

Lenly who has been determined to get stronger sat there meditating. Suddenly pounced to his feet laughing in a loud laughter. I finally doubled my mana. Which wasn't much as he barely had any to begin with still with this achievement he was closer to being able to use a battle skill or a burst of strength. The little catkin ran up the stairs to the attic curious to the disturbance and saw her father laughing like a manic with his back arched inward and his head leaning back with his open mouth and two arms stretched to the side he continued to laugh slowly turning around unaware till he turned his gaze to the door and saw his daughter. He froze staring at his cute daughter Lina wondering what thoughts she was thinking. Slowly moving back into a normal posture I finally understood a joke. With an innocent tone oh. Can you tell me? Thunder struck his mind went blank thinking to himself a joke uhhhh. A few seconds later its inappropriate. As she turned to leave I'm telling mom.

Just as he was walking towards her he heard what she said almost tripping over his feet trying to not fall he moved his foot out. With his right knee bending 90 degrees his left foot stretched out behind him both arms stretched out to keep balance. Glancing back as she heard a stomping sound Lina saw her fathers strange posture. Turning her head back around she left without a word. Lenly who remained a statue felt a sense of deja vu. Damn reflexes just let me fall.

Day four exiting the forest into an open plain Aego pointed his hand out casting a spell towards Aela. Sensing a change in mana Aela dashed forward while turning to see the assailant. Once she spotted Aego a Fireball was flying at her. With her archer step she glided to the side dodging the Fireball. Wanting to ask what was going on another Fireball was shot at her dodging again she attempted to say something but Aego cast another spell Aquaball followed by a Fireball both spells hitting the same spot exploded into a thick mist which blocked her vision on Aego who dashed to the side casting another Aquaball at her unable to see the attack the Aquaball hit her splashing water all over her.

Awed by the use of Aquaball and Fireball to create mist opened her mind to other possibilities. Just as she thought about the possibilities an Aquaball hit her the force of the ball breaking and splashing cold water brought her back. Seeing the direction it came from was different from where she lost sight of Aego she dashed into the mist knowing he must have moved. Seeing the mist move oddly clever girl to bad its me pointing his finger up to where he previously was he cast Giant Aquaball which gathered a bigger version of Aquaball. Aela who was confident in tricking Aego dashed out of the mist stopping she turned around and began chanting a spell just as she started she sensed something wasn't right looking up the Giant Aquaball fell. It was a useless spell the size made it slower so she moved to the side to avoid the impact and continued to cast. Just as she started to cast a Thunderbolt shot through the mist striking the puddle of the Aquaball shocking her as she stood in the puddle. Clueless as Thunderbolt was only lethal if directly hit I wasn't hit so why?

Losing consciousness her eyes slowly closed seeing a fuzzy figure dash through the dissipating mist. Facing the ground she saw the puddle and came to a realization before feeling Aego catch her. While sitting with Aela's head resting on his shoulder he looked at her the wet clothes sticking to her. Temptation exploded causing him to want to take advantage of her. He was in his prime and had no training towards his urges. As his hands moved wanting to touch her. Centimeters away before touching her a breeze sent a sweet scent to his nose a flash of Sasori popped up in his mind. Stopping he moved his finger up and away from her Gather drops of water slowly flew up and gathered an inch above his finger. The water in Aela's clothes slowly gathered and flew out of her clothes drop by drop her clothes dried up. Disperse turned the water into mana that floated away.

Slowly opening her eyes she lifted her head off Aego's shoulder looking him in the eyes. You did something to me didn't you? No. Liar then why did you run so fast to catch me. You fell forward so I caught you. So what. I didn't want a scar on your pretty face. It's all about my looks isn't it. It's all about looks. The look I get with my mismatched eye or my short pointy ears. If a pretty girl like you had a scar on your face people would stare differently. Unable to respond she sat there silently.

Quietly muttering how did you learn to combine spells like that. Hero's. Didn't you dual cast. I could but a more simple way is to control the speed so that they both hit at the same time. Hearing I could she zoned out on the rest of what he said show me the dual cast. Its not that hard once your used to it. It's not that hard only a handful of people can even do it. Raising his index finger in each hand up. Water in his left and Fire in his right. Changing the magic circles in front of her Lightening on his left and Earth on his right. Just how strong are you? Haven't bothered taking the guild test. You experiment with the effects on your own. What level are your elements? Mostly four and five on all elements.

Thinking to herself monster. On average it takes one to two months to learn a level 2 magic circle for one element. Increasing in each level also increased the time.To train in one or two elements was already rare but to train in all was unheard of. Not only that to such a high level that was unimaginable. How do I become as strong as you? Strong you'll likely surpass me.

It's been awhile and my day off so here's a chapter. Another thousand views and I'll write a bit more.

kosamecreators' thoughts