
The Marakese - Part 4

The continuation in the Plato Saga

DaoistTO1iU9 · ファンタジー
62 Chs


Yet another day, yet another villain. This time there was a samurai with a hat on who stood at the mountains, in the village. The strongmen , twenty of them surrounded him and went to attack him. The samurai defended every attack that was thrown upon him. The strongman for hours went at him, but the samurai thwarted every attack that was thrown upon him. The sun went down and still under the dim lights the fight went on. There was not a scratch on the samurai nor the strongmen. Only their weapons clashed and their eyes glanced at each other. The strongmen's eyes were made of fire while the samurai had calm in his eyes. Everyone realized that the samurai had no intent of malice. What is his motive? asked Hana to Zeno. I do not know, replied Zeno as they watched the fight take place. The Swords clashing at each other caused fire at times and quickly went over. It was like a fire show that was being put on. Soon the whole town had gathered around to watch the fight unfold. "The strongman were showing signs of weariness while the samurai fought effortlessly"

Soon one by one, the strongman began to crumble. The last of the strongman went at loggerheads with the samurai. The samurai effortlessly caressed him to the ground. Stay there! he said to the last strongman. He removed his hat and stood there looking at the top. Where Zeno and Hana were standing. Will you fight me? asked the samurai to Zeno. Zeno grew into the beast form and jumped on to the ground. I have heard about you , said the samurai and ran at the beast. Zeno and the samurai fought a hard battle, both of them getting heavily injured. They fell on the ground, the both of them. Zeno returned to human form. You fight well, who are you? he asked the samurai. The samurai did not speak anything. He ran again at Zeno. Zeno turned back to the beast form at the right moment and fought the samurai again.

"That is enough, said Archimedes" emerging out of the crowd. They stopped fighting and the samurai turned his word to Archimedes. Who must you be, he asked the supreme warrior. Archimedes took his sword out and pointed it at the samurai. The samurai took a few steps back seeing the sword of Archimdes. Zeno was still hanging there in the beast form. The samurai true to his nature came at Archimedes too. He fought hard with the warrior and was beaten every time he went in head first at him. Zeno prowled around the samurai wanting to finish him off. "Give up" said Archimedes to the samurai. He got up with all his energy and took one last wing at Archimedes who blocked him again and kicked him to the ground. This time the samurai was too frail to get up from the ground. He remained on the ground fallen. " Lock him up" said Archimedes.


Borin was sat there in the living room of the mansion. He saw a presence enter there the room and it was a familiar one, that too. I heard you were going to be here, said Xeltar. Have a seat master, said Borin. Borin had worked for Xeltar previously, mainly thieving precious metals and sometimes even falling kingdoms. Who sent you here? asked Xeltar. Onir, replied Borin. Onir, that man has no respect for greed. He simply pushes it. But why here? asked Xeltar. Why would Onir send you here, where there is nothing, asked Xeltar. I do not know that, replied Borin. One thing I know is that the man has got a taste for machines now. Machines? asked Xeltar. Yes, machines, replied Borin. And what brings you here ? asked Borin. You know me, fighting the greatest warriors in the universe and all that stuff. Come on Xeltar, tell me what really brings you here? asked Borin. Xeltar laid back on the sofa. " There is a large metal that the queen of this land has " very, very valuable. And she hides it perfectly safe, said Xeltar. Give me a cut? asked Borin. Yes, replied Xeltar after thinking for a while. But we have a problem, said Xeltar. There are very strong and powerful people in this planet, he said to Borin. And going past them would be a very hard task! We need more people then, said Borin. Yes, we need more powerful and dangerous people. One's who can kill Archimedes, uttered Xeltar. Who ? asked Borin. Archimedes, said Xeltar. The most powerful person in this galaxy. Going past him would be a task for anyone, even me! Then we need to assemble a team, said Borin. "The most ruthless of the people" Wait here for us, said Xeltar and went away