
the love souls

Ayush_Sharma_2694 · 現実
10 Chs

become married

for as long as we both shall live" said Hana with a big smile and with a slight blush on her face

Asahi chuckled

"I promise to love and cherish you for as long as you'll allow me, for as long as we're together and for as long as I live" replied Asahi

Everyone smiled and clapped as they heard their vows and Hana smiled back at Asahi, she had tears in her eyes and she kissed him lightly on his lips and whispered to him "I promise to be a part of your life and be here for you, no matter what happens. I promise to support you in sickness and health, and always to be honest and true with you and always to trust you and be the best wife and mother I can be. I promise to care and protect you in times of need and be there for you through everything and whatever comes our way. No matter the consequences or the pain, I will be by your side until death takes me first. I promise to honor you and respect you and love you till death does us apart. In sickness and health I vow to love you and cherish you, and in all ways I will try to be by your side till the end. With all my heart I promise to love you and cherish you forever and ever and ever amen".The two finished their vows and Asahi took a deep breath and took her face in his hands and gently wiped the tears falling from her eyes

"Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me the love that I so desperately needed. Thank you for making me believe in what I've lost in my past and giving me the opportunity to find it again. Thanks for being there with me and for being my whole world. And thank you for being the best partner that I ever could have. And thanks for loving me, always and forever".

A tear fell from Hana's eyes as she said: "Thank you, Asahi".

Then the two shared a passionate kiss before pulling away and saying "I love you"

Chapter 8

After the wedding, everyone left. Everyone except for Hana and Asahi. After leaving the church, they got back in the car and drove to the airport where the flight was going to leave to go to the wedding

Hana looked at her phone and saw that it was 4 pm and they still had 3 hours left until the plane was going to take off.

She told Asahi that she would call the airline and ask about how long they should wait before boarding the plane

After calling the airlineshe called and talked to the manager and he said that they wouldn't be able to board until 5:00 pm which left 6 hours to kill.

As Hana tried to think of something to do, she found a small playground near the church and decided to go play on it.

As Hana played on the playground, she heard a child crying in the distance. She looked around and saw none of her kids running around playing.

Hana walked around the playground and stopped after hearing crying coming from behind a tree. Curious, Hana walked to the tree where she heard crying and saw someone sitting underneath it with their head in their arms.

Hana approached the crying child and knelt down next to them

Hana said: "Hey, are you ok kid? What's wrong?".

Hana noticed that the crying child was a boy.

The boy looked up and looked at Hana and cried out: "I-I wanna p-pick flowers".

"You want flowers? Okay come with me" replied Hana

Hana grabbed the boy's hand and walked toward the flower stand near the playground.

As soon as she arrived at the flower stand Hana said: "Pick what kind of flower you want for me!".The boy looked at Hana confused then looked up at the flowers and pointed at some red tulips and a bunch of other flowers

Hana picked up the bouquet of flowers from the table and handed them to the boy who was now holding the flowers.

The boy thanked her and ran off happily and sat down under the tree and waited for Hana to return

As soon as Hana got back to the tree the boy ran toward her

"What did the lady at the flowers stand say?" Asked the boy excitedly as he held the flowers close to his chest

Hana smiled softly and replied: "She said that you can pick anything! It doesn't matter what kind of flower you pick".

The boy squealed with excitement and ran back to the table

When the boy returned, he was now holding a bunch of red tulip's and he ran back to Hana and placed them all in her arms

"Thank you!" said the boy in a happy tone as he hugged Hana

"Of course! You can keep them here!" Said Hana as she pulled the boy back into a hug

The boy looked at the flowers in Hana's hands and said: "Can I also buy them?".

"Why not?Go ahead," said Hana as she opened one of her bags to get him money

Hana put some money in his bag and asked: "What's your name kid?".

"Oikawa Tooru" said Oikawa

"Okay Oikawa, what's your favorite color?".

"Pink!" said Oikawa happily

"Pink is my favorite color too!" said Hana with a bright smile

"Really?" asked Oikawa excitedly

"Yes! And I also love pink! But I prefer blue, green, purple and orange because those colours look pretty together".

"Me too! I like green, blue, yellow, red, orange, white, black and brown too".

"That's cool! What is your favorite animal?" asked Hana

"Pig" answered Oikawa

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! Why?"

"Nothing! Just curious".

As they were talking, the sun began setting and it started to turn darker.

"Are you hungry?" asked Hana as she realized that they didn't eat anything since yesterday afternoon

"No but I'm thirsty!Can I have water please".

"Of course! Here ya go" said Hana as she handed the boy the bottle of water

As Oikawa drank the water he continued his conversation with Hana

Hana and Oikawa spent all night talking and telling each other stories and funny memories until they both felt tired and yawned loudly.

They decided to rest and went home early.

At the house, they were greeted by their children who were smiling at Hana and asking her a lot of questions

Hana looked at the little ones who were waiting for her to answer them

She looked at Asahi who was standing next to her and she nodded her head to tell Asahi that she was okay with answering the questions

"Hi guys! How was your day?". Said Hana as she kneeled down to their level.

She knew very well why she was getting so many questions at once from her children

It wasn't just her family that came to see her today

She was invited by Asahi's parents and a few friends to attend the wedding at the beach in Nagano.

So they came to celebrate the marriage of Hana and Asahi.