
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · 映画
112 Chs

106 A Unique Physique



"Must we really stand under this cold weather father? These guest are nothing more than nobles from places afar, couldn't we get other people to do this welcoming thing?" a young blonde boy around 6 years of age pouted as he asked while stood with his family near the River Gates shivering under the winter day as snow gently falls over the land.


"Yes…" a tall stalwart man with golden said as he looked at the one who spoke and recognized him from his clothes. "…yes, we must Jaime. We are welcoming the Queen Dowager herself, one who had eluded many on where she had been but she is not the one we are here for as someone else is with her majesty that I had been rather curious to meet. And I am not only the only one curious as it seems."


The man said this as he looked at the parapets on the walls where a young teen with silver white hair and purple eyes accompanied by young squires of his age stood watch waiting for his supposed grandmother who had gone to live in solitude for the past 10 years.


The King was already waiting for the Queen Dowager on the Red Keep with the other members of court.


Soon carriages arrived led by their household knights carrying their banners, the man greeted them with proper courtesy as he had planned this event that is celebrating the 10th year of King Aerys II Targaryen reign.


Yet even then his old friend looked at him with distrust, the man with the stoic face kept calm even from the various jest sent towards him by the other fools in court that only know how to flatter and jape at his expense.


Soon a rather magnificent carriage arrived with the sigil of the House Targaryen making the man, Tywin Lannister the Hand of the King regain a steely focus as he saw the rather small escort of the carriage.


Yet from his years of leading he had earned an eye for exceptional men and these guards of her Majesty were of high caliber when it comes to soldiers.


Even the knight that rode the pale white horse wearing dark armor seemed to be intimidating as well. The carriage pulled by four muscular drays that seemed to have all not been gelded as they showed a prideful aura as they galloped into the River Gates.


The carriage as well seemed of great quality as it did not rattle much like the ones used by the earlier nobles and it looked like a small house on wheels from afar.


It was then made apparent that the knights guarding the carriage were veterans of the field as well as crippled people yet Tywin did not look down upon them.


He had ventured once in Braavos a few years ago and met these veterans guarding the businesses of the rumored Blood Lord.


He had gone there to settle the accounts of debt of the Crown to the Iron Bank using Lannister gold and on his stay there he saw an old knight with a wooden hand defeat three skillful Bravos who had insulted the manager of the Inn owned by the Blood Lord.


Much to his amazement the man did not even use his working hand as he toyed with the youthful Bravos like they were toddlers playing a game stumbling about.


The notable sigil of the Blood Lord, could be seen in their chest on their armor as they rode with pride even when they were all one legged knights.


Soon they came down their steeds like their other leg were not made of wood but their own natural legs.


The large carriage stopped in place as the doors opened letting the face of Paul grace the crowds in his unique eastern attire. Many ladies watching nearby gasped at his youthful face as he walked down the steps of the carriage.


Behind him a few rather old servants of the Queen appeared to help her as she wobbled her way towards the people that were tasked to greet her.


Shaera was convincing in her 'act' as an old woman as she was held a cane to walk as they finally went face to face to the current Hand of the King.


"I welcome Dowager Queen Shaera Targaryen, your presence in the capital has lightened the mood considerably when you had announced you are visiting Kingslanding." Tywin gave a slight smile as he gave proper curtsy towards the elder royal family member.


"Why thank you Lord Hand, I too am impressed by your performance in maintaining the realm peaceful with the King. But I know the young ones are cold so let us dispense the niceties and proceed to the Red Keep. I am tired from the journey, oh before I forget let me introduce Lord Paul III Esteban, one you know of as the Blood Lord." Shaera gave an act of an old person not caring much about proper decorum as she laughed and smiled at the scene.


"It is nice to meet you Lord Tywin, you reputation truly precedes you even in Essos. This must be your family, let us get inside the carriage as the weather seemed too cold for children to stay on for too long." Paul's aura was amiable as he greeted the Warden of the West.


"Your reputation do you no justice Blood Lord, from what the maesters say they talk about you like if you have horns and teeth marred with blood. I neither see both but I do see that you appear more than you seem to be." Tywin stared at Paul's face as his thoughts were about how young he looked but he also matched the descriptions sent towards Slaver's bay to know of his appearance.


"Oh don't sweat that Lord Tywin, I met Lord Paul almost ten years ago and he never aged a day since so don't bother thinking that he is too young because he never was. Gods this cold is unforgiving to this old self of mine, come dear let us sit inside where it is warm." Shaera acted like a nonchalant Grandmother as she went to drag Jaime as well as his twin Cersei with Joanna who was a bit stunned at the actions of the former Queen.


"Ah I remember you, you used to play with Rhaella when you were both little. My how you've grown so much since then, come tell me who these young ones are." Shaera's motherly instincts flared as she pinched the chubby faces of Cersei and Jaime as they both looked the same but just wore different clothes.


Paul and Tywin were left out of the carriage in the cold unsure as to what just happened, they both looked at each other and just nodded.


Paul turned and a saddled horse arrived brought by White Lizard while Tywin went and left the matter of greeting guest to a court noble with enough reputation as to not slight the guest that would arrive.


He too went and rode on a horse as they led the carriages behind them into Kingslanding, their group was high profile since the carriage had the sigil of the Targaryens on them.


Paul covered his face with a handkerchief with his right hand as his left held the reigns of the horse he rode. His elegant demeanor as well as skill in riding was noted by the knights following them as well as Tywin who scrutinized Paul.


Hearing he never aged a day made him think of some rumors before during King Aegon V Targaryen's last years. He was silent and thoughtful on the way not showing his thoughts to his face as he rode.


Behind them followed a few member of the Kingsguard following a silver haired teen riding on a gelding sand steed from Dorne.


Since there were carriages the group passed by Fishmonger's Square through the Muddy Way since they cannot take the Hook where the road was narrow and steep.


Paul's appearance made many smallfolk speculate on who was the one riding with Tywin, the hand of the King, which had brought them prosperity making them cheer on the way.


Paul just looked at this sight with passive eyes as he saw the popularity of the Hand compared to the royal family as they did not seem to care much of the carriage behind them.


On the way Paul found some old men hunching about dragging carts of materials towards the Guildhall of the Alchemists.


He saw them bringing Jars of rocks covered properly by dried reeds but since they were on a rather moderate trot he was able to see one small rock fall to the side and became wet from the snow.


He did not look that way but his sense picked up on how the rock reacted with water as it fizzled into non-existence.


Paul frowned as he saw that as he remembered a certain chemical reaction that seemed similar to what just happened.


This time he made it obvious as he rode side by side with Tywin as he looked at the old men who were carrying jars of these rocks with them.


"Alchemist and Pyromancers, Lord Paul, these leeches of the crown are the ones spending thousands of Gold dragons for simple rocks that makes fire with water. They say it is a core part of making wildfire, rocks made from burning bones and coal on a furnace." Tywin looked visibly disgusted at the alchemist wandering the city.


"I know, they seemed familiar then I remembered the people reported to me by my envoy before. The ones who thought wildfire would hatch a dragon, even after several failed attempts they still went on and on about that endeavor." Paul could not understand this part at all, he had heard many attempts of previous Kings in hatching dragons and always called for the help pyromancers or alchemist with wildfire.


"Doing the same thing again and again yet expecting different results, borderline insanity I must say. Quite different from the results you have recorded in your own experiments, at least they tell the truth while these charlatans only speak high praises with no substantial evidence to back them." Tywin's unconcealed contempt was not even hidden when it comes to these old men who whisper impossible things into the King's ears.


"Insanity Lord Tywin, is doing the same action over and over yet expecting different results. They however expect only one different result, even when all attempts showed an already concrete ending of doing the same action. It is more of denial at this state when all their attempts have proven as failures." Paul said as he thought that the rocks were mostly calcium carbide, which means acetylene might be the real component needed by these alchemists in making Wildfire.


Placing a pin on that as well as sending a message to the small puppet still situated atop the Red Keep to look into this matter.


Soon they arrived at the Great Square then took a right turn to the King's Road that would go straight towards the Red Keep, on the carriage the former Queen was having a lovely chat with the Lady of the Rock while the two twins were wandering curiously at the amenities available on the carriage.


"Mother we should get one carriage like this, ours were so uncomfortable and has no hanging fireplace to warm the insides." Cersei was on the bed atop the cabinets peeking out and said enthusiastically.


"This also has a small bath and a kitchen, ooh! A knife!" Jaime was opening drawers one by one until he was hit in the head with a small stick from Shaera.


"Don't play with that, you'll hurt yourself." Shaera said as she looked at the worried Joanna who was getting annoyed at the inquisitiveness of the twins.


"Please forgive them your majesty, it is rather a unique experience to be inside a carriage like this. No one had thought about making it look like a small house on wheels." Joanna Lannister was impressed as well as she thought this would be great during winter seasons to use in travels.


"I know, this is a personal carriage of the Blood Lord himself, he tends to travel from place to place and has a habit of cooking his own food himself." Shaera reached out to a drawer where a well detailed glass candy bowl was hidden.


"Here have some sweets. You can also browse these books on the side, this one is a personal favorite of mine, it is called the little mermaid." Shaera also took out a story book made by Paul while handing out sweets that made the twins behave as they rode calmly on the Muddy Way.


Even when the road was cleared, the way towards the Red Keep went for about 20 minutes in their leisure in consideration to the age of the Queen Dowager.


Tywin made some small talk on the way as he found Paul's cynical words about the members of court a refreshing wind for the stoic man of gold.


Paul did not shy showing the fact that he knew well kept secrets of some nobles that no one in public should know about making Tywin see that he has his own network of spies within the Seven Kingdoms.


But Paul did not speak much, just enough for Tywin to assume that he just has a working network of spies but no better than that of the crown's own spies led by the Master of Whisperers.


For now the Seven Kingdoms has an average mode of gathering information which is standard to the size of the influence of Westeros.


Still nothing much for now compared to the one that is going to be built by the future Master of Whisperers.


Paul wondered when that talented bald kid would be called to Kingslanding as he had been rather promising in his development in Pentos.


Yet he did not hinder the development of the pair as they might become assets he might be able to hire but only after he is sure the people in the task given are born.


That was why he did not point out how even young and not yet hitting puberty, the twins already had knowledge of affairs that adults should only know about.


The two had been experimenting, Rohanne had been rather angry hearing the actions of her Great Grandchildren but she did not make a move as she had heard that the incident has been handled by Joanna, the mother of the twins.


Paul thought about it, should he save her? He knew that the future Tyrion Lannister a small blob of flesh currently developing within her would cause her death and thus made the older sister hate the younger brother.


Yet as much as he wanted to, he felt that her death might be needed for the development of these family to ensure the future events that would lead to the wanted results of the tasks be achieved.


Still he thought it would be best to place an insurance since he had found Rohanne to be rather fond of this Grandchild of hers, though a bit cold to her late husband, she does care a bit on the situation of her descendants.


Especially when she left a year after she gave birth to her youngest, Jason Lannister who was the father of Joanna Lannister and uncle to Tywin.


She had somewhat watched over her life since she felt that Joanna should have the care she should have given to Jason who she had left to seek her dreams of growing old with the one she loved.


Duncan was rather supportive as well as he had been grinning ear to ear knowing he is going to be a father.


"Speaking of which Lord Hand, I think congratulations are in order." Paul smirked a bit as he looked at the rather confused Hand of the King, not knowing which matter he was being congratulated about.


"And for what is it am I being congratulated for Lord Paul?" Tywin stoic as ever asked as he looked at the tall young looking man who did not seem to be bothered about the cold.


"A child is a reason for celebration is it not? I guess I must give a gift to commemorate, here a blue jade necklace made from Yi Ti, this symbolizes good luck and a life of great health…" Paul pulled out a beautifully carved necklace which was carved with intricate details with that of a lion with a crown.


"…This would complement the eyes of your wife Lord Hand, as well as protect her from curses as well since I made it myself. It is fashioned to the Lion of the Night, a god worshipped as a protector and guardian that protects people from evil and darkness." Tywin took a moment to realize what Paul was talking about as he received the necklace while curiously looking at Paul.


"How would you know Lord Paul?" Tywin slowed down a bit to come to level with the carriage, he knocked the windows as he wanted to give the necklace to his wife.


"I am a healer Lord Tywin, as is mostly the reason I am here because her Majesty had wanted me to look into the health of Queen Rhaella." Paul did not need to hide this since Shaera had mentioned why she had invited him to Kingslanding on her letter.


"…" Tywin looked at Paul with calm eyes as the window opened making him greet Shaera while asking to have a talk with his wife.


Soon he saw a small smile on the side of Tywin as he gave the gift Paul had the baby that is to come, the twins were happy as well learning of their mother carrying their sibling.


Paul gave the gift to at least ensure Tyrion would be borne without a problem except for his fated debuff of being vertically challenged.


The Necklace had a ward on it that would block three life threatening blows towards the wearer. Paul had heard some distasteful information before how Aerys said that it was a pity the tradition of the First Night had been abolished during Tywin's wedding.


Even Betha as well as Shaera had been appalled hearing this when Aerys attended the wedding then saying these words. Also how he had taken some liberties in the bedding ceremony when he helped undress the bride on the way to the bedroom.


Paul thought these traditions were really pathetic, he would not have any of his women groped by other dudes at all. He would have cut off their hands if some idiot took liberties to his women.


He's just that possessive, he never knew when it started but maybe it was when he realized he was all that was left in his original home.


It made him not want to lose or have those he had taken from him, it was why he acted cautiously since the tasks arrived as he did not know what might happen to those he had grown to care for.


He might have spent years here more than when he did in the Marvel world but what was his is his and he does not like getting taken from by others.


Paul had promised it in himself, once he gets those that he lost he would find the gods that took them in the first place and give them a full powered 8th gate punch in the face.


Paul was taken out of his reverie as he felt intense stares from a few children on the crowd making him frown a bit yet he realized that even now the spider has a slew of little birds ensnared on his web singing tunes of rumors to him even here in the Capital.


He was impressed at the resourcefulness of the future Spy Master, Paul even thought of having the dude recruited to help Fury. If he could do this much on a medieval setting then what would he not achieve when given a highly advanced system of gathering information.


He trotted ahead as he looked nonchalant of the people whispering about him, some sellswords travelling were able to recognize him in the crowd since he did not hide much when he visits his shops in other cities.


Soon news of the rumored Blood Lord who brought nightmares to children was spread as many were curious about his looks.


Yet they were surprised seeing a man who would look like a prince born in Dorne with his raven colored eyes and ebony hair as well as his slightly bronze colored skin.


Many were shocked first then some made rumors about Paul using blood magic by sacrificing children to retain his youthful looks.


This made Paul pause as he looked over some sketchy people spreading these rumors, his sudden stop as well as looking over to certain people made those behind him curious as to what is the reason for his actions.


"Is there a problem Lord Paul? Were you slighted by anyone here?" Tywin asked as he rode forward after giving the necklace to Joanna.


"No, I was not slighted yet but it seems someone was as they now have fools going around spreading rumors of me using Blood Magic. Tche! I can accept most insults towards me but saying I use magic as low class like Blood Magic is by far quite a slanderous claim." Paul did not speak in a soft manner as he let those around him hear what he says as he glared at a few men trying to hide.


But they were not able to get far as White Lizard had appeared suddenly behind them, Paul knew they were paid by someone to spread these rumors as he read their memories as they were being cornered by the Great Warrior.


"I admit I do use magic but Blood Magic requires sacrifices using living beings, as much as my experiments tell of my bloody past never have I used blood magic once. So tell me who paid you to spread such fallacies about me?" Paul rode towards the three men as they paled seeing Paul go towards them.


"My Lord, you must have mistaken we did not speak of such ill words about you." The three kneeled immediately as they saw him acting like they were somewhat wrong fully accused, while Tywin just watched nearby.


"Really? You there what did this man tell you just now about me?" Paul then pointed to a commoner who was just told by one of the men about bad rumors of Paul.


"Speak up, no one is going to hurt you. You have my word and if you still do not feel safe then the Queen Dowager herself shall be my guarantor." Paul looked to the carriage where the windows were pulled back showing the face of Shaera.


Her white hair and purple eyes as well as the sigil on the carriage made people realize that there was royalty inside.


"I will vouch for Lord Paul, now speak and tell us what these men have told you just now. And if anyone recognize these men then tell us what their words were to you." Tywin saw that this was going to be a scene so he spoke forward to make things faster.


"H-he told me ate newborn babes from their cradles milord, saying it keeps you yo-young." The commoner having a good will towards the Hand of the King who gave them better lives in the Capital spoke having confidence the word of the Hand to be absolute.


"L-lord Hand, the younger man spoke to me earlier how the Blood Lord bathe in virgins blood he gathered from buying young slaves he bought from slaver's bay." A noblewoman spoke up this time on the crowd.


"Me too Lord Hand, I recognize the old man. He told me earlier in the morning how the Blood Lord would hold ritual using the lives of hundreds to use magic."



"Lord Tywin…"

"Lord Hand of the King…"

"My Lord Hand…"


Soon dozens realized something as they finally got a look of the three men cornered by the red eyed white knight that followed Paul.


The crowd's reaction made the three tense as they grew fearful by the second, soon one could not take it any longer as he pulled a knife from his sleeves and tried to stab White Lizard but his hands were hit by a strong slap from the tall hairless albino that the knife flew to the air.


It landed on the streets making the atmosphere silent at the sudden assault of the cornered man, Tywin had signaled his guards to surround these three but feeling they were busted they reached inside their tunics.


"Before you try to do anything stupid, let me remind you that I have extensive knowledge of the human body. So unless you die immediately which would be hard now in this situation…" Paul knew that his archers are ready to disarm the three men so he was calmly speaking at the moment.


"…meaning that either you tell us who had hired you to malign me with these tasteless rumors or…" Paul's face was first smiling then he became cold and blank in an instant. "…you go the hard way, you fight back try to run but eventually be caught and you would land in my hands. I have hundreds of ways to make you feel pain and never have the chance to lose consciousness during the process…"


"…I can peel of your skin while you watch awake feeling every senses of your body amplified to the extreme but would never be able to scream or whimper. I can keep you alive as I take a part of you piece by piece and if you die of shock then I can still bring you back to life in that instant…" the whole area was pin drop silent as Paul loomed over the pale faces of the three men as they realized their pay was not worth the trouble of spreading bad lies about this man in front of them.


"…and let me guarantee you, there will be no use of Magic or even the Blood Magic you say I practice needed. I am quite an accomplished healer after all, so tell me what will your choices be?" after he said that the three men started crying out like little children as they bawled out the names of the people who reached out to them.


Tywin on the back was frowning as a chill ran up his spine, he realized the names said were from nobles who had connections to some magisters in the free cities and others were Maesters as well fanatics of the Faith, septons who had declared Paul to be a spawn of the Devil.


He had heard some reports about these people recently about how their businesses had taken losses from products sold by Paul like perfumes and rare medicines.


It was due to some wanting to buy out many shops of Paul while planning to resell it to the Seven Kingdoms with a higher price but the shops somehow knew their tactics.


Thus the rule of limiting the amount of products each person could buy was given out and if others would try to resell the fragrant perfumes then they would be banned from the shops.


No one knew how but even if they sent servants to buy the products they would still be denied.


They didn't know each shop has a special puppet that was only used to memorize details of each person on each city.


They were also updated by being informed of other details of near cities by showing them drawn photos of each person sent via the Golden Eagle express.


Since Paul had been able to make a pouch that the eagles can carry with a maximum of 1mx1mx1m in volume.


Small but could send lots of mail and products to a secret aviary for the eagles near the cities.


Paul already knew who these men are and knew the ploys of the various people whose interest has been damaged by his businesses.


He just wanted to have a public show of his cruelty so some people thinking about idiotic plots should think twice in messing with him.


Soon the three men were captured by some guards and brought away to me imprisoned so Tywin can interrogate them himself in the Red Keep.


They continued on as they were now passing through the gates of the Red Keep, the snow around has been cleared by servants as they rode into the outer courtyard of the Keep.


Paul looked around not showing any reaction whatsoever as he got down his horse to help Shaera get down from the carriage as they ready to get inside the Throne Room.


The young prince had arrived first since he rode in a different street to get to the Red Keep.


"It seems you have seen better places Lord Paul?" Tywin noted the lack of expression held by Paul as he too got down his horse.


"In Yi Ti and Leng they have palaces ten times larger than the Red Keep and those are not yet own by their Royalty. If your sailors and people were not isolated every time they visit then you might have learned a lot from their civilization. Too bad they are too embroiled with their own petty wars that they still mistrust outsiders too much." Paul casually commented making Tywin look at him as the man thought how Paul would know much of Yi Ti.


"If you are a skilled healer then you are welcomed everywhere Lord Tywin, especially when you can save those that have Illness thought to have no cure. Though some tend to be hard to unravel, even I have not yet found painless solution to greyscale, those people tend to feel pain a hundred times more in their infected areas." Paul dazedly mused while Tywin paused as well as the knights besides him.


"You cured Greyscale?" Tywin said as his eyes sharpened and his mind ran miles a second as he thought about the implications to this.


"He did but quite brutal I must say, the patient screamed for hours during the procedure that I could even hear his voice a league away." Shaera commented as she remembered when Paul created the Laboratory area where many of his experiments are being done.


Joanna and her children were dismissed by Tywin as he had decided to not bring Joanna in front of the King again after his question of asking if her teats were ruined after nursing the twins.


Much of Tywin's friendly feelings towards his childhood friend had vanished at that moment, yet he persist as he felt this was the result of those conniving nobles that whisper rumors within the ears of the King.


Tywin went forward as he led them into the Throne Room where the Royal Court awaited, Shaera's arrival at least needed someone of his importance to announce.


"Her Majesty, the Queen Dowager Shaera Targaryen, wife of late King Jaehaerys and mother of King Aerys II Targaryen second of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." Tywin went on with the formalities as many nobles of various houses from different parts of Westeros are present.


"Welcome mother, it has been great knowing of your visit." King Aerys said as he stood up from the Iron Throne as the nobles gave curtsy to the Queen Dowager.


"Oh I am nothing more than an old crone nearing her end, as most of you know I come with a guest. This is Lord Paul one you know of as the infamous Blood Lord and the merchant of the seas as many also like to call him." Shaera held her embarrassment on the way she walked but no one questioned her weak legs as she looked at the various Lords and Ladies present looking towards Paul the most noticeable one of the arrivals.


"But he is here today on my invitation as a Healer, which not so many had focused on but I assure you that his skills are genuine. Now Aerys lead me to Rhaella and my Grandson, it has been years since I last saw that fat baby boy of yours." Shaera knew she has rarely any influence in court so she did not care much about the other nobles present.


After her introduction, Paul gave a standard noble curtsy towards the King as he calmly stood behind the Queen Dowager.


"As you wish mother." Aerys might be a King right now but he still has an inherent gentle side to his parents, Shaera's gentle voice towards him calmed him down a bit as he forgot the most matters of the Court.


He led his mother to the side where Rhaella was looking a bit sallow from the recent premature birth of her baby.


Seeing her weak countenance made the Queen feel sorrow at the condition of her daughter, but just as she was about to ask for Paul to help her, someone went forward as he questioned Paul's presence within the Court.


"Y-your Majesty, this is an affront to the skills of the Maesters. If the Blood Lord is here as a healer then it is a question to the skills taught to us by the Citadel. An insult to the very core to every Maester within the Seven Kingdoms!" an old hunched man said in a slight stutter you would hear from old men.


It was a Maester that accompanied his liege lord, a noble from the Reach. Right now most of the reach are rather hostile to Paul when he somehow traded many ship loads of food to the north in Braavos with a cheaper price than theirs.


Though it did not affect much of their sales, it still left a bad taste in the various Lords that hoped to have fleeced the northmen of their money by selling their food at a much higher price than average, yet Paul's involvement forced many to not over price their wares for the northmen.


Well Paul did not lower the price that much, he still sold it twice the normal rate but the others always sell to northerners at least thrice or more than normal.


"Well if so then Maester, please tell me the reason as to why your Queen has suffered multiple miscarriages then? And please don't speak of that stupid reason that my daughter is with child of bastards because if you do not have a probable reason after all these years then you better close that old mouth of yours before I'll have my guard cut it off." Shaera was the one who snapped back as she had some ideas of what was happening in the Capital courtesy to Paul's network of spies.


"Though Rhaella was married forcefully by my husband her father the Late King Jaehaerys, we have raised her to uphold her duty so no one in this court is in any position to question the fidelity of my daughter." Shaera gave glare to those present as she felt disgust upon these nobles in court who only wanted benefits without working for it from Aerys.


"I-eh-uhmm…" the Maester was tongue tied as he never thought it would be the Queen dowager who would reply with such fierce emotion.


Paul was just there watching the Maester act like a monkey in the middle of the Courtroom, King Aerys frowned as he had indeed been hearing whispers from nobles that the Queen is carrying bastards.


Yet when he was betrothed to his sister by their father, he remembered Rhaella being given extensive lectures by the Late King on bringing the one who was promised spoken in the prophecy that would be born in their line.


He also felt the stares of his mother when she mentioned the fidelity of his sister-wife, making him sober up a bit from the bustle of court as he subconsciously looked at his son who was watching from the sides.


"Since you all have nothing to say then stay silent, now Rhaella let's go to Meagor's Holdfast. We'll be on our way Aerys, I know you are quite busy as of late in preparation for your tenth year as King." Shaera gave a gentle smile to Aerys who was feeling some lost warmth within him as the cold walls of the throne room seemed to be not so dreary anymore.


"Be careful mother, the cold might be too hard on you. You can bring your carriage to the Holdfast, I am sure the Blood Lord would ensure your health and safety." Though unsure as to how his mother had invited the infamous Merchant of the Free Cities, he was at least glad that someone of his skills would watch over the health of his Queen.


Paul did not give attention to the noisy members of the court while some watchful eyes from other nobles including Tywin as well as a black haired man who's aura speaks 'North!!' in one look was also impressed at the composure held by Paul.


A rather mature lady in her early 40s was also watching with interest as she accompanied her Husband the Warden of the Reach.


But she also noted the walk of the Queen Dowager as she felt it was rather odd since she too are of the same age as the woman yet their gait seems to be rather different, the Dowager's gait seemingly looks familiar to her but she could not point it out yet.


Though Paul's presence alone screamed for attention, most somehow disregarded his presence as he actively masked his body to make people lose interest on him as soon as he leaves their vision.


Tywin did not follow because as the Hand his presence in announcing the tourney that is to be scheduled a week later since most nobles that are from afar have already arrived in the capital.


While the mother and daughter on the other hand was having a reunion, Paul was thinking how stinky would Kingslanding be in the summer when even in this snow covered city the smell of shit and piss still seems apparent.


The group then followed a rider leading them to the stables on another Courtyard near the barracks of the gold cloaks.


They then went towards the winding stairs towards the Lower Bailey where they can access Maegor's Holdfast through a drawbridge passing above a dry moat where there are dozens of spears underneath to deter intruders.


The matters of the court does not interest Paul one bit as he had focused on the findings he had after he had discreetly scanned Rhaella.


He found her situation to be rather confusing as she was showing signs of severe depression as well as some signs of environmental influence at her health's deterioration.


He knew her fate would be a harsh one but with his retainers working hard in building his influence he knew he had to at least help them in matters like these.


As they arrived Paul did not immediately check on the Queen as he looked around her area as well as the places she has been frequent on.


He asked questions as to what her daily schedule was and what were the things she ate as well as what she drank.


He asked some questions about her servants as well including what the uses of some items in her room from her understanding.


A few handmaidens as well as servants were present as well feeling a bit confused as to why Paul was asking the daily life of the Queen rather than checking up on her as the patient.


It took a while but Paul finally quieted down as he became thoughtful as he stood in front of the gardens musing about the arrangements as well as the particular scent he is smelling is from an incense said to be sold from the Summer Isles which was not false as Paul knew the products available in the places he trades.


His senses were on a sensitive alert as he felt the things were adding up to something of a chance in the situation but his instincts tells him there is more to the situation at hand.


He looked around the room, then paced in many places as his mind conducted a simulation of various actions that might happen during the time Rhaella was present in the room.


He then went back again to heck on the Queen as he seemed to have realized something, he totally could not figure out what is wrong with her.


She was totally fine in every other aspect except for being anemic due to her lack of sleep and stress in the years of miscarriages.


It wasn't until he used magic to finally inspect the Queen he found something interesting, she was subconsciously absorbing the Mana within the air in a slow rate.


This made him think about a knowledge he has that he had sidelined in his mind as he saw this.


Pulling out a book out of thin air made the present people except those that knew Paul gasped as they were shocked seeing a tome as large as a table appear in his hands.


Paul did not mind them as he skimmed the book not caring about the eyes that stared since they would not be able to read it since it was in an ancient chinese dialect, but what was written on the cover was 'Natural and Artificial Physiques, a guide in identifying the best disciple for you.'


Paul had rarely seen a situation where he found someone with a rare physique after returning from the cultivation world.


He had seen gained physiques that are unique like Banner's, Rita and oddly Steve Rogers. There were other simple physiques that only focused on a certain talent on an individual like Agent Barton who has better eyesight than many.


Yet Paul had seen similar physiques on many in the cultivation world, also such simple physiques can be also acquired through certain cultivation manuals.


Yet right now he found a rare and simply elusive physique here, his mind was in overdrive as he found the page and realized the similarities on Rhaella's condition as well as what was written.


Cauldron of the Gifted, a rather harsh term since most women with this body were used as breeding mares to give talented heirs that were going to be better than their fathers.


Such women were once found by Paul sold in secret slave trades since many heads of ancient families wanted to have gifted heirs born in their family.


Once was reported to have this physique it would become a bloodbath as many ancestors of hidden clans would even come out of hiding to capture the woman.


Yet being born here where magic or qi is rather scarce would mean a hard development for the child, which would lead to premature births and Miscarriages.


Coupled with the dreary atmosphere of the capital, the mana or any energy Rhaella would absorb would be tainted and only with the help of beings able to purify the air around her would give her a chance to have a successful birth.


After reading for a bit Paul threw the book away as it was sent to the storage ring midair making it disappear into thin air like magic in the eyes of the hand maidens.


Paul closed his eyes as his psionic powers focused on Prince Rhaegar who is currently in the library reading up on poems and snippets from many tales he fancied.


Paul used the cultivator's way of scanning the Prince who suddenly felt chills all over his body as he felt like he was being watched by a dangerous predator.


It was an invasive way of scanning but it would make it highly likely for Paul to find something, for which he did as he found simple physiques on the prince that gifted him with a great talent for music as well as higher than average skill in learning other skills.


He was a Jack-of-all-trades if he puts his mind into it, he might not be the best dancer but he can be great if he puts time into practicing, he can also be a talented swordsman above many but might not become the best.


Paul lamented, how little the gifts earned by the prince because his father was so talentless. Compared to the cultivators, his talent would only be mediocre there yet here in a world of mortals he would be outstanding only if he places interest in such matters.


Yet Paul could see that he was only interested in music and not even focusing on becoming a worthy Prince.


Paul stopped his probing as he felt the prince was sweating hard in fear as his own friends besides him were alerted at the jumpy Rhaegar.


"*Sigh*, truly a pity." Paul felt that the reason the ritual with King Aegon in trying to revive dragons have failed might have been for Rhaella present who might have siphoned the magic being used to nurture Rhaegar who was in her womb.


Paul then had thought that she still has a few weeks left but suddenly she gave birth at that moment making him think that Rhaegar was always fated to be born during the tragedy of Summer Hall.


Only other instance she can gather enough magic to give birth it by a assistance from a natural disaster as they produce large amounts of chaotic Mana or Divine intervention as she is given grace by powerful beings.


Now that Paul thinks about it, Viserys was born after King Aerys straightened his ways and became focused only to Rhaella while asking for forgiveness from the gods after he confessed to the Septon of his unfaithfulness.


Small details he got from listening to old nerds argue on their podcast including his dad paid off. He just wished he listened more when he was with his uncles.


"Why is it a pity Lord Paul?" Shaera frowned as she heard Paul's deep and worried sigh.


"I can only say this with only the Queen alone as she must be the only one that should know of this." Paul's serious tone and words made those present feel the seriousness of the situation.


Paul did not wait for them as he drew his hands in the air as runes shone making those watching awed at the sight, he waved his hands making Queen Rhaella float towards him making her gasp in shock.


Soon a barrier was formed with Paul and Rhaella inside as he looked solemnly upon her, the people present were shocked when they cannot hear a word they were saying but they can see the expressions made as Rhaella seemed to have received a matter of great revelation.


Paul pulled out some items on the meantime after he explained something to the Queen, he created a contract right there and then as people watched the magical sight of floating runes surrounding the Queen and the mysterious guest.


Then they saw how the Queen seemed to have agreed on something as she went to sign on the contract which burst into flames making the women present shout in surprise at the fire which became a thin line going into the Queen's head as it disappeared like smoke.


Paul then dispelled the barrier as some guards of the Queen were getting anxious since some maids called on them earlier thinking Paul was doing a ritual on the Queen.


"Your Majesty Shaera, I believe my presence here is no longer needed as I have explained to the Queen what she must do to ensure she stays healthy." Paul then waved his hands as a decorated box appeared on his hands.


He placed it on a table nearby then wrote on a paper the schedule as to when she should take the medicine inside. They were mostly supplements created by Paul for the Great Warriors who gets too overworked from exercise.


Paul took out some that were not needed as he only left the parts that would just help in maintaining a balanced body metabolism.


He also placed a few vials which were vaccines he developed, he then gave four which could be taken together while the others were for the few days later.


Shaera was a bit confused as she had thought that they might find something wrong with her daughter but this was very different from what she expected Paul to act after examining Rhaella.


When she saw his serious eyes as well as how he even made a contract with her daughter for something she does not know off means things are rather serious, but Paul mostly just had Rhaella sign a NDA contract so she won't talk to anybody else of her physique.

(A/N: So I did say this was an AU so somethings would be changed so don't think some of these details I added are cannon or anything, just had to think of how to fit some things in the story of GOT in far reaching theories I made up in my mind.

Some speculations though from some podcast or content creators saying that certain characters were still alive like Brynden Rivers who became the Three Eyed Raven while some theorized that Quaithe was Shiera Seastar were great theories but I would be making a different twist in this Fic.

You don't need to guess because I will most likely pull out a scene that would even confuse me, I mostly write when my head feels empty or full of random shittz so the direction of this story is not something I can even guess.

Confusing but it has been noticed by me that my creativeness is rather hard to pull out of myself so I become an airhead from time to time due to my choice or by accident. Even writing this note is really just from the top of my head as the GOT arc is making me binge read a lot of stuff from books to wikis.

Still this take on why Rhaella's miscarriages is just a very random thing I pulled out my ass but hey this fic was written after broken hopes and drunken dreams so what the hell...)