
Chapter 63

Once back in rooms she had not seen in weeks, the door was barred, shutting all pursuing Alphas away. There would be no changing of her mind. This he explained in a rip of her clothing. This he described by forcing her to her knees so he might feed her the fat head of his cock.

Liquid bliss splashed her tongue. Dianne desperately sucked his dripping organ for more. The male’s intentions were sealed with a roar.

There would be no refusal, he’d snarled. He’d waited long enough, been patient, and all his frustration he would take out on her flesh.

Yes, he would hurt her.

The proclamation brought a rush of slick to pour down her thighs.

His Iyawo he threw into the unmade nest, tearing his coverings away. Falling atop her splayed body, brutal thighs forced her to part for him. Hissing at the sting, Dianne’s struggles were silenced with a single growl, one that left her cunt offering a river of slick.