
the love souls

Ayush_Sharma_2694 · 現実
10 Chs

the small problems

They didn't know what had happened to them in the last few days. So they asked Hana if they could come over so they could visit them and check on them

So Hana gave permission for them to come and see her and her children

"Mommy! Where were you yesterday?!" asked Rei as he ran up to his mom and hugged her leg tightly

"I was at a wedding! We were celebrating Asahi's and my wedding".

"Wow! You're already married? How old are you married?!" said Rei

"Well, I'm 28 and he's 26". Answered Hana

"Woah! That's young! Do you have any pets?!" asked Rei

"Yeah, my husband has an owl named Aiko".

"OMG!! Your husband is cute! Is he super nice?" asked Rei

"Yes, he is sweet, caring and gentle! He loves me more than anyone else in this world and he knows I love him so much! We met when we were 10 years old at the local park and it just clicked between us! We're soulmates! Nothing can separate us! Nothing can change us! Nothing could ever change our love for each other! I couldn'imagine life without him! I couldn't imagine being anywhere else than with him".

"OMGG! Mommy! I love you! You're my most beloved person in this whole wide universe!" screamed Rei as he hugged her again tightly

"Mommy! Love you!! Can I stay over at your place tonight!?" asked Rei

"Sure kiddo!" responded Hana happily

"Yay!!" said Rei excitedly

He quickly got out of his mother's embrace and took her hand and ran upstairs.

Meanwhile, Oikawa stood quietly watching his mother talk to his sister and aunt about their relationship.

Oikawa sighed and said: "This isn't fair".

After saying that, he turned around and headed toward the kitchen, thinking of ways to make his mother happy and stop their argument.

After a while Oikawa went out of the kitchen and headed toward the living room where he found his father and Makki.

Makki looked at Oikawa and asked: "Hey son! Whatcha doing? You seem upset".

Oikawa just shrugged and looked away not wanting to talk to his father right now, not even after all these years

"Look, son. I know that there'been a big misunderstanding between you and your mother..."

Oikawa shook his head and interrupted his father.

"There has nothing to be explained! She left! She left because she was disgusted by the idea of marrying me! She said that she was never going to marry me again!!!".

Makki stared at his son with his eyes widened and mouth slightly agape at his words.

"But..but why would you think that?"asked Makoto.

"Because she hates me" answered Oikawa

"No, she doesn't! Listen honey. I love your mother. When she told me she didn't want to marry you anymore I was heartbroken, but it's not because she hated you. It's just because she's scared".

"Scared? Of what dad??".

"Scared of herself! Scared of becoming weak, afraid of being rejected by you, afraid of getting hurt and afraid of losing you!".

"But..but...you always love me..." said Oikawa.

"Not like how you loved her. There's something different between you and your mother, but I don't understand what it is".

Oikawa let out a heavy sigh as hDad, listen to me. She doesn't hate me or want to leave me or lose me, she loves me. I know that I'm annoying sometimes, but that's because I'm a brat!".

"But you're not! And even if you were, then that still wouldn't make her want to abandon you!".

"But it does. If she doesn't leave me or get hurt then that means she's scared to leave me. She wants to leave me before it's too late and she regrets coming back here!".

"No son. There's nothing to regret. She chose to come back to you. And she did everything that she possibly could to bring you back home to her. The choice of leaving you or staying with you is entirely hers".

"I guess, yeah..." mumbled Oikawa sadly

"I'm sure that she's waiting for you outside, waiting to take you back home with her".

"How do you know she's waiting for me?" questioned Oikawa

"Because she's your mother and that's what mothers do. She wanted to see you, make sure you're ok. She wanted to see if you're okay".

"And you think she'e looked awaycoming back soon? To me?"

"I don't know. Maybe".

Oikawa sighed deeply

"Okay, I'll wait for her".

Makki smiled at Oikawa and hugged him lightly.

"Thanks son".

"No problem".

The three boys went downstairs to the living room where they were greeted by Hana, Haruki, Asahi's mom and grandma and grandma's fiancée, and their two little girls, Akiko and Kaede

After greetings, everyone sat on the floor playing with each other.

A few hours passed and it was time to head to the airport to fly off to Nagano

"Alright, you ready, kids?!" shouted Oikawa as he and Asahi grabbed their suitcases.

"Yep! Let's go!!".

Everyone followed Oikawa to the car which was parked at the door and then they started driving.

After 5 minutes and several turns they finally arrived at the airport.

They walked through the gate and headed toward baggage claim area.

The three boys ran towards the exit when they saw their bags and they made their way through the crowd to reach their luggage.As they reached their luggage, they looked for their mother and saw her talking to one of their friends, who was holding their luggage.

When they were close enough to her, both boys jumped into her arms.

"We missed you so much, mommy". Said Rei as he hugged her leg tight.

"Missed you too sweetie".

"Where were you? Why weren't you coming home?" Asked Rei

"I know that I should've come home earlier, but I really had to finish my work".

"It's fine mom".

"Come on, we have to get some stuff for tomorrow, so let's go to the car".


As the three people went to the car, Makki went to get some food for himself since he had already eaten.

He got himself a cupcake, put a small amount of chocolate inside it and then ate it quickly because he was really hungry.

After eating his cupcake, he decided to go to the restroom, so he walked toward the restrooms and then entered the bathroom.

Before taking a seat, he closed the door and leaned against it, closing his eyes slowly.

After a couple of minutes he opened his eyes.

"Then, suddenly, the door was locked from the inside and then someone pushed him forcefully.

Makki fell onto the ground painfully.

Makki felt pain in his body and blood dripping down the back of his head.

He tried to move but he couldn't.

He was pinned down to the floor.

Makki looked up and saw a man wearing a mask on his face.

The man then pulled out a knife and stabbed it into Makki's left arm.

Suddenly Makki screamed in pain.

The man kept stabbing his arm until Makki stopped screaming and lost consciousness.

After that, the man took a cloth and wiped the blood off of Makki's body.

Makki was unconscious.

The guy walked out of the bathroom and headed toward the exit

He was going to leave when he saw Oikawa standing at the entrance.

The guy looked shocked and confused on why Oikawa was there.

"Who the hell are you!?"asked the man angrily.

"Who the heck am I? Well, I'm not a fucking intruder! I am here to retrieve my things and give them to my family! But then, I saw you beating the shit out of my brother and I thought I'd save him! So here I am!".What makes you think that I need saving!?"

"Because you attacked my brother! What kind of person attacks another person's brother?"

"That's none of your damn business! Now get the fuck out of here!"

"You're going to tell me to get the hell out of here right now. You're going to tell me, that I shouldn't be here. Am I right?"

"Yes, I am!! Now please, get the fuck out of here!!".

"Fine. Then I'll stay. Because this is MY house, and I'm the one who gets to say when I want to go home!".

Chapter 2

After that fight Makki was kicked out of Oikawa's house and he stayed there for the rest of the day.

Oikawa's parents told him not to worry about anything and told him to focus on school.

However, the fact that Makki was beaten by their own child and wasn't willing to apologize made Oikawa very angry.

Even though Makki was his brother, Oikawa didn't want to lose him. Makki was a good older brother and always looked out for his younger brother.

When Makki was hospitalized