
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · ファンタジー
77 Chs

RAVEN, a taste of Karma


"I should have known, you are a female," General Sam said.

''Why, Shocked to see your whole soldiers killed by a girl?" Raven said with a snicker as she hauled out her sword from the sheath.

"What do you want, Money, Gold, properties, name it and it shall be yours," Epirius said.

"Hmm, a tempting offer, but it will sound more efficient if you weren't hiding behind your soldiers you fucking coward king!" Raven yelled, clenching her sword tightly. They could feel the rage emanating out of her, her voice alone held a huge amount of vexation.

"Who are you and what do you want from us, who paid you to do this?!" Evie yelled, trembling in fear.

"I'm not here for you darling, I'm here for your coward of a father, just so you know, I wasn't paid to assassinate your Father, I am going to give him a taste of karma," Raven said and pointed to Epirus.

"Kill her!!" Epirius yelled. His soldiers charged at her, while General Sam led the King to a safe place, leaving Evie alone.

Raven laughed at the cowardly advance of the King and like the assassin that she was, she stepped back into the mist, lurking in the shadows.

The soldiers stood together, they were about six soldiers, staying alert, hearing nothing but laughter.

Finally, Raven stepped out of the shadows, she swung her sword and it extended a few layers, like a sword-whip.

Raven swung the sword like a pro, it danced through the air, circling a soldier and beheading him with it. The other soldiers began to panic which gave Raven the upper hand.

"This will be quick," She said and then rushed to the soldiers, the clanging of swords was heard all through the royal garden. Raven dropped the sword whip back into the sheath and they brought out daggers.

She dodged their feeble attack swiftly like they were nothing, plunging her dagger through one of the soldier's necks and pulling out as blood gushed out.

She spun, kneeling a soldier in his groin and when he bent his face forward she lifted her leg above his head, under her boot had a sharp blade pointing out and she knocked the soldier's skull, her boot-blade, impaling his skull as he fell to his demise.

Blood gushed and splashed through everywhere as Raven kept tearing the soldiers piece by piece, but the truth was, she was playing with them.

"Ok, it's been fun but I have a much better. Person to kill...Play time's over," She said and her tone became serious, the remaining guards looked at each other and were about to attack but before they could take a step, their heads came off their bodies and rolled on the ground. She had used her sword-whip and beheaded them all at once, without moving an inch from where she stood.

The garden had become silent, only the caws of the ravens were heard, and the mist that covered the dead bodies.

Raven walked out of the garden and through the castle's grounds, she could smell it lingering in the air, fear, and hopelessness, and she liked it, no, she loved it.

She knew people were watching her from the windows of the castle, well they better watch, cause she wanted as many eyes as there were, to witness her murder of their cruel and heartless king.

The heartless King finally met his match, a heartless Assassin.

Raven walked slowly, she wanted Epirius to feel a little bit of adrenaline, because it wasn't fun killing someone defenseless, let would be fun if his survival instincts kicked in and he fought back.

The Assassin walked towards the duplex-looking cottage between the Riverside and the forest in the west wing of the palace.

She met General Sam sitting at the doorstep, using a stone to sharpen his sword, she broke sexily, waiting for him to walk up to her which he did.

"Ahh, isn't it the great general Sam," Raven said.

"What the hell do you want, who is pulling the strings behind you, puppet?!" General Sam said.

"Oh come on General, we both know you are the puppet in this scenario, your king always controlling you, and now, sending you to meet your death so soon, tsk tsk," The Assassin stated.

"It would be you who will die tonight, for ruining my wedding right when she was about to say I do," General Sam said gritting his teeth.

"Have you no shame General, that girl is young enough to be your daughter, and I also came at the right time, considering I made a promise to her long ago that I would not let her marry you," The Assassin said.

"No way, It--it can't be, it's you...Athena?" He said in shock, stepping back.

"In the flesh," Raven said, removing her hood, revealing her long blood-red hair, cascading down her back and stopping at her thighs. Her silver pupils gleamed like moon orbs and her pale skin glowed underneath the moonlight.

"I also have a score to settle with you General, which is why, I cannot spare you...just kidding, it's not like I have ever spared anyone who went against me," Raven said with an evil chuckle.

"Let's make this quick, I don't want that King to live another second," She said, this time bringing out chains from underneath her cloak.

"You will have to go through me before you do away with the King," General Sam said, taking a battle stance.

"So loyal, I pray I come across someone like you when I leave here...alive," She said with a smirk.

"Argh, I'm gonna kill you bitch!!" He yelled.

"You talk too much," She said and Sam angrily charged in on her. He didn't plan a strategy because he was too angry to do so, with this little girl looking down at him just because she became skilled.

But Raven did, while talking to that big for nothing without a brain general, she planned all the strategy she needed to destroy him.

He attacked fiercely without holding back, but she dodged gracefully, her speed was unmatched and her steps were light as a feather, like she was dancing.

"Just wait till I wipe that smirk off your face," Sam said while trying his hardest to land a blow, how was she so quick?

The general swung his sword downwards, hoping to slice through her legs but she jumped, her feet, landing on his shoulders, pushing him backward while she did a backflip.

Using the chain, she trapped his legs, causing him to lose balance and fall, she leaped in the air, heading directly at him for a punch, but he was smart enough to roll away while Raven ended up hitting the gravel ground which had a crack when her fist met with it.

Sam swung his sword forward, aiming for her head, but she dodged, sliding back and using her chain to knock his sword in a different direction.

The clangs of chains and swords were filling the air, General Sam was a fighter and didn't look like someone who would give up soon, so Raven knew she should step up her game.

Twirling like a ballerina with her double chains dancing in the same rhythm, she managed to hit Sam hard, causing him to fall to the ground once again.

She thrust the chains forward, and hit him again, causing him to groan in pain. He got back up on his feet and kicked Raven causing her to fall but she quickly turned it into a stunt and got back up, a slack-off from her would lead to her head coming off. But she was here to take heads not leave hers.

Her eyes burned with fierce determination. Swinging her Chains in graceful arcs. The clash of metal reverberated again, shaking the ground beneath their feet.

Her movements were fluid and precise, her step well calculated and deliberate while General Sam attacked like a beast that had gone mad which gave him a huge disadvantage.

Sensing an opportunity, Raven executed a swift counteract, her chain, wrapping around Sam's sword and then hauling it from his hand into hers and throwing it far.

Seizing the advantage, Raven swiftly closed the distance between them, sending her chain like an extension of her arm. It wrapped around Sam's neck and then she jumped with light steps over a tree branch and then back to the ground.

Holding the chains firmly. "Any last words?" She asked Sam who was trying as hard as he could to remove the chains from his neck which was strangling him.

"You'll never get him, he will live and..."

"...I guess not" " she said, cutting him off and then she pulled the chains, causing him to go up, his legs swinging through the air meaninglessly and effortlessly. Until they finally dropped lifelessly.

Releasing the chains, Sam's body fell down with a loud thud and the impact of the fall broke his skull, causing blood to flow out, with him lying in his own pool of blood with his eyes open.