
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

The Wedding


Evie sat in her room looking dejected as some handmaidens did her makeup and hair, she didn't want to go against her father cause he said if she did, he would kill more of her maids.

The maids begged her to heed cause they didn't want to die, and she wasn't heartless like her father to do something that would be the cause of their deaths. The death of one handmade was enough.

She felt her heart sink in her chest, it was very heavy, although they were endowing her with pretty makeup and accessories, she looked like a zombie with red and swollen eyes.

"It's time for your dress milady," A maid called but she didn't hear, she still sat there, facing the mirror and looking at her reflection absentmindedly.


"Huh, sorry," She said, standing up and stretching her arms wide, giving them access to dressing her up.

She was clothed in a green dress with Honiton lace, her white gown was accessorized with flowers and a tiara was placed on her hair that was well arranged and embedded with jewelry.

she was wearing a pearl necklace on her neck and pearl earrings and her gloves had shining small gemstones that were the same as her tiara.

"You look so beautiful milady," The handmaidens complimented but there was no word from Evie, instead, tears rolled down her eyes.

The maids went out of her room as soon as her Father entered, he was grinning like a cat, clothed in a white suit embedded with golden chains and bracelets that matched his crown.

His pants were silk and so was the material used to thread his suit.

"There you are, you look as beautiful as the moon goddess, my darling daughter," He said lifting her chin to meet his gaze.

"Tsk, tsk, it is no day for tears, you should be smiling and not crying my love," Epirius said, wiping the tears from her eyes and then stretching her lips into a smile that soon returned to a frown as soon as he withdrew his hand.

"(Sigh) After your marriage to Sam, I will appoint a new maid to you, so stop sulking like a bitch and smile!" He said in an irritated tone.

"Belle wasn't just any maid, she was my best friend and a sister, she won't be replaced by any other maid!" Evie countered back.

"The guests are waiting, you should be down in ten minutes," Epirius said and left Evie's room.

Epirius went down to the garden, where the wedding was taking place, it was well decorated with glowing lights and beautiful trees and flowers underneath the shining moonlight and stars.

The subjects were present to bear witness, all dressed well and appropriately as they danced classically to the classic music played by the musicians who had their space at the corner of the garden.

The duke and duchess, commanders, elders, and generals were also present along with the priest who was standing at the podium with Sam standing at the side, waiting for his bride.

Epirius took his seat on the throne right beside the two thrones meant for the couples when they were done with their ceremonies.

He was all smiles, but his smiles began to fade when ten minutes had passed and there was no sign of Evie coming out. The music stopped and the subjects had taken their seats, but there was still no sign of the princess.

The crowd began to murmur, they were confused as to why the princess missed her cue to come in when the music stopped.

Epirius tapped his hand on his throne in rhythm, hoping to hell Evie didn't disgrace him by running away again, because if she did, this time he would not spare her.

Just as he was about to stand up and go look for her, the doors opened wide and Evie stood there majestically, looking beautiful, her face was covered with a veil, so no one could see how pained she was and how sick she looked.

The subjects stood up and vowed slightly while the musicians played soothing music, something to match her walk down the aisle.

Evie took slow strides, slower than usual, she was trying to stall, waiting for whatever miracle to happen, but should happen faster before she reached the end of the aisle.

She finally reached and the priest proceeded with his words, the vows. Her heart was banging in her chest like it was about to jump out of its rib cage.

"Do you General Sam, take Princess Evelyn to be your lovely wife, in sickness and in health, in wealth and poverty, for better or for worse, as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

"I do," Sam said, he didn't even waste time and he was grinning like a cat, staring through his one eye.

"And do you, Princess Evelyn, take General Sam to be your beloved husband, in sickness and in health, in wealth and poverty, for better or for worse, as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked Evie.

The silence grew throughout the garden after the priest's words. Minutes passed and Evie still struggled to answer, murmurs began to fill the garden again.

"Do you, Evie?!" She heard her Father, Epirius asked and she glanced at him, seeing him clenching his fist when he asked that question.

Unbeknownst to the couples and their guest, danger lurked in the shadow. As the wedding commenced, a dark figure skillfully maneuvered through the crowds, steps silent and senses heightened.

Dressed in a sleek black ensemble with a dark hooded cloak and blending seamlessly with the night was the Assassin, Raven.

The king's soldiers, oblivious to the threat that Raven posed, patrolled the area, keeping a watchful eye on the guests.

With a swift flick of her wrist, Raven unleashed a hidden blade, swiftly dispatching the first soldier who dared to approach her. The unsuspecting guards, caught off guard by her deadly precision, fell one by one as Raven moved closer to her ultimate goal.

The chaos that ensued sent shockwaves through the garden, causing panic and confusion among the guests. The once joyous occasion had transformed into a battlefield. Raven's movements were graceful yet lethal, her every strike finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

As she neared the center of the garden, Raven encountered an elite group of soldiers, specifically chosen to protect the king. They were formidable opponents, but Raven was no ordinary adversary. With a combination of agility, skill, and unwavering determination, she dispatched them with calculated precision, leaving a trail of fallen bodies in her wake.

The sound of clashing swords and distant cries for help began to echo through the garden, catching the attention of the guests who were once lost in the festivities. Panic and confusion spread like wildfire as they realized their safe haven had been breached.

However, Raven remained undeterred, driven by her mission to confront the true orchestrator of darkness.

Amidst the chaos, Raven maneuvered skillfully through the adversaries, her agility and combat prowess unmatched.

Her movements were a dance of death, as she effortlessly evaded attacks while delivering fatal blows in return. With each fallen soldier, her resolve intensified.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Raven arrived at the heart of the garden, where King Epirius stood encircled by his loyal guards. His eyes widened with both surprise and fear upon seeing the fabled assassin before him.