
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs

[Insert Boring as Fuck Title Here]

/Frank POV/



Well then, I guess they're all pissing themselves in fear after the shit that I told them huh? Well that does sound logical since I just nearly killed that kid. Or is she a kid? They're gods right? So why the fuck am I referring them as children you ask?

Well have you seen how they act? They follow pure instinct half of the time and they still look like fools when they pull that kind of shit. Hell even in normal mythology, gods aren't supposed to signify the good, they signify the truth. And the truth is a lot different from the good in many cases.

(Okay assholes, back on the fucking thrones, and one of you, and I don't give a shit as to who, go and talk to the one I beat the fuck up earlier. She might be conscious after that.) I said as one of the gods opted to go out of the throne room and make their way to I don't fucking know where.

(The rest of you, tell me why the fuck you wanted to meet me, or I'll blow this fucking place sky high for wasting my time here.) I said as I could visibly see that some of the gods were scared of me, fear is one of the best motivators. It may not be effective forever, but it is useful for dealing with pussies.

(W-We wishes to align ourselves with you in order to make plans for destroying the city.) one of them said as I nodded. They were on the right track in my books, they prefer to destroy than take. That, was a very good asshole move.

(Well then, what exactly is your plan? Attack by taking to the sewers and hitting key points like areas where the influences of certain Familias are limited perhaps? Added with the sweet sweet side dish of having the slums go out in rage and parade against the adventurers?) I asked.

Their reactions was as expected. They were shocked, yeah this was getting old already. They have less than decent planning, shitty underlings who are weaker than the average adventurer, and what seems to be zero to none camaraderie in their workplace. You need to have connections, and that means good ones where people don't explicitly hate you or your guts.

(Hey, don't sweat it, I can predict what you guys plan to do since it's so fucking obvious on your faces, I mean, come on man.) a majority of them looked down in shame as they thought that their plan was foolproof.

(Okay there's a difference with foolproof, and idiotproof. Unfortunately, almost all of you guys in this place are idiots who are so overrated. But it's your lucky day since I'm here to make sure that these shitty shitty plan of yours doesn't go straight into the fucking shitter.) I said as almost all of them look at me with happy expressions.

(But, you guys have something that I want back.) I said, which killed the mood instantly. (What is it that you desire Franku-san?) a female god asked as I smiled cordially at her.

(My dragon of course! You know, the one that you guys have chained up somewhere in a fucking mountain?) I said as they took a moment to realize that I was talking about the One Eyed Black Dragon.

(That's outrageous! Why would we give you our greatest weapon?) one god said to me as my face snapped to exactly who said such shit to me. ( What's your name?) I asked.

(W-Why should I grace a mortal my majestic na-) he said as I interrupted him mid-sentence (So that I know who I'm killing. I want to remember as many of the gods that I harvest right here.)

The god went pale as he tried to look at me straight in the eyes. (I'll just call you ballsy. Ballsy, how do you wish to die? Slowly or quickly?) I said as the god's eyes started to tear up.

(*crying like a little baby bitch sfx* I-I d-don't w-wanna die.) he said as snot was already coming out of his nose.

(Hey hey hey, you should stay quiet. And be happy about the fact that I was kind enough to give you a choice! You already know how painful it'll be if you choose the former.) I spoke again which caused the god to have a waterfall of tears and snot.

The guy even had a yellow puddle below him, as he got off the throne to try and run away. (Not a chance buddy, not a chance.) I said as I then pulled out the SSG and hooked right in his abdomen. He screamed as I let the chain pull him back slowly and painfully, savoring every scream that resounded as he tried to struggle against me.

(Nighty night, little god.) I said to them as I squeezed the trigger. Their intestines came flying out, and some of the shrapnel flew into multiple gods. Or more specifically three more. Man was I getting good at collateral damage.

(Y-You need to stop killing so many gods! We won't accept this!) the female God said as the MeatHook unlatched from the carcass.

(And what are you going to do about me huh? Fight me? Your divinity will most definitely get you killed, but if I'm here, dying isn't gonna bring you back home above. If anything, you'll be dragged and stuck down here bitch.) I said as the god gulped as she felt a minute amount of my aura leak out.

(You are all under me now! You will handle your Familias of you have any, and if any of you die, have another God take the members in. This way we won't lose too many followers.) I said, hoping that they would get my planning.

You see, Excelia is a hard thing to get, and it requires two things. A god and their Ichor in order to activate the Excelia, and the monsters, which provide the Excelia for levelling up. Oh yeah, and also all of those Skills and Development shits there are, I haven't really read into those just yet since I'm the type that likes to get nice and up front against people.

(If any of you have any questions, don't ask me since I probably won't give a shit. Unless it's about your people getting captured or something higher than that, don't talk to me or In going to send you straight to my home, where you'll be spending the rest of your miserable miserable existences being my supply of souls.) I said, instilling a lasting fear into their hearts.

If they are afraid of me to a great degree, it's going to help me by a lot since they would do everything they could to try and keep me happy. (Well then, I see no naysayers, so that means I'm the boss now, and as the boss, I order you all to leave, you're all useless right now so send your Familia members to the dungeon. There are other methods to gain Excelia without killing the monsters that live in my domain.) I said, slightly cringing at the fact that I called it mine.

Yes it was mine but it still felt cringe, and I don't give a shit if you guy think differently, I'm the guy suffering here, not you. (Anyways though, I would like to know, why were you all inactive for so long? And when did you get this big? Last time there were only a few Familias in Evilus, why does it seem that there are dozens of you shits trying to fuck the city up?) I asked, the female goddess stepping up to answer me.

(You see Franku-sama-) she said as I paused her right there. (Just call me Franku-san, I may be your superior, but holy hell does that make me cringe.) I said, hoping that she would understand. It would be a shame for such a fine fine piece of mating material go to waste.

(It's because we've always been this many Franku-san. We've always been part of Evilus, however, we were never the front-runners of the group. All we did was support it with resources and other things.) she said as I took a moment to engrave the important parts into my memory.

Yes I remember things sometimes. It either goes naturally like something that seems interesting to me, or something that's really fucking traumatizing.

(Anyways, now we are the new "front-runners" of Evilus, but the problem is that we don't really know what we're doing.) she said as I rubbed my chin. These guys were much like children.

Dumb, but still have some potential. If they have potential, then that means that they can still be cultivated-

(A/N: Not the cultivation that we all read, which honestly, is about 99.99999 percent pure trash. There's the very few things that are good. Rant over, and thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.)

-to become something somewhat okay-ish.

(Okay idiots, reconvene after a week since I really couldn't give shit. Also, I want my fucking dragon back. Bring it on the day you guys want to raze the city. I wanna see that bitch in action!) I said with a maniacal smile on my face.

They all bowed down to me, some with actual reverence, some to mock me, and others out of pure anger. But honestly, I could just kill them, I don't fucking care. In the end it's gonna be me, some of my summons, and probably someone who I could care for. But who'd stay with a guy like me?

I know I wouldn't! But I'm getting off point here. I've finally dealt with the idiots as they all leave the room. I take a moment to look around and steal most of the shiny shit there because it looked like it was going to play a good role in my tech, after all, gold is also use in some technology. Plus it's good for trading.

After all of that I then woke up the kid from her temporary sleep. (Hey kid, we're getting out of here now, I've done all the business that I need.) I said as the elf nods to me as she then gets up as we walk out of the place.

I then asked her where she's gonna go and what do you know, she's from the fucking orphanage that Freya visits in her spare time. Like, bruh.

She waved me goodbye as I returned it with a wave. She was a decent kid, not clingy, and had some morals, she'll do good in this, unfortunately she might get killed in the upcoming raid but who gives a shit? I don't, and I'm very sure that the audience doesn't either.

Hell, I never even asked for her name. That's how much I don't care about who she is. Okay moving on from my rant, I walked to my original destination, I had a theory going around in my head as to how I can heal Hephaestus. And it required a very specific SCP. Thankfully she's been making the transition in good time without anyone noticing, slowly having her Familia go into the dungeon one by one and meet up with the Xenos.

Yes, some of the Xenos are probably going to hate this but what can you expect from me? I live to sow the seed of hate and fear into anyone I find interesting.

Nonetheless she herself, and Tsubaki haven't left yet. And by left yet, I meant why quite literally haven't left Hephaestus' forge in a long long time. I was actually wondering why was that so.

So I got near the Tower of Babel and right as I got into the elevator {Yes they have an elevator.} I changed my face into my "Tap" face. It was a better meeting face because reasons and I want to do it.

And after taking the elevator, I walked straight into Hephaestus' forge and boy did I get a sight for sore eyes. They were dead drunk and screwing around with one another as they kept reason each other by doing some very spicy touching.

And as the cockblocker that I am, I coughed extremely loudly and got both of their attentions. And they were both royally pissed at me. This is gonna be fun to interact with them.