

Alexander a young assassin gets summoned into another galaxy. A Galaxy full of cultivators, a Galaxy full of mysteries, demons and mythical beasts. A Galaxy with bloodlines that contains Unimaginable powers. Alex was bestowed special bloodlines by his summoners. But he didn't want it, he felt that his only purpose in life was to destroy those that caused him grief, pain and suffering. Now that he had been summoned to a new Galaxy with no way back, He felt depressed and dejected. With new powers and a new Galaxy, Alex decided that his new purpose in life is to find a purpose in life.. It doesn’t stop there, Alex soon find’s out after being summoned to this new world, that there were voices in his head, voices that claimed to be his alter egos… but, are they what they claim to be, or something else? Read as he gets stronger, fights through his enemies and tribulations and finds out what this Galaxy could offer him. Golden tickets and Gifts for this wandering author would please and encourage him. Give as you please. Thank you!!

the_fallen · ファンタジー
642 Chs


"Not only that, we would provide you with pills and energy crystals necessary for your development. All we want in return is that you win a lot of face for us." The principal added.

"I will try my best to fulfill your wishes, Sir. I mean grandpa." He stood up and gave a bow.

The principal chuckled at his response. "Thank you Camron, you can now head over to the arena for orientation, there should still be enough time before it starts." The principal faced the window and had his back facing Camron.

"Yes Sir, I mean yes grandpa." He facepalmed himself because he had made the same mistakes several times now. He turned and left the office without turning back. Camron knew the direction to the arena, he had kept it in mind since the moment the person in the robe that guided him over told Alex to head north. He quickly sped through the forest…


Alex had arrived at the arena a while ago, at the entrance he saw a lot of people hanging around in two's or three's and some in groups. They looked like they were waiting for their turns to get into the arena. He looked at the long line of people at the entrances and shook his head.

"I don't think there were this many people yesterday, during the tests. Isn't this for new students only?" He whispered under his breath. Alex went ahead and joined a line, not long after he got irritated by the girls that were behind him and fawning over him. They were saying perverted things about him and were openly checking his butt out. He decided to leave the line that he was in.

"Why are they so driven by their hormones? I felt like they were female versions of Al. every offense intended."

['Keke, none taken.'] Al responded.

Alex snickered and turned his attention to the other lines. Of course, he didn't have to wait long before he would be able to enter the arena, Alex was just too impatient and uncomfortable being in the midst of such a crowded place with many unknown people. The paranoia of being an assassin, he wasn't one with a lot of tolerance.

Out of habit he erased his presence and made his way to the front of a line and then entered without anyone noticing. "It's a good thing I have this skill." He chuckled then proceeded to find a seat for himself. While he was trying to decide where to sit he paused and took in the appearance of the arena.

It looked like that of a colosseum, very wide and big colosseum. "This looks like that of the Roman Empire's colosseum." He looked around some more. "This place looks like it can contain at least one hundred and fifty thousand people."

There was a very huge ring at the center of the arena and several small rings of the same design surrounding the huge ring. And they were all numbered.

He brought his attention back to finding a place to sit, he finally decided on a seat that was at the front, just in front of the railings separating the audience from the rings. Alex sat down and crossed his legs. This action was also one of Alex's habits.

He had been sitting there for while with his eyes closed and his presence still erased. He heard some girls giggling as they came closer to his position, nonetheless, he wasn't fazed by that because there were quite a number of empty chairs around him. Suddenly he felt the warmth and softness of a person buttocks on his laps.


He blurted out and opened his eyes. He saw the back of a girl as she was seated on his laps.


The girl that sat on Alex's lap got up and screamed as soon she noticed the oddity in the place that she chose to sit. She placed her hands on her skirt to hold it down and avoid flashing her underwear at anyone.

The girl has a brown uniform on, short black hair, and a heart-shaped face. She has a petite figure and a girly aura about her.

"You pervert!!" she quickly accused Alex.

Alex frowned. "Me? The pervert?" He laughed at her accusation. "How am I the pervert when I have been sitting here the whole time?" He questioned.

"Liar, there was no one on this chair when we were on our way here." She retorted firmly.

['Your presence is still erased Alex. They couldn't notice you.'] Xander pointed out.

['Oh, but that still doesn't make me guilty. I have been here for a while, it's not my fault that they are blind and not very conscious of their environment.'] He stood his ground and ceased to hide his presence.

['Like any normal person will erase their presence in broad daylight and then sit to spectate. Forgive them for not being as weird as you are, rabbit.'] Al mocked.

"I have no reason to lie, I have been seated here for a while. While you and your friends were brainlessly giggling and being oblivious to your surroundings, I have been seated here."

Now it wasn't the perverseness of Alex that irked the girl and her friends but his disrespect and insults. They were all in brown uniforms and he, in an orange-colored uniform. He simply didn't show any respect or fear towards them and that started eating at their pride.

"Brainless?!" She shouted, attracting the attention of others in the distance. "If you don't want your pretty face to get reorganized then I suggest that you get down on your knees and apologize." The girl said angrily.

"Hahaha!!" Alex laughed. "If your IQ wasn't as low as that of a cricket then I might have done that. Might though, you know, cause it's you. Even if you do manage to increase your IQ, you in person will have no difference from a cricket to me." He rudely said as he folded his arms and eyed from her head to her toes.

Alex snickered. "I would rather go skinny-dip in lava." He finished.

The breathing of the girl had changed now, she was very furious at Alex. His insults hit her sore spots. "Fine, you want some heat, I'll give you some heat." She raised her right arm and a fireball appeared over her palm.

['A fire user?']

He raised an eyebrow and smirked at her foolishness. Although she was a nascent realm cultivator, Alex was confident that she wasn't above the limits of his rank skip. Even if she was he still wouldn't be fazed by the flames she released.

The flames from a match stick couldn't do anything significant to that of an inferno but get devoured.

Only if the flames she produced had the aura and specialty of a martial skill or was that of a golden crow or Phoenix; that is seven realms above him.

And not just any tier of martial skills but a high tier fire-type martial skill. Only then would he be worried about the damage her flames would have been able to cause to him.

He sat down where he was without flinching. The girl threw the fireball at him and didn't stop there, she made it rain fireballs, on him.

-Boom!! Boom!!

The heat of her flames made those that were close by sweat. A lot of the people here thought that Alex would be in critical condition after being hit by a rain of fireball like that. After all, he is an origin realm cultivator…

"I like his courage. Despite being in the wrong and being a weaker cultivator, he didn't cower in the presence of oppression and death. Your feats will be remembered." someone amongst the audience said. Many people agreed with what the person had said. They were all waiting for the smoke to clear out so they could discern Alex's condition.

While they were waiting they couldn't hear any sort of scream or cry of discomfort. "Oh my, did she kill him?" A guy from amongst the spectators blurted out. The girl that attacked Alex got scared after she heard the person say.

'I might have overdone it.' She thought.

"Is that all you are capable of?" They heard Alex's voice from within the smoke, the disappointment in his tone could also be heard.

The agitation the girl had been feeling disappeared and more rage poured into her heart. "You bastard and I felt pity for you…"

"A bastard I am." Alex interrupted her rant. "But a pushover, I am not." The smoke started to clear out and the burn marks on the floor and chairs next to Alex started to fix on their own. A few seconds later it returned to its previous appearance like nothing happened to it.

['This is surely the work of runes. I need to learn how to inscribe as early as I can.'] Alex thought.

He returned his focus to his accuser and raised the index finger of his right hand to the level of his nose.

"You are not the only one that knows how to use fire."

A wicked grin surfaced on his face as he created a flame the size of a leaf. The heat from the flames he created, surpassed that of the girl by several degrees.

She and her friends instinctively stepped back as they felt the heat.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

the_fallencreators' thoughts