
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs

To A Place Where My Hope Died

/Frank POV/



(And now, what the hell are you going to do huh? You went and made us scared that you're going to kill us, and now you say that you're about to leave? What exactly is it that you wanna do to us you freak?!) Rias asked as I was actually surprised that she actually said that stuff as I laughed.

(That right there, that's done ballsiness that I ever only see from the strongest of wills, or the most annoying of enemies. Gremory, you are a fucking hindrance, but you're also a fucking funny one at that.) I said to her as it was a bit of a hit to my timeliness since I needed to find a good spot for the X5 fleet to go mad pick me up in. I know I know, that's a bit of a fucking stretch, but then again, I can't care for the life of me.

(But Gremory, you can't do shit to come remember? You don't have most of your little "peerage" since they're all wondering as to whether or not you actually give two shits about any of them. Isn't that a bit hmmmmm saddening?) I smiled at her as I walked out of there. Alright then, we killed a lot of people today, and yesterday, now, who would be next in this extensive list of dead people?

I know! Kokabiel. He's a little shit that wanted more war, and that, I will absolutely break his fucking kneecaps for. Only I get to decide as to whether or not somebody goes to war against somebody else! That's a fucking fact is what that is! Now then, he could still be hiding like a little mouse since I'm here, but I could give him a good reason to try and get out of his little hidey hole.

Now that would be the proverbial bait to get that little shit out of there? Hmmmmmmm, wait a minute, I could make a fake "shard" of Excalibur and then have that little bastard go on a wild goose chase. That could work for what I want. So, let's just get ourselves a fucking fallen angel shall we?



/3rd POV/



Frank had found a good replica of a "holy sword" and placed it on a pedestal with many many many signs that say that this sword is a holy sword, and if you're a fallen, good luck to try and get it. His sense of humor has been beaten, battered, and sodomized to the point of nigh-nonexistence. And don't worry, Kokabit wasn't stupid enough to fall for a trap like this. But when he was this needy for a war, he was willing to take it to the extreme.

The fallen angel knew that he was in a perfect place for a war to occur and he was goin to be the one that was going to make it happen. There was no questioning it, he was a visionary, and his vision saw the proper end of the war, with all the traitors and enemies dead beneath his feet.

Or so he thought. {Why didn't that stupid kid do anything about the trap?! I told them to swap the sword out and buy me enough time to escape with it!} he thought as he ran and ran further and further away from the area to try and not get killed by the man that slaughtered his father, despite he himself wanting to have done the deed himself.

{FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.} his thoughts betrayed him as he saw a sliver of green, angry and murderous right behind him. (Slayer! Why are you chasing me?! Am I not a man that wishes for peace?) Kokabiel shouted as a shotgun round flew right past his head and blew a very very sizable hole in a tree trunk in front of him. He shivered at the sight as the hunter was still keeping up with him. The fallen knew that the man was more than capable of catching up to him in less than a split second.

And the news about the Slayer being more of a "inheritor" to a legacy was more than enough to dissuade any thoughts of trying to fight him. Kokabiel didn't know what the Green Slaughterer was now capable of, but he was sure that teleportation was more than a tool in his arsenal. And when he was right in front of a river, he turned around and saw that the Unchained Predator had a very very very unorthodox weapon that made him shiver.

It was a metal dildo that was spinning red hot with spikes on it. I think you and I both know my dear readers, we need to pray for this poor poor soul that's about to get horribly horribly fucked, in the literal and figurative sense. (Your bounty's a fuck ton Kokabiel, I'll say that much. But I have uses for a fallen angle aside from just a couple zeroes worth of cash no no no. You gonna be a very useful tool to me when I get a call from some of my "friends".) the Slayer said as the fallen angel was between a river and a very very painful way to die. Or so he thought.

(Oh, what's this? Mhm, yeah you can come on over now commander, you're in the clear. Nah, the governments of this world are more than going to welcome us, we got shotgun diplomacy after all. We have the bigger gun.) he heard the Slayer's words as he realized that he had comrades that were about to take him. (You'll never take me ali-) and as the fallen governer was about to off himself, the Slayer dashed in front of him and headbutted Kokabiel.

And Frank saw a very very welcoming sight, he saw hundreds of ships all appear right in the Earth's atmosphere as he smiled. The world was going to get a very very big shock about the fact that he was calling in the big guns. {Great, now I gotta drag this little shit back again.} he thought as he groaned and pulled the fallen governor by the legs, not giving a single care for the dozens of dead bodies of other fallen angels that were littered about.

He knew of the fact that they might not have actually been bad people, but he didn't really care anyways. They tried to kill him, so he killed him first. Painfully, yet quickly. There wasn't anything else that was needed to be said about this.



/Frank POV/



(Commander, welcome to the party! You're a little late, the punch is almost gone!) I said in the telecommunications device that I slapped onto my helmet. God this gear is so fucking good, like, this thing is the literal shit at it's comfort. Killing in comfort, now that's a fucking slogan that I could get behind. (Sorry about that sir Omega, we got some issues onboard about some sort of creature. We just sent out a couple of the nanobots to make sure that we can get rid of it.) he said as I was confused.

(Commander, a couple nanobots, or a couple jarfuls?) I asked him as the commander cleared their throat and said (Ah sorry about that sir, it was a couple bucketfuls I suppose?) as they then showed up to my location and shot down a dropship for me to get on and take everyone. Or that was what I originally thought, until there were more than enough Kriegers onboard to kill the entirety of Grigori.

(. . . . Commander why is this dropship filled to the brim with Kriegers?) I asked as they all huddled out of the ship and scouted outside, making sure that there wasn't anything that was going to be able to harm me. (Well sir, we overheard that you may be bringing multiple samples of beings for the fantasy world that you're cooking up. I supposed that you would have needed a squad to get them all out of wherever you locked them up.) the commander replied as I looked at the gasmask wearing goofballs as they were about to pull out the shovels.

{Fine, we can work with this.} I thought as I massaged my temples as I called them up. (Alright Kriegers, we have a couple targets to pick up, don't be scared and follow me. This world is otherwise known as Earth, or Terra to some more odd folk. Don't recall why they called it that way, but let's not be too lax when we're here. There's a supernatural side to this world, and I'm only amicable with one group.) I told them as they were shaking in their boots.

(Is that a shake of fear, or a shake of-) and right as I was about to ask one of them prematurely fired off a shot as they were heaving. (. . . . I'll assume that it's the latter then. Let's move out.) I said as I could feel the issues that could come up with these guys getting out of the fucking place and becoming the biggest pain in my backside. Who knows? They're Kriegers after all. And so we walked all the way back to the school as I was about to open the shed, when I got called by a very very familiar voice.

(Ah Slayer! Fancy seeing you here!) I heard as I took a deep breath as I couldn't have met a worse person today. (Odin, I'm surprised that you haven't been fucking disallowed from school grounds yet. I half anticipated you to try and grope a teen in this school, male or female.) I turned around as I saw that Rossweisse was still silent while we talked.

(So have you actually fixed up your issue with your technical slavery with your Valkyrie? Or is it all just you forgetting everything when you saw a pair of old lady tits?) I leaned on the doorway as he laughed at my words. (Ah don't worry about me Slayer, I can pay my subordinates well enough, but I'd like to ask about those odd folks that have such strange weapons within their hands. Where do they come from?) he asked me as he was getting closer and closer.

So I pulled out the Glock and aimed it right at his nuts. (Take a step further and you won't be having any more children you one eyed little fuck. They're Kriegers, they're a troop of a legion that I cooked up. They're not immortal, but there's a damn good reason as to why the hell they're named that way.) I have him an answer as he hummed in either delight or understanding, or maybe it's a completely different emotion with this geriatric, who fucking knows?

(Hahahahaha! What a wonderous land you've brought me to Father! It truly is a very-) I heard another voice as I could feel the mental fatigue and DVT hitting harder than ever. (Why did you bring your son here?) I asked him as Odin laughed as I pistol whipped that old shit. (I SAID WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BRING THE ONE KID THAT'S MORE THAN CAPABLE OF LEVELLING THIS ENTIRE TOWN TO THE GROUND WHEN THEY GET DRUNK?!) I shouted at the Allfather as I could feel two people behind me. (Thor.) I said as it was also Rossweisse that were aiming their weapons at me.

(Ah, my son, may I introduce you to the man that enforced peace on all of the other Biblical Factions. The Doom Slayer himself.) the old man said as I groaned and pulled him off of the ground. (Again, why him? I get that he's your strongest, but he's also your biggest loose cannon and more than retarded enough to molest children. AND WE'RE IN A FUCKING SCHOOL OF ALL PLACES!) I gave my utmost concerns to the pantheon leader of the Norse, but he patted me on the shoulder.

(Worry not Slayer, we come not to be your enemy, but more of an ally. We are here to offer an alliance!) Thor said as I looked at him like he was a dumbass, which wasn't incorrect. (Mhm, alright, what sort of bullshit did your father cook up hmm? Does he plan to give me a paper saying "I.O.U"? Does he wanna give me the Valkyrie he's technically been torturing for the last three days as a "bride"? Or does he want information about which of the Eldritch deities are here to try and fuck out world up, because first, I don't do IOU's, second, I have a girl that I love, and I'm not some dumbass to think I have the mental and emotional capacity to take care of multiple lovers. Thirdly, of course I know which one of those fucking gods is here, I'm one of them!) I said as Odin's eyes went wide as he pulled out Gungnir and pointed it at me, but I pulled out the fucking Crucible and was in a standoff with three members of the Norse pantheon, with two of them being relatively high levelled members of them.

(Okay, what else do you wanna know? That I know that your wife currently fucking hates you for how you fucked most of your children over for this dumbass. Odin, you're not THAT wise, you're fucking senile is all you are. And you need some genuine fucking help if you think that you'll beat another pantheon leader.) I said as his grip wavered at what I said. (Pantheon leader? Of those monsters?! Hah! Impossible!) Thor said as I blasted out all of my Eldritch Energy and showed the possibility. (There's your possibility you numbskull. Odin, I cannot begin to describe how retarded some of your methodologies have been. I'm a lucid dreamer, and yes, I am more than capable of waking up right now and ending this song and dance. But this shit's hilarious to me. It's fucking awesome is what this thing is.) I said as he hummed.

(And what now? Why are you here?) he asked as I turned off the Crucible and replied (As I said before,I'm not completely one thing. I'm fucking human is what I am, and I want some shit done before I might leave. So let me fill out my bucket list, bring some family and people I give a shit about, and let me be on my merry way to another reality.) I said as the god opened his mouth and-

2425 words. Yep, we're going for the more annoying, but less bloodshed path. It's a tad bit unsatisfying to me, but I'm here for what I could make out of this. Alright then, I suppose this note ends here. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts