
Chapter 62

“I thought seeing you would help, but”—a rolling cramp stole her breath—“you don’t purr!”

At her snappish complaint, he gave her exactly what she’d demanded. Vivid and resonant, Chris gave her a purr unlike any she’d heard before. He let it slip into his words, flavoring the air with promise as he said, “Anything you desire I will give it to you.”

Sinking to her knees, the strength fled her body. Frustrated tears falling over red cheeks, she braved another look at him. “I am hungry, but you have brought no food.”

A gentle smile on his lips, Chris toed the line, as near to her as he could possibly get. “If you were to eat now, you’d be sick, my love.”

“I’m in pain…” Yet all she could do was stare where his trousers tented and grew wet with something that promised to take all the hurts away.