
Chapter 65

Tits high, nipples hard as fucking diamonds… Chris would never get enough of the view.

Half-lidded eyes met his.

Lips caught up in a lascivious grin, he trailed his fingers between her breasts, purring, “I would have done anything to have you this way. Killed anyone, forsaken my name…”

A pleased sound came from the girl who could not know of what he spoke.

“I know I’m older, that I lack the beauty of my brothers, or the righteousness of a male worthy of you. It matters not. In a few moments I’m going to steal back the missing half of my spirit and give you what I have carried in my chest from birth. You’ll have my heart. I’ll have your soul.”

The thrum of a building climax sparked up Chris’s spine, sending him to buck upward and almost unseat his prize. Unwilling to be thrown, Dianne’s cunt seized about his throbbing mass, gripping what was hers as the little Omega rocked her clit against the thumb he offered to appease her.