
Chapter 66

She knew three different ways to say that word in Omari now.

A whoosh of breath, and Dianne’s hand went to her heart. The sudden sharp sting that met her drew out a quick yelp and downward turn of her eyes.

Swollen and ugly, the twin crescents of an animal bite marred her breast.

“Pretty.” The male assured when she grew alarmed with the oozing wound. But it was more than his declaration; it was that throbbing whir in her heart. It too said pretty without saying anything at all.

This strange, almost suffocating feeling of completion was the promised pair-bond. A link forged between them that could never be broken.

Many of the Omegas who frequented their sacred sector during the day had spoken to her of the phenomenon. Most waxed on with dreamy eyes while Ann translated. They loved their bond with their mates, the closeness and the promise of safety.

But a few had guarded comments. A few had been forced.