
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

Death is just a deeper form of Sleep

/Kali POV/



That mortal, how did he survive my divinity? There's no one stronger than me on this damned rock when it comes to using Death! Why was he able to resist my touch?!

No I need to think about this more critically. I had someone slip an invitation into the dungeon master's pocket so that could only mean that I just tried to kill. . . I'm so stupid.

I tried to kill the man that we were going to ally ourselves with! Why did I think like that?! Of course he was going to make himself inconspicuous, it's to make sure that no one sees him and tried to attack him!

(Awgh!) Kali groaned in disbelief in her own actions. Her attacking the man that she and the rest of Evilus were going to align them selves with has cost her some of her power and what she believed to be multiple bones in her body.

{Haaaah, I hope nothing bad happens to the others, who knows what he's done to them?} she thinks to herself as she walked away, her somewhat orange-red hair still a little wet from the sweat the accumulated from feeling the pain of having to regenerate bones.

{It's all because of this stupid body! I could handle half of myself being severed but this body can't? I find this so infuriating!} she thinks to herself as she stomped away, hoping that nothing went to terribly with the others talking to him.

Unfortunately for her, things were going to be giving her a headache as she finds out what happened to two of her "allies".

(A/N Don't worry I'll write about it right now, and yes I think I have a tsundere fetish. Sue me.)

{Oh. my. gosh. Is this guy for real?} Kali thought as she saw that there were two very obvious bloodstains on the floor, and her peers were looking worse for wear. (JUST WHAT DID HE DO TO ALL OF YOU?!) she asked as the female god who spoke with Frank explained the entire fiasco to Kali.

(This is bad, very bad. He's not afraid of us, so now he's going to use us all as subjects.) Kali spoke as she was biting on her nail. The situation was worse than she could have ever expected.

(Kali-san, what are we going to do? He's more powerful than any of us!) a random god said as Kali took a moment to think. Frank was capable of killing gods with a small percent of their divinity.

And another factor to consider was the fact that he didn't care all too much if he kills another god. In fact, he found it appealing. That's what scared Kali the most about such a dangerous man.

But this dangerous man was their best chance to destroy the city. And they had to take all the abuse face down if they wanted to defeat him.



/Frank POV/



Well, that was a very interesting sight to see. I don't know if I should commit that to memory or not. But thinking about it, yeah I'm probably gonna get my ass handed to me if I do. So no two drunk sexy tanned girls groping each other for the memory banks. Big deal, as if he cared.

(Oi you two, could you stop getting horny for a couple minutes and have a chat with me? I may have a method to help one if you get their eye back.) I said as Hephaestus looked in shock.

I'm pretty sure that that's the face of a person who was going to get their life back.

(Although, I don't know if it might work.) I said as her face went sullen, and her uncovered eye's light went out. (I didn't say that it won't work, I just said that it might not. At worst it'll lessen some of the pain you experience.) I said as she then looks at Tsubaki with worry.

Tsubaki returned the sight as I just noticed that they didn't get in their clothes just yet. (Hey could you guys, you know, cover yourselves up? I appreciate the sight but we have more pressing matters at hand here.) I said, as they noticed their current lack of clothing and Tsubaki slamming the door in my face. Yeah I guess I deserved that.

Anyways, I took another look at the system to try and see just how much a very specific SCP costed and oh boy, was I in for a treat.


[Expanded Exchange]



- SCP-500 is a small plastic can which at the time of writing contains forty-seven (47) red pills. One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject's conditions. Despite extensive trials, all attempts at synthesizing more of what is thought to be the active ingredient of the pills have been unsuccessful. (Note: Can be replicated with proper procedures. And please, do not use it for trivial matters.)


[Cost: 50,000,000 Luck (per pill) Overall Cost: 2,350,000,000 Luck]


Yeah this shit was extremely expensive. But at least it allowed me to buy pills one at a time. But then again, there are a limited amount of them, so I have to use them sparingly.

But then again, it said that they could be replicated, so I think I have a plan on what to do. And that plan includes a stoner who is also a very introverted god.

If any of you children know, then you know who I'll probably be tormenting next. But the matters at first hand are what need my attention first. Anything else comes after.

(Yeah it's gonna cost me a lot, and no you can't but it with Valis. But I can buy it, it's just that I probably won't be able to financially make a recovery.) I lid as naturally as I possibly could. These guys were living lie detectors, there's no way they would jus-

(I'LL HELP YOU IN PAYING IT, JUST PLEASE FIX MY EYE!) Hephaestus said to me as she kneeled on the floor. Her open eye was already tearing up and she was trying to look as pitiful as she could.

(You know, I already said that your Familia getting in contact with me is already payment enough, I was just joking around when I was speaking about payment. And remember? I said this was an action of good will.) I said, as hope seemed to fill her up.

Damn these girls are way too easy to please. Oh wait, they aren't. After all, Hestia buys the dumbest shit, Loki is a yuri obsessed pervert, and Hephaestus, well, she's okayish in my books. She did take care of Hestia before kicking her out.

(Alrighty then I'll just go and get the pi- sike I already have it with me!) I said as I quickly bought it and felt the pain of having to spend a good chunk of cash just for a fake face of being nice to people.

{I'll get the Luck back. I'll get the Luck back. I'll get the Luck back. I'll get the Luck back. I'll get the Luck back. I'll get the Luck back. I'll get the Luck back.} I thought as I felt the pain of having to give away something that costed so much.

(The pill will work in two hours on the dot, so no need to worry yourself about the possibility of it not working fast enough. However, that's the rate for humans, I don't know how long gods will take, so be ready to be disappointed if it doesn't work.) I said, Hephaestus looked at the red pill in her hand as she simply gulped it down in one go.

(Oh boy, that thing costed me so mu-) I was speaking as I noticed a bright light coming from her eye patch. Yes, it was glowing. And no, I obviously didn't expect shit like this to occur.

(Umm, that was fast.) I said as Hephaestus took a few seconds before opening the patch up. And then she grabbed a hand mirror on her table and oh dear, she's crying, that's n-, wait, she crying from both her eyes.

(Oh! It worked!) I said as I saw her eyes, yeah as expected they were very pretty and yes it "fixed" her face. (Well that's my side done, how do you feel? How does it feel to be able to see in both eyes again?) I asked as she looked at me with a smile.

(It's so great *sniff* It's really really great!) she said with tears of joy coming from her eyes. Yeah, I do something good for someone, fight me I do whatever the fuck I want.

(So, since this city is probably going to get absolutely fucked when I leave, why should I leave a goddess with some of the best talent I've seen so far. And also because you guys are probably gonna have to teach me.) I said with a cheeky smile plastered on my face. Yes I was going to take advantage of the situation, why shouldn't I?

(I think we should call it here Franku-san. Hephaestus-sama needs to rest for now.) Tsubaki said s I nodded along. Well goddamn, she cut me off from training at the very moment that I was gonna ask for it.

Greedy greedy girl, I'll get you back soon! Mark my words! Or not cuz I'd probably forget about it sooner or later. (Well the. I suppose that this would be okay. I'll be seeing the both of you sometime in the future, and continue having you people go to the dungeon, I'd like some more smiths in the Villages.) I said.

They nodded to me as I bid them goodbye. This was somewhat useful. A person indebted to me is a person that I can use right. Now, now I just have to take a break from all of this shit and kick back.

There's definitely nothing bad going to happen now!- . . . . I just jinxed myself didn't I? Ah fu-



/High-Ass God POV/



Need, to brew better. Need this. More of this. No no no no NO! This isn't correct! Why isn't this getting better?! What am I doing wrong?! Is it the heat? No I've been keeping an eye on that! Is it the ingredients?

No, they're fresh, how could they be wrong?! I need to think for a minute. . . . . Why, why did I just feel chills down my spine?



/Frank POV/



Well then, I guess I'll just head on hoooo- wait a hot minute. Is that the rabbit? Wait, why is she wearing that kind of shit? wait am I on the I'm on the fucking street where they sell jagamarukun. Oh my fucking golly. Why didn't I take a look at the fucking road when I was walking?!

Ah fuck it, I just won't try to interact with them, they wouldn't notice me either wa- oh no, why are you waving at me. Hestia what the fuck?! Why do you know where I am?! I'm not even trying to get spotted and somehow you fucking find me!

Okay act normal, just be normal. It's not like they both know how I truly look like. Oh wait! I'm using a different face! They don't know what I look like, and the pouch on my side makes me look rich. . . . . . okay that makes more sense that her being a fucking psychic.

(Hello there Mister! Would you like to buy some?) Hestia said to me as I coughed a little bit and replied (Eight please.) I answered shortly, hoping not to drag out this interaction between the both of us.

(Belle-chan! We need eight!) Hestia said to Belle who was wearing this mix between a crop top that makes her look flat, and this sort of short shorts that give off the impression of her ass.

God fucking damnit, I'm not trying to get my ass in the fucking slammer! And why the fuck are they okay with thi- oh yeah, child slavery exists here. That means that this kind of thing isn't out of place. Man, everything is pretty fucking shit right now alright.