
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

Along With My Crew

/3rd POV/



(And what now you fucking bearded shit? You're gonna say something about how I'm re biggest threat to the reality or some bullshit?) Frank said as he walked forward and put the Gungnir right up to his throat. Odin knew for a fact that the Slayer, or better yet, the Blind Idiot God was more than strong enough to kill him and his current retainers, so he sighed and put the spear away. (Tell me Sleep-) he was about to talk when Frank interrupted him with his own words.

(Just call me by my real name, it's not like my kids can do a single fucking thing about it.) he said to the Norse Leader as Odin sighed and restarted his little speech (Tell me . . . Azathoth, what do you seek? I do not believe for one single moment that you are this bored enough to willingly weaken yourself just to play along in this world. You see us as nothing more but a dream, after all.)

Frank was actually scratching his chin as he said (I don't know what I want at the moment, I literally stole Kokabiel and am about to use him in a breeding program with a completely different fallen angel. I have people I actually give a shit about, as surprising as that may be to you, leader of the Norse.) while kicking the still knocked out fallen angel, with Odin getting even more confused by the moment. (And just to make it clear, I don't use my fullest extent since that WILL shatter reality. That's what my annoying little numbskulls want, and I am not going to cave in, that's just too much leeway. I prefer authoritative, not authoritarian.) Frank said as the one eyed seer stood there for a moment as the Slayer sighed again.

(Listen I'd it makes you any better, I'll tell my kids to chill the fuck down alright? And I won't kill anymore pantheons, I pinky swear that shit, the Indians were the last ones.) he spoke as Odin froze up in place as he voiced out (YOU DID WHAT?!) as he was genuinely angry. (I killed a bunch of the members of the Indian Pantheon, I think I also killed Indra? I dunno, I just smacked a block and everything that wasn't Cthulhu died and disintegrated.) the Slayer said as Thor, who was actually listening to the conversation for once, said (Why would you kill them! They're some of the strongest gods out in the world?! That's such a shame!) as he had a saddened expression.

(Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you were a fucking battle junky. First off, A little birdie was telling me that one of their members went and made the failure of a group known as the "Hero Faction". You know how fucking stupid that sounds? They were ALSO mooching off of the Dragon of Infinity, so no real sweat off my nuts there bud.) Frank replied as Thor was extremely disgusted by how nonchalant the very creator of reality was being.

(And that's not all, the Hero Faction wants the humans to fight, against all of you. That's the, bruh, that's, that's just fucking stupid. Even if we have the Sacred Gears, you guys would have stolen them all the same. The Devils aim predominantly for nuns when they want Bishops, the angels are dumbasses that can't maintain their daddy's system that he specifically gave to us, and I'm here trying to be the fixer when in reality, I SHOULD be the guy who's supposed to destroy everything. The roles have all gone hunky Dory and I don't like that.) Frank said as he took a deep breath to calm down.

(I'm not looking for a fight. You guys are, you guys came here for a "vacation" with your retainer that's starving most of the time, and you anticipate ME to be the guy destroying reality? Dude, immediates first before you try and sniff my ass out. You have shit assurances in your Valkyrie system, get with the fucking times old man.) he said again as he then stepped back and looked at the trio.

(So can we call this a truce? I'll slack down from the heat on the angels and devils. Is that fine with you, or are you all going to be that of a fucking dumbass and fight me?) Frank spoke as Odin put down Gungnir and sighed. (Thank you, for fuck's sake, I swear most of the time the average braincell count in the goes fucking subten.) Frank bemoaned and grabbed the fallen angel.

(Well consider me a happy camper, I'll be out of this world's hair in about a couple days or so? I dunno, the starship fleet that just appeared is gonna be staying for a while, considering we need to charge up for the final jump.) Frank finished off as he looked at the Kriegers. (Come on lads, we got ourselves some people to grab.) he called them as they came out from the bushes with their gas masks and weapons.

Thor felt uneasy whenever he saw them, as there was this air about them that made them seem like they were always on the verge of death. That, and the smell that was on their clothing. (If you wanna know why they smell like that, it's like their chemical cocktail that makes sure that they don't get any of the more dangerous shit on them and kill them when they don't want to die. They're more useful whenever they're not dead after all.) Frank said as he then walked away to his motorcycle and gave it a good old startup as he was soon driving away alongside the strange soldiers that he called "Kriegers".



/Frank POV/



I will say this first, that was a complete and utter clusterfuck. They're pacified, but they're probably gonna make a decision that says that I'm too much of a threat since I'm the leader of the pantheon and yadda yadda bullshit and all that. Yeah, I anticipate that's what's gonna be happening, sooner or later. But I mean, I need some of that Youkai and Fallen Angel bloodline in the fantasy world that I was going to cook the hell up.

{Alright, so, we need to go to Kyoto for the chance of getting that one Youkai that tried to kill Kunou, then I give the option of letting Yasaka and her people come along for the ride? Yeah I think that's a very good little option that I'm capable of giving. There's a lot of space that I could open up for them, and I think there were a few planets that were pretty empty. The flora would be an issue though.} I thought as I then looked at the Kriegers that were more than capable of keeping up with the hog that I was on.

I didn't know what the fuck the Domain changed in them that made them this effective, but I like it. (Alright, our destination is rather far Kriegers. We have a good amount of land to have to travel, keep formation tight, and stay in the forests, there are some things you could kill there, that aren't the basic fauna.) I said to them as they were shivering from delight to be able to die to something that could harm me, because they want to keep me safe, I think we all know this already.

So, give or take a couple dozen kilometers, and we're still fucking travelling, why the shit does the trip to Kyoto feel like it takes more time than leaving it? What sort of road system is there that makes this feel so off-putting?

Bah, fuck it, I'll just keep riding til we get there. And guess what! There were four dead Kriegers already. Yes, they were the same Kriegers that were more than capable of killing cultivators, and no, they did not have their nullifiers. I told them to bring the fucking nullifiers, but they were just, guhhhhhhhh, fine. Fine, we'll just keep going.

We burnt the bodies and continued on. I think those ones deserved that much at the very least. And after about eight more fucking hours of driving, we were in the city. And I was in the need for a place to rest for the time being. So I grabbed a key to a safehouse that Yasaka lended over to me if I was ever in town and had the Kriegers set up shop in there. They had just about everything that was deadly in their fucking arsenal, except for the nullifiers. I get it alright? The energy here isn't Profound Energy, but I was still working on the new prototypes for other energies, okay!

That sort of shit takes a lot of time. Well, we were in the room when all of a sudden the door was getting knocked and I was brandishing my Glock, since despite the fact that I was in a "friendly" city, there were still some cases of other groups that are against Yasaka. Yeah, even when she declared that she had the support of the man that literally killed the pantheon that she served, she was still getting people who tried to call bullshit, well, the keyword there is "tried" since they normally came for me.

You guys know how that shit always goes the fuck down, there's too many of those fuckers that try to kill me in my sleep, to the point where I might actually try to learn how to sleepfight. Yes, sleepfight, if there's sleepwalking, there can also be sleepfighting, and if that can be a thing, then we can go further and sleepfuck. I may be going crazy.

Anyways, I looked through the peephole and saw that it was one of Yasaka's girls, but just to make sure. (The golden fox meets the green gladiator.) I heard her say as I knew that it was such a shit, but I replied with the answer to the code. (The gladiator would like to ask for a strand of the golden fox's fur.) yeah, that's the code. And then the woman sighed as I opened up the door with no shirt and a gun in my hand.

(I thought you girls were gonna come over a little later. Why the hell did you guys change the code to the code green? This place ain't safe right now. The Indian pantheon was attacked!) I said as the Youkai then surveyed the room and sighed. (Forgive me Franku-dono, but Yasaka-sama and Kunou-hime are currently in a safe location. We've been getting word that you might have just attacked the Indian Pantheon.) she said as I raised my eyebrow. (I? I attacked the pantheon? Girlie that's the biggest joke that I just learned, when the hell did they get attacked? They got attacked when again, hmm?) I played it cool as I knew that Yasaka would be fuming right now.

I said shit that about how the supernatural world won't fuck or talk with the human world anymore, and honestly I think I should've said something about how there were exceptions. Wait a minute, I did bring that up! Why the fuck did they not get that little bit of info. (They were attacked around s coipl hours after your "peace" talks with the Biblical Factions ended. That is a very very large timeframe for a man like you.) she replied as I scratched my head with my gun.

(First off, you don't need to bullshit. I get it, you guys are mad since I was saying that the supernatural world was fucking up the normal world, but you know that I meant the extremists. You guys are chill, you're just doing some honest to God capitalism. The angels tht genuinely wish to find true love? Chill by my standards, as long as it's consensual. The devils? They need a tighter leash, and the same goes for the fallen. Hell, there's a fallen angel that's defected from Grigori and tried to sabotage the peace talks in order to restart the holy war again, spoiler alert, I was the actual reason why that war started AND ended.) I gave my first argument as she digested what I told her.

(Second, the timing is shit, because as much as I'd like to say that I was there killing some more gods, as much as I'd like it to be true, my tether system is screwed to all hell, and VEGA can't reconfigure it just yet. Something about interference? I don't know, that's just how the cookie crumbles. And thirdly, I'm just here to make another deal. Another deal from an old friend, that's all I have, plus, I sorta owe her some cash for letting me throw a couple prisoners that I need into some of her prisons, yeah, you can see what I mean.) I finished my three reasons as she then sighed and nodded.

(Very well then Franku-dono, but who exactly are these individuals, and why do they smell of death?) she asked as I cleared my throat from the exasperation. (Seriously? Girlie, I am more deathsmelling than these lads right here. They're a bunch of people that I grabbed up and made into my group, they're with me. And don't worry, they won't kill anyone.) I said as her ears then showed as the Kriegers, thankfully, had no violent reaction.

(Yasaka-sama will be contacting you at her personal abode. It will take some time for her to be there, but rest assured, she will hear you out and collect whatever debts you need to pay.) she said as I nodded and ushered the Youkai out. (Give her and the little kid my warmest regards. I'll see them soon.) I smiled and nodded as she left the little base of operations that I cooked up.

(Get your guns cleaned, your anger out of your system, and your xenophobia in check, these are friendlies Kriegers, they're clear.) I said to the boys once the Youkai finally left the area. They were on edge since I was actually friendly with what they would consider an enemy. (I said relax! It's in and out at the worst scenario, and the best is when they come with us. There's not a whole lot for them to look forward to in this place.) I gave them my final word as I got to cleaning and oiling the parts on my firearms that needing the maintenance. This, was going to be a tad bit touchy.

2433 words. Oh yeah, finally, a chapter that was written with me being in the mood. I would say that there's some more memes coming, and that might be true. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts