
The Mighty Vampire

Griffin was a university student. He was a student but not normal, he loved battles and most of all he loved fighting them who can give him challenge and show his dominance. He fought many delinquents and many other students and also some small gangs. As he was leading his student life, something happened that changed his life for good or bad. No one knows. Griffin had the rarest blood group and as that was not enough he had a physiology. As he turned into a vampire from a human, he will become the greatest and mightiest vampire in existence. A vampire that surpasses any being in existence.

Centra_1375 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fight In The Night

The wind whistled in the night silently as moon illuminated the world. In the city of New York on an empty street a boy who seemed to be at age 20 was walking silently enjoying the calm breeze.

He had a small smile on his handsome face. He had black hair and aqua spray eyes. He was so handsome that the most handsome man in the world would pale in front of him. His body was perfect and had muscles at the perfect place. His whole body looked to be sculpted by God with utmost care and concentration.

His name was Griffin Galaxy, a 3rd year university student. He was the student of one of the most prestigious universities of New York, The Gem University.

"Weather is good today." Griffin spoke with a smile as he looked at the starry sky. The sky looked so beautiful that Griffin couldn't help but appreciate this wonderful sight.

As he was looking at the beautiful night sky, he heard a voice, "Hehehe, boss would be happy to bring you to him."

"Mm?" Griffin looked at the direction from where the voice came.

He frowned slightly. He hated these types of people. They just thought of people as some objects. Even though, he wasn't a good person by any mean but he at least had some morals.

He knew it was the assault on a woman in dark night.

He walked toward the direction of the sound. An alley came and he entered it.

That voice came from that alley. He looked in the alley and saw three men blocking the path of two women.

Griffin narrowed his eyes and dasher toward the man. Before man could react, a punch hit his face and he took two steps back.

Griffin raised an eyebrow. He looked at his fist and saw that it was little red.

'He wasn't sent flying?' Griffin was confused. Griffin was so strong that any normal human regardless of age was sent flying in just one punch. But now...

"You fucker, how dare you hit me?" The man who was punched spoke with fury.

Griffin looked at him and a smile formed on his face. The man was stunned and looked at his beautiful face. However, after a few seconds he shook his head and looked at Griffin.

"What did you do to me?" The man shouted.

Naturally, others' attention was also drawn by this commotion.

The two girls and other two man looked at Griffin and the man.

Griffin didn't say anything and dashed toward the man.

The man also dashed toward him.

The both raised their fists and their fist collided.

Crack, Crack!

Griffin's bones cracked and then, were completely crushed in a matter of seconds. However, Griffin's smile only widened and he crouched and punched the man's balls.

The man couldn't react and his balls were crushed like eggs by a chef.

"AAAARGGGGH!" The man shouted in pain and rolled on the ground while holding his now destroyed balls.

Griffin looked at the other two man who charge at him as they saw their comrade being defeated. Their eyes turned blood-red and they were ready to attack.

Griffin side-stepped and barely missed one man's attack but other man's attack connected to his ribs.

Crack, Crack!

His ribs were turned to dust and he was sent flying several metres away and crashed to the wall at the other side of the street.

Griffin looked at the men from the wall and his eyes glittered. He stood up with much difficulty and looked at the men.

He dashed toward them. Even though, it hurt him but he endured because he didn't want these girls to suffer.

He reached the men. The men attacked him but crouched and using his hands to stand up, he kicked the two men on their jaws. He stood up again.

His feet hurt a bit but he didn't say anything. He looked at the two man with indifference.

Suddenly, he felt a pain at his abdomen. He looked down and saw a hand entering his abdomen.

He knew now that he was going to die. He looked at the two men but before he could do anything the men's heads were sent flying. The third men also had his head off his body.

Griffin couldn't endure it much longer, so he knelt down. His whole body ached. Even though, this fight didn't last long but he was dead tired. He also felt hellish pain.

The two women came near him and looked at him.

Griffin raised his face and looked at the two women with difficulty.

One was a woman with blonder hair and voilet eyes. She had a beautiful face. She seemed to be of the same age as him.

The other woman had black hair with blue eyes. She was also beautiful but not the same as the woman with blonde hair. She was wearing a maid dress. It was obvious to a anyone that she was the maid of the blonde woman.

"Why did you help us?" The blonde woman spoke with a neutral expression.

"Who know....I don't need a reason to do anything. I will do what I fell like."

"You are going to die, you know."

"So what? Everyone will die someday. To tell you the truth, I don't fucking care about this shitty world. I just want to rest in peace." He spoke with a slight smile and then got up with much difficulty and pain.

"However, I am not gonna die by kneeling but by standing with looking in the eyes of the woman I helped." He continued with pride.

The woman smiled and spoke, "I am not gonna let you die"

Then, before anyone could react she bit his neck and started drinking his blood.

Griffin was shocked. The same was for the maid.

However, before Griffin could say anything, his eyes turned blood-red and he also bit her neck.

The blonde woman opened her eyes wide at the sweet taste of Griffin's blood.

Griffin drank her blood and at the same time the blonde woman did the same.



The gulping sound could be hear in the silent surroundings as they both drank blood of each other.

After few minutes, they separated.

The blonde woman looked at Griffin's abdomen and she was shocked. He was healed and so soon?

"What happened?" Griffin asked, confused by her expression.

"Nothing." The blonde woman shook her head. She stood up followed by Griffin.

Griffin then looked at her and spoke, "What did you do to me?"

"I turned you into a vampire."

"You are a vampire?"


"Oh!" Griffin exclaimed but didn't seem too surprised.

"And you also have become my husband." The blonde woman spoke with a sweet smile adorning her beautiful face.

Griffin raised an eyebrow at this and spoke, "Why did you want to be your husband?"

"Because I wanted to save you and that was could only happen when you turn into a vampire and I could turn you into a vampire by making you my husband or slave."

"Why did you choose me as your slave?"

"Because I wanted to repay your favor."

Griffin frowned at this. He didn't like someone chose him as her life partner because of w fucking favor.

Knowing his thoughts the blonde woman spoke with a slight smile, "I also fell in love with you."

Griffin looked at the girl and sighed. He also smiled and said, "Then, let's get along, wifey~?"

"You really accepted me, huh?" The blonde hair woman was surprised.

"I don't know. I don't disliked it on the contrary I like it." Griffin spoke with a smile that made the two women blush.

The blonde hair woman smiled.

As he was about to say something, a screen flashed in his retina.

[Name: Griffin Galaxy]

[Level: 0]

[Race: Vampire]

[Health: 1980/ Mana: 3210/ Strength: 2489/ Stamina: 2189/ Agility: 2145]

[Status Points: 0]

[Skills: None.]

Griffin looked at the screen.

A beautiful voice explained the situation to him, "A screen would've opened in front of you. This is a system that every race had except for humans. As you have turned into a vampire, you naturally got this system."

Griffin looked at the blonde hair woman and asked, "What is your name?"

"Oh?" She exclaimed and then continued, "My name is Voilet Ignis."

"My name is Griffin Galaxy." Griffin also introduced himself.

"So, what is this about?" Griffin asked.

"Come with us and then, you will know everything you want to know." She spoke with a mysterious smile.

"Anna, please."

Anna nodded and made a gesture with her hand and spoke, "Portal."

A portal appeared out of nowhere. Griffin looked a bit shocked.

All three of them entered the portal.