tree with his left fist which sends the tree flying into an another tree. I walk over to liuer so he wouldn't be the next one that is sent flying. "That's amazing," said liuer as I was about to grab his hand he ran to "the great sage's" right side which I walk on liuer's right side "Great Sage, does God Juling really have the strength of a giant?" ask liuer as I can tell that "the great sage" has given it up at this point, "what does it to get rid of you two?" ask "the great sage" as he started to walk away so liuer followed him and I wasn't too far behind even though that I didn't do anything to him.

"Tell me about your greatest battles!" said liuer as he was ready to listen to his battles, "Well there was this kid who never left me alone" said "the great sage" which I already know that he was making it up because the kid is actually liuer who never stop asking questions, "He sounds terrible" said liuer as he ran to catch up with "the great sage", "Oh he was. Never stops talking" said "the great sage" as I can't help but giggle at the so-called battle story, "how'd you get all your powers?" asked liuer as I smile to see that he was happy, "I ate a bunch of magic bananas" said "the great sage" which I can't help but giggle to his answer to liuer's question, "maybe I'll ask him something later when he's in a better mood" I thought as we continue to walk, "Stop joking around" said liuer as I look surprised to hear him say something like because normally I would say that to him whenever he gets into trouble when he pretends to be "the great sage" back in the capital, "Kid, you don't want to follow me. I'm nothing but-" said "the great sage" as he was trying to think of something, but we both continue walking so "the great sage" sighs in defeat. Then we heard rumbling and the ground was starting to shake, I stood in front of liuer as I got into my fighting pose, "the great sage" did into his fighting pose as the sound was coming closer until a rock monster jump up in the air as it landed in front.

The rock monster roared at us as I covered my face when there was dust from the ground, "You ruthless Sun Wukong!" yelled the rock monster as I stand in front of liuer to protect him from the rock monster if it dares hurt my little brother, "I, the Mountain Lord am here to guard, upon Grand Buddha's order" said the mountain lord as I stand in front of liuer to protect him from the mountain lord if he dares hurt my little brother, "How dare you escape!" yelled the mountain lord as I now know that this monkey is really is Sun Wukong the great sage equaling heaven and the monkey king but I was still not convinced that if he's really the great sage, me and liuer both stared at "the great sage" wondering what is he going to do. "You? You're literally dumb as a box of rocks" said "the great sage" as an insult to the mountain lord, "Come on, this doesn't have to get ugly" said "the great sage as I agree with him but I didn't show it no my face because I don't want the mountain lord to attack me or liuer. "You're doing that all by yourself," said, "the great sage" as the mountain lord laughed at him which made me wonder why the mountain lord laughed at him for no reason until.

"Sun Wukong, you still bear the mark of Buddha's Punishment," said the mountain lord as I notice that "the great sage" look at his right wrist as his fist got tense with anger at the fact that he can't use any of his powers with it still on his right wrist and which also explains why he was hitting his right wrist against a rock trying to get it off so he can use his powers, "You are now only a useless monkey!" yelled the mountain lord as I look at the mountain lord, "What outdated attitude is that of yours" said the mountain lord as I was getting ready to fight the mountain lord, "My fist will crush you!" yelled the mountain lord as the mountain lord lift its left rocky fist and was about to hit "the great sage" but then we all notice that he wasn't here so me and liuer turned around to see him running down the gorge. "You got be kidding me," I said as I felt a bit of rage for him running away like a coward instead of fighting the mountain lord just like in the legends that my father told me when I was a little girl which I now tell the legends to liuer, then the mountain lord pound both of its hands on the ground which cause dust to fly everywhere.

"Halt! Damned monkey!" yelled the mountain lord as it jumps in the air and lands right in front of him, liuer ran over to them so I had no choice but follow liuer in the chaos. The mountain lord tried to hit "the great sage" but he dodged it then the mountain lord managed to lay a hit which sends him flying into a rocky wall corner. The mountain lord threw a punch into the rocky wall corner where "the great sage was recovering from the last hit, he dodges it and he kicks the mountain lord in the head which send it flying to the ground which destroyed its left arm , "the great sage" seems glad to have landed a hit on the mountain lord but then his right cuff glowed and tighten as "the great sage" drop to the ground in pain. Liuer and I look up to see a boulder was about crush but we ran to take cover which was behind a boulder that was next to "the great sage", then we both saw the rocks and the same boulder that nearly crushed us created a new left arm, the mountain lord threw a boulder at "the great sage", which he dodged it but when the mountain lord tried to punch him, I saw his face was in shock, "The spell!" said "the great sage" as he backhanded to a boulder, "alright liuer, stay I'm going to see if I can get that thing's attention" I said to liuer but he was about to say something before I left to go help "the great sage" so I ran over to them. I went the right side of the mountain lord as I hit with fireblast to the face which sends it flying to the wall, "How dare you, a tiny pathic human girl like you dares to challenge me!" yelled the mountain lord as I was about to do another fireblast but then the mountain lord was trying to crush me with his fist but I dodged as I let out fireblast in its face but then I saw "the great sage" groans in pains as he was getting up and he shakes off the dust which got the attention of the mountain lord.

The mountain lord charges at him as I ran behind the mountain lord, "the great sage" ran on all fours, "You are going nowhere!" yelled the mountain lord as it chasing "the great sage" to the mountainside where there's a rushing river at the bottom, so the "great sage" jump off the mountainside which I got frightened but then I saw that he wraps the chain around a tree and use it to get on the mountain lord's back but the mountain lord was smashing the ground with its fists then the mountain lord threw itself to a rocky wall, "the great sage" jumps off the mountain lord's back as rocks were sent flying and one of the rocks was about to crush me and "the great sage" so in defense I use a fireblast that blown it up in pieces as he jumps out of way . I ran over to the mountain lord's left side as I was about to fireblast it in the face but then the mountain lord jump in the air as it crushes "the great sage" but instead of moving out of the way he was pushing against the mountain lord's left hand as the mountain lord was trying to push "the great sage" off the mountain cliff and I saw that "the great sage's" right cuff was glowing which got me worried that he can't do it for much longer. I ran over behind the mountain lord until I hear " Don't move" said liuer as he ran to jump onto the mountain lord's back.

"LIUER GET OFF IT'S BACK!!" I yelled in a panic as I ran towards liuer trying to grab him so I pull him off but then "the great sage" moves out of the way which sends the mountain lord flying off the mountainside, I saw that "the great sage" was smiling until I saw he was being pulled by the cuff's chain by the mountain lord as it pulls "the great sage" off the mountainside which I ran over to the ledge to see him holding on to a vine but then I saw liuer climbing on the mountain lord's back and he took off the seal that gave it life "Great sage, lin, you see" said liuer as he shows the seal all of sudden the mountain lord exploded and liuer fell into the river, "LIUER!!!!" I yelled as I watch my little brother falls to the river and the seal was flying in the wind, so I ran to grab the basket with the baby still inside and ran down the mountain to the river hoping that liuer was alright but then I saw a river rapid up ahead as a log got snap in two when it hit some rocks.

I saw liuer going down the river as he was trying to keep his head above the water but the river was rushing towards the river rapids, "liuer hang on!" I yelled as I ran after him until I saw a big half hollow log so I push it in the water, I jump in the hollow log which was catching up to liuer so I managed to grab him by his right wrist and I pull him in from the cold freezing water as I gave him a hug "Oww, what was that for sis?" said liuer as he rubs his head after I hit him on the head "Liuer you always get into in trouble and me or sifu always have to you out of the trouble you cause but now with the mountain trolls, the baby, and that monkey who could be the great sage" I said as I gave him the baby with anger in my voice, "well I didn't want those stupid mountain trolls getting the baby, besides you and the great sage can protect us" said liuer with excitement in his voice but I wasn't having it "Liuer there's no us and once we get off this mountain we'll be going our separate ways" I said in anger as we both didn't notice that something was swming below us, "But lin he's the great sage from the legends you always tell me and we both heard him talking to the Buddha staute" said liuer as the creature was swiming closer to us "Liuer that doesn't mean that makes him the great sage and they were just stories always tell you because that what can easily put you to sleep at night" I said as I felt myself getting annoyed by the fact liuer nearly gotten himself killed for the second time.

"But," said liuer as I cut him off "No Buts!" I yelled as we felt something hit the log so we both turn around to see the log was bitten off by something big "Liuer stay here" I said as walk over to investigate what happened, I look at log then to river trying to see nothing "There's nothing out there to worry about liuer" I said as I felt sharp pain in my left arm as the creature pulls into the water, I swim to the surface as I saw a big monstrous fish was swimming right towards me so I use my fireblast at it but nothing happens as I groan in pain to see my left arm that has bleeding teeth marks so I was about to swim to the log until the fish has bitten my left arm again as it drags me underwater as tries to swim to the bottom of the river but I punch it in the gills which it let go of my left arm as I quickly swim to surface. I gasp for air as I swam to the log that was about to enter the river rapids, liuer help me to get in inside "lin your arm" said liuer in concern as I can tell that' he was getting scared but I place my hand on his head "I'm fine liuer don't worry about me but we better hang on because it's going to be a bumpy ride" I said as we brace ourselves for the force of the river rapids.

The log kept hitting rocks that bump us right and left as water splash us soaking wet then we saw the fish jumps out of the water coming straight for us until a huge rock came out of nowhere hit the fish back in the water and then we saw a chain wraps around the log's hole we both saw "the great sage" trying to pull the log out of the river rapids "He came to save us" said liuer in excitement as his hero was saving us from the river rapids until I saw the fish was now coming for "the great sage" so "WUKONG LOOK OUT!!" I yelled as I saw his face was in shock as I called him by name but then the fish jumps out of the water and pulls him into the water "GREAT SAGE!" yelled liuer as I jump in the water to help Wukong, I was swimming down to see the fish still pulling the chain with Wukong down but I was powerless in the water so I swim towards the fish as I got close enough to kick it in the gills which let go the chain with Wukong we were about to swim to the surface until I felt my leg being stiff and numb like stone, I was losing my breath so I closed my eyes for the worst to come.

Then I felt something or someone grabs me by my waist pulling me to the surface, I gasp for air and I saw that Wukong was holding me and swimming towards the log as liuer helps me to get inside then I help Wukong get inside as well "Umm thanks" I said as I coughing out some water "I'm just returning the favor" said Wukong which really want to burn him to a crisp even though I still don't trust him until the log hits a rock which made us hang on as the log moves violently, but then the log hits a rock that made it flips on it side which made us fell in the water but we managed to get back on its side but when the log bumps us to the right which made me fall onto my left bleeding arm as I scream in pain, we were now out of the river rapids but what we saw up ahead was a huge waterfall so I saw Wukong threw his chain which wrapped around a boulder as he was pulling on his chain I notice that the chain was about to snap, "Wukong the chain it's about break" I said in concern of the waterfall up ahead "Please I know what I am doing" said Wukong as he contiune to pull on his chain but then the chain snap off his cuff which made him fall on his ass. Me and Wukong saw that the chain was still wrapped on the boulder "And here you said you know what you were doing" I said as gave him a look of disbelief "Well I didn't want to get stuck with you three but here I am risking everything to return a stupid favor to that brat" said Wukong with anger in his voice "That brat is my little brother and no offense we're the ones who found you in the ice pillar in the first place" I said as I look at him straight in his eyes with anger in my tone of voice.

"Umm guys" said liuer as he trying to get our attention but with no success "If you three didn't follow me in the first place none of this wouldn't have happened" said Wukong as he was trying to put the blame on the three of us which made so mad at him since all of this was his fault, to begin with. "But all of this was your fault since you ran away like a coward instead of fighting the mountain lord and we ended up in this mess because of you stupid fleabag!" I yelled as I saw he was now pissed off after calling him a coward and fleabag "Look lady just because you guys set me free doesn't mean I owe you guys anything!" yelled Wukong as I felt my body becoming tense then my hands were starting to get warm "GUYS!" yelled liuer getting our attention "WHAT?!" me and Wukong yelled in unison then we saw that we're about going over the waterfalls so I grabbed liuer and the baby holding them tight as I close my eyes as I felt the log fall to the bottom of the falls but as we hit the cold water I saw that I wasn't holding the kids so I swim to surface to liuer and the baby unconscious hanging on to piece of the log.

I sigh in relief but then I hiss in pain as I saw my left arm was making the water turn red but then I felt my eyes starting to get heavy as I try to stay awake, I saw that the sun setting as my eyesight was starting to get blurry then everything went black but when I open my eyes to find myself I was still floating in darkness and I wasn't holding the small flame "Lin" said a voice as I try to find the source of the voice but then I heard a snake hissing when I turned around to see a huge snake black as darkness itself and its eyes red as blood staring at me as I felt shiver go down my then I hear a dragon's roar. I turn to see a dragon tall as the highest mountain and it scales almost look like it jade stone, its eyes were shimmering green, then both the dragon and the snake charges at each other and I hear the bird sings its song in its cage that was right in front of me but then the cage disappear in the darkness but I can still hear the bird's song then the bird's song was turning into a voice. "Lin," said the voice as I still try to find the source but I come face to face with the dragon then the dragon burst its flames at me which I close my eyes then flashes of images in my head as the images quickly flash in head but I couldn't tell what the images are so real but then I heard screams and cries of people and creatures as they ran away from a firey red bull which I saw in horror as it kills innocent people and creatures that came into its path which I saw it cornering them then it killed them as they were left in a pool of blood, my body began to shake in fear as I saw the firey red bull stared at as it was getting ready to charge at me, it charges at me with speed I want to run but I couldn't as soon the firey red bull near I felt my whole body quickly stink into the darkness, I felt my eyes were heavy to open them as drift away from a light fades away in the darkness of shadows.

While I was unconscious Wukong gasp for air as he soon he hit the surface to see the log in pieces and liuer, the baby was hanging on to a piece of the log but when he saw the water turning red due to me losing a lot of blood from my left arm, he swims towards me to see the gaping fish bite in my left arm oozing out so much blood, he sighs as he was about to swim to shore until he remembers me trying to save him which made him angry that he had to return another favor but this time it was me so he swims to me and he grabs me by the log piece I was on as he swims to the shore but I felt myself losing the grip of the log piece as I fell in the water which made wukong stop and saw that I was no longer holding on to the log piece so he dives in the water before I hit the bottom he grabbed my left hand and pull me close to his chest as his feet touch the bottom so he uses his feet to push him and me to the surface.

We gasp for air as wukong swims towards the shore holding me by the waist, we got to the shore, he picks me up bridal style as I felt my body becoming cold as my blood covers my arm, he puts me against a tree and he went back in the water to get liuer and the baby but as he was in the water the fish was swimming below waiting to devour liuer, the baby so the fish jump out of the water heading right towards liuer and the baby. Wukong was about to kick but then I felt my body slowly hit the ground as my right hand started glow which unleashed a new power flows from my hands which cause them to glow the roots of the seagrass that was close by so the seagrass grabbed the fish by the tail and threw the fish to rocky wall which immediately killed the fish but this left Wukong in shock after witnessing that but the glow in my hands quickly fades away.

He looks around to see anyone who did it but there was no one but he still wonders who did it as he was swimming with liuer and the baby to shore as he reached the shore, he puts them down on the ground then Wukong saw me on the ground which made him quickly rushed over to me as he noticed that I lost a lot of blood so he put me up against the tree, he looks around for something to stop the bleeding until he saw some vines hanging on some tree branches nearby. Wukong grabs some of the vines as he walks over me, he noticed that my right hand was facing on the ground which was the direction of the seagrass "there's no way" said Wukong as he giggled to himself but then the cuff on his right wrist started to glow which he groans in pain as soon as the glow of the cuff stop, he starts working on wrapping my left arm with the vine as he was finished wrapping my left arm but he had gotten a little bit of blood on his shirt so he took off his shirt to wash the bloodstain on his shirt which it did get rid of the stain. After he washed his shirt which he put it on a tree branch to dry, he picks me up bridal style as he walks into the water to wash the blood off my left arm but I started to feel warm by Wukong's chest of fur as I rest my head on his chest which felt really good, he noticed as he quickly wash my left arm.

He got out of the water as he places me against the tree as he was going to collect some firewood but then my hands began to glow as the wind blow some sticks and twigs, rocks put out in the ground creating a circle, and then right hand generated a small flame which floats to the small fire pit as it ignited the small fire pit, the wind blows the fire heat to Wukong's shirt that was resting on a tree branch which the wind circled the tree branch which quickly dries the shirt, then the glow from my hands quickly faded away. Wukong came back with some firewood but quickly drops the firewood as he saw the small fire pit that was already lit as he looks around to find who did it but he didn't find anything so he gave up looking for the source, he walks over to check on his shirt to see if it was still wet at his surprise it was completely dry as he touches his shirt but his mind was starting to race with many questions about who or what did it as he was putting on his shirt. He jumps to a tree branch and he puts his hands behind his head but then he looks at his right wrist that bares the cuff of buddha, wukong sighs as he stares up to the starry sky but he's wondering how he's getting out of this one so he sleeps on the tree branch as two shooting stars flew across the starry night sky.