

Just for fun Something of a THRILLER short story

kingslayerXV · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 15

Sasuke could feel the immense power emanating from Renjin Otsutsuki as they faced off in the middle of a desolate battlefield. Renjin towered over Sasuke, his pure white skin almost glowing in the dim light of the moon. His long hair swayed in the wind as he lifted a hand, his chakra rippling through the air.

"I am Renjin Otsutsuki," he said, his voice deep and rumbling. "And you, Uchiha Sasuke, will be my first victim."

Sasuke didn't respond, his eyes narrowing as he activated his Sharingan. He knew that he couldn't let this Otsutsuki get away, not after what they had done to his village and the others. He focused his chakra and prepared to attack.

The two clashed in a burst of light and sound, Sasuke's Susanoo meeting Renjin's own chakra armor. They traded blows, each one more devastating than the last. Sasuke's sword sliced through the air, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Renjin's own fists crashed into Sasuke's shield, causing it to crack and splinter.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, his determination growing with each passing moment. He knew that he had to win this fight, no matter the cost. He had to protect his village, his friends, his family. He poured more and more chakra into his attacks, each one stronger than the last.

Renjin, however, seemed to be toying with him. He dodged and weaved around Sasuke's attacks, his own strikes landing with deadly precision. Sasuke felt himself getting weaker with each passing moment, his chakra reserves dwindling.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing as he remembered his brother Itachi. What would Itachi do in this situation? He had to keep fighting, keep pushing himself to his limits. He couldn't let Renjin win.

With a fierce cry, Sasuke unleashed his most powerful attack, a blast of Amaterasu that consumed everything in its path. Renjin tried to dodge, but he was too slow. The flames engulfed him, burning away his chakra armor and leaving him exposed.

Sasuke didn't hesitate. He charged forward, his sword flashing in the moonlight. He aimed for Renjin's heart, his blade slicing through the air.

But at the last moment, Renjin disappeared, leaving behind a trail of chakra that dissipated into the air. Sasuke stumbled forward, his attack missing its target.

He turned, searching for his opponent, but Renjin was gone. Sasuke gritted his teeth, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of the Otsutsuki.

He knew that this wasn't over yet