
the love souls

Realistic Fiction
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What is the love souls

WebNovel で公開されている、Ayush_Sharma_2694 の作者が書いた the love souls の小説を読んでください。...


1 タグ


自打第一次见了修先生,小鹿姑娘就立下壮志,要把修先生追到手。 漫漫追夫路,刚开始,小鹿姑娘就被未来婆婆约谈了。 路漫漫看着眼前精致的女人,简直不敢信,她是修先生的母亲。 路漫漫整理了心情,在女人面前坐下。 女人端起咖啡,优雅开口“听说,你要追我儿子?” “是!”路漫漫不要怕,这一天迟早会来。 “我给你五百万……”女人幽幽开口。 就知道,经典桥段要来了,下一句就是离开我儿子。 “我给你五百万,千万不要放弃追我儿子!” “啊?”路漫漫心里腹诽,这什么操作。 女人看她没表态,“一千万……” 路漫漫完全弄不清楚现在的情况啊! “一个亿!”女人再次开价。 “一个?亿?!”路漫漫以为自己听错了。 “对,事成之后,周氏集团送给你做聘礼!” “周氏?” “对,就福布斯排行榜上的那一个。”女人云淡风轻。 “伯母,您难道是想用贫富差距把我劝退吗?” 女人摇头,“绝对不是,你能看上修远兮,真的是我们祖上显灵了!” …… 女人莞尔一笑,“漫漫,辛苦了,我看好你哦!” 女人刚离开…… “路漫漫!”男人带着几分冷峻又威严声音传来。 路漫漫的三魂七魄都被瞬间震出了体外…… 路漫漫机械转身,“修先生,好巧……”

琉木晓 · 一般的
280 Chs

A Matter Of That Kiss

Everything was fine in Adalina's life, she was beautiful, successful and had a handsome boyfriend until he cheated on her. She become miserable. Breaking up with a big singer, getting accused f or cheating on her own boyfriend and kissing someone other than her boyfriend started leading her to lose her fame. So she decided to take revenge with the person whose girlfriend was the one with whom her boyfriend cheated with. Without knowing his identity. 'Lorenzo Varallo' was a name everyone is aware of. He always know what he is doing and to what it will lead him. Being a business men and mafia boss at the same time was normal for him to handle but for that he had to stay away from the news and paparazzi but it changed when he kissed that famous actress in his own club. The next day when he opened his office's door, he found her sitting on his chair and the secret that his girlfriend is cheating on him. What will happen in their lives next? Will they would be able to take revenge on those cheaters? Or the journey of revenge will lead them to something which they won't be excepting? ..................................................................... "You know very well that I don't care who is she?" I asked her. "I know you care and all you care is about her, so fucking leave me." She said and it made me more angry. "I only care about you, Ada." I said as my one hand went to her throat. "Only you." She grab my hand which was on her throat and her another hand went to the back of my neck, and she kissed me.

AuroraFromHeaven · 都市
1 Chs

Arcane Ascendancy: The Codex Overlord

Kairos, once betrayed by those he called allies, finds himself unexpectedly thrust into a world of magic and mystery when a mysterious entity entrusts him with a fateful quest. With an enigmatic red grimoire in hand, his mission is to locate the elusive fifth key, a powerful artifact said to have the ability to reshape destinies. Embarking on a grand adventure, Kairos delves deep into the arcane arts, uncovering an extraordinary affinity for all forms of knowledge and watching his powers grow to unprecedented heights. Along the way, he encounters a fellow wielder of mystical forces, and together they form an unbreakable bond. Their journey takes them across a vast and varied landscape, from shadowy forests to ancient ruins, each step filled with peril and discovery. As they navigate this world, both feared and revered for their burgeoning abilities, they uncover ancient prophecies and malevolent forces that threaten to plunge their world into darkness. Along their path, they face powerful adversaries, each encounter revealing more about their pasts and the intertwined fate that binds them. The journey tests their growing powers, their resolve, and the strength of their friendship. In their quest for the fifth key, the line between friend and foe blurs, and Kairos is faced with moral dilemmas and the haunting echoes of past betrayals. The weight of ancient prophecies grows heavier, and the malevolent forces seeking to exploit the key’s power become more desperate. In the climactic final confrontation, Kairos and his ally must summon every ounce of their strength and wisdom to thwart a cataclysmic event threatening to rewrite the very fabric of their world. Through their trials, they come to understand that true victory lies not just in the fall of kings, but in the resilience and courage of those who dare to fight for their destiny. The journey challenges their beliefs, redefines their notions of power and sacrifice, and ultimately leads them to embrace their true selves and their destinies. "Defeat a pawn, and the game may shift, but victory remains elusive until the king falls." -Kairo

SunRae · ファンタジー
43 Chs


【科研女学霸苏叶×腹黑禁欲总裁重山】 前期斗智斗勇,后期温柔甜宠。 六年前,苏叶还是那个戴着厚框眼镜的学霸大佬,在一个大雪纷飞的冬天动了春心。并且凭借着自己的无上智慧,她最终和阳光暖男小哥哥成功……处成了兄弟。 后来,兄弟远赴他国留学,苏叶再次见到他时,他已是腹黑总裁,名叫重山。 这个重山一点都不暖,甚至一拳头可以让人脑震荡…… 苏叶小怂包:“打不过,我们可以用点儿智慧……” 小怂包迅速跑路,重山紧追不放。 他教会她如何在致命的危险中活下来……却也将她拖入前所未有的地狱。 她对他所说的最后一句话是:我恨你。 他却说:“苏叶是重山的神明……” 第二卷: 他舍弃一切回来,只想全心全意的爱着他眼前这个一点都不怂的小怂包。 苏叶问:“你是谁?” 他回答:“你喜欢谁,我就是谁。” “我就是那个越过死亡得到重生,最后找到苏叶的那个人。” “苏叶,我们还有很多日子要一起走……” “我爱你,我是谁都无所谓……” 往后余生,秋风冬雪,他都会好好的保护他的小怂包。 ————————————— 魔术师罗南X小丑柏温 罗南眯起眼睛:“你一个男人,戴什么耳钉啊?” 柏温飞起一脚将罗南踹下幽深的哈德逊河……

乌塌菜解毒 · 都市
261 Chs


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