

Just for fun Something of a THRILLER short story

kingslayerXV · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

chapter 14: Retaliation

Isshiki Otsutsuki sat in his makeshift throne, his eyes closed in concentration as his body healed from the injuries inflicted upon him by Naruto and Sasuke. He breathed deeply, his mind focused on the task at hand. He needed to find a way to capture the Nine-Tails and complete his mission, and to do that, he needed to have a perfect vessel.

As he opened his eyes, he saw three more Otsutsuki standing before him. They bowed deeply, their faces expressionless. "What do you need, Isshiki-sama?" one of them asked.

Isshiki looked at them coldly. "We must find another vessel, and quickly," he said. "Our previous attempts have failed, and now that the Kyuubi is aware of our presence, we must act with haste."

The Otsutsuki nodded, and without another word, they disappeared into thin air, leaving Isshiki alone once again. He closed his eyes and focused his chakra, feeling the power flowing through his veins.

Meanwhile, in the Hidden Leaf Village, the news of the enemy's retreat had spread quickly. The villagers had breathed a sigh of relief, but their joy was short-lived. News came that the enemy had split into smaller groups and were attacking different villages.

The Mist Village was completely destroyed, and half of the Stone Village was left in ruins. The survivors of the attacks made their way to the Hidden Leaf Village, seeking refuge and help.

Naruto was horrified at the news. He had always known that the Otsutsuki were a formidable foe, but he had never imagined that they would be so ruthless. He summoned a meeting of the village leaders and the Kage from the other villages, and they quickly formed an alliance to fight against the Otsutsuki.

As the leaders of the allied nations gathered in the Hidden Leaf Village to plan their attack, Sasuke continued his mission to gather information about the enemy. He infiltrated the Kama organization, posing as a rogue ninja, and soon found out that the Otsutsuki were planning to launch another attack on the Hidden Leaf Village.

He reported this information to Naruto, who was grateful for the intel. Sasuke had always been a reliable ally, and Naruto trusted him implicitly.

The allied nations continued their preparations, building up their defenses and training their shinobi for the coming battle. They knew that the Otsutsuki were a formidable foe, but they were determined to protect their homes and families at any cost.

As the day of the attack approached, the tension in the Hidden Leaf Village was palpable. The villagers went about their daily lives, but there was an air of apprehension that hung over them like a dark cloud.

Naruto sat alone in his office, his thoughts consumed by the coming battle. He thought about his friends and family, about the sacrifices they had made to protect their village, and about the great battle that lay ahead.

Suddenly, he felt a strange presence, a feeling of unease that washed over him like a wave. He stood up and looked out the window, and to his horror, he saw a vast army of Otsutsuki approaching the village.

Naruto clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with determination. He knew that this battle would be the greatest challenge of his life, but he was ready. He would fight with all his might to protect his village and his loved ones.

The chapter ended with Naruto standing alone in his office, gazing out at the approaching army, his resolve steeling for the coming battle