
Genius or Talent part 1

After saying their farewell the three elf girls went their separate ways. Still shocked at Luna's progress even with true talent it was monstrous progress. To think three days ago this little girl was running scared and hopeless. To beat a level three warrior so beautifully was unbelievable even after witnessing it. Luna who was leading turned around to see Sasori lost in thought a flash of all the beatings she took crossed her mind. Chance, arrogant with a quick dash she ran towards Sasori striking out her small tender right fist targeting her stomach. Sasori moved out of reflex with a quick counter her longer arms struck first. Upon hitting Luna's face with her fist did she realize her mistake. Luna who only saw a blur before she felt the pain on her face while she flew back from the impact.

Sorry are you okay? The pain was intense more painful than what she felt in the past few days. Tears started to gather as she rolled over and slowly got up to hide her watery eyes. Don't sneak up on me. Looking down to hide her tears that would fall any second. I..i. saw a chance and took it. Patting her head good job, but you have to learn if its this best chance before you risk it all in one attack. In a real fight against someone stronger if you fail your dead. If its not the best or your only chance don't attack and flee. Let me see walking around her and tilting her chin up with her hand luckily I hit your forehead. Remembering what Aego did and his first kiss with her she couldn't help but smile as she leaned in and kissed her forehead. The tears that she tried hard to hold back fell as she recalled how her mother used to kiss her pain away.

Sasori was dumbfounded did it really hurt that much. Shaking her head no I just miss my mom. Motherly love was long forgotten to Sasori who was orphaned at a young age. Lets continue then turning around and dashing into the distance Luna after a second of reminiscing dashed after her. They continued their training occasionally crossing monster paths which were taken care of by Luna. Three days later early in the morning were they camped in an open field a vibrant smile crossed Sasori's face as she saw two figures in the distance. Curious Luna turned around to see the two figures that were moving towards them. Unable to recognize them she waited till she saw that familiar hooded scarf. A smile soon spread across her tiny face.

As Aego and Aela came closer Sasori and Luna took off to greet Aego. A faint smile spread across his face as this was the first time they spent such a long time apart from each other. Dashing forward Sasori's heart fluttered as he sped up to get closer to her spreading her hands open ready for a hug. With each step Aego got closer a few feet away Sasori closed her eyes ready to feel the warm embrace. Aego ducked under her arm running past her and swooping up Luna who flew up a few feet and fell into a bear hug. Sasori who hugged air opened her eyes and turned around to see a happily reunited couple. With a murderous intent she locked onto Luna. Luna who saw the intent of a monster gently pushed at Aego to let go. Aego of course felt the intent letting her go he turned around.

Quietly mouthing three words towards Sasori he opened his arms for a hug. Instantly the killing intent turned into a joyous one as she jumped into his embrace. With her chin on his shoulder and her slender arms wrapped tightly around his chest she quietly whispered I missed you too. Luna who saw the couple hesitated a second before calling out to Aego. Turning around Sasori who held on was spun around. Luna patted her stomach and uttered with pleading eyes I'm hungry. I know poor you she took off before I could give you rations. Sasori jerked her head back I'm hungry too.

Aego took out a few ingredients and began to cook. Luna who was to the side couldn't help but giggle. Aela who finally caught up laid on the ground exhausted. Are you gonna let go yet. Instantly replying no. Aego walked around as Sasori wrapped her legs around his waist and repositioned here arms around his neck. Luna continued to giggle as Sasori looked like a giant necklace on Aego. Finally after he finished cooking Sasori let go to eat. Seems like your gonna be stronger than me too Luna. I'll protect you then I promise. Okay. Aela who was finally rested looked at the little girl. She's gonna be stronger than this demon here.

Sasori who was proud for training her turned to Aego lets make a bet if Luna and Aela fought who would win? What do we bet? A wish? Agreeing Aego immiediatly choose Luna. Sasori was speechless and Aela was offended. Shouldn't you pick the person you trained. Oh was I supposed to. Aela who was mad and Sasori both responded yes. Then no deal. Aela a genius felt her pride being stepped on replied I'll make a bet with you. Are you sure what do we bet? Wish, okay. Sasori looked at Aela with a pitiful look she didn't know she had already lost before they even started.

Luna looked at Aego and followed the other two girls lead. What do I get if I win. A special treat. Okay I'll try my best. Aela who thought it beneath herself to fight a little girl didn't take the match seriously. After all what can a girl with seven days of training be capable of. She was fairly confident in herself as she was finally able to cast her level two spells seven out of ten tries while standing still. Looking at Aego are you sure you want to continue. If you are. You won't go back on your words if I win right. You won't if you lose right. I'm ready, Luna who was ten feet away from Aela I'm ready too.


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