

Lucinda fought long and hard for her happiness before she finally threw in the cold towel, she gave up when her father left her in the cold and dirty world to strive and survive on her own. He had been her sole protector and fighter, especially against the harsh treatment from her step mother and sister, but when he died few weeks to her mating ceremony she lost interest In life generally, knowing fully well That her step mother and step older sister had every chance and power to frustrate her excessively, now that no one is around to protect her. Although it’s not like anyone had been there to protect her generally from them, her father was always outdoors to fend for them, but at least he came home most times to yell and warn them to stay away from her. It felt like hey planned his death, instantly they took her mate from her on the mating ceremony by turning him against her before she even met him, they had taken space in his life and in her presence he announced her step sister as his queen and rejected her ridiculously in public, turning her into an ordinary maid. “You are a whore and you can never be my queen, a hag like you is tainted and wretched! ..Get her out of my sight!!” Her mate's furious and bitter voice filled her dreams every night, his tune as he bellowed at her on the first night of their meeting took on a life of its own and turned into a daily nightmare for her. She wondered how gullible he must be to easily take the words of her step mother and sister for it, without bothering to hear from her, she was so sad and dissapionted in him. The one person she thought would carry her on his shoulder and carry her to safety away from her enemies. Lucinda closed her heart to any form of love or freedom but when a knight in shining armour came in the form of her prisoner and buyer, the scary, crazily wealthy and famous hybrid king with the vampire and werewolf breed, Lucinda almost didn’t believe it. From buying her to be an ordinary sex slave and blood bag where he could feed from and satisfy his pleasures in his bed, she became his queen and wife embedded with wealth and authority. What will happen along the way and how will her step mother and sister take the news of her new found luck and love? Will Lucinda give in to her prisoner and allow the raging wind of love and attraction between them break the barrier of coldness, fear and heartbreak in her heart? Will she go back to her mate when he comes running and begging her for forgiveness? Can she and the hybrid king find a happy ever after or will his coldness and superiority scare her away and deny the intense attraction and pure raging romance between them?

Daoist4rnkPX · ファンタジー
10 Chs



I know what Abigeal will say in situations like this, she would support the hybtid king and tell me to be patient with him, but how can I take this Shame, the dissapiontment and abuse.

"Take your robe and cover your stinky self, I will not let another woman steal my man! Look at you, a slut! You think giving my man your smelly blood can keep him!."

The woman yelled at me again, edging toward me like a lion moving toward its PRESH but the hybrid king was faster, he lounged out of his chair and pushed me behind him.

Since the arrival of the strange woman and a little girl beside her, he hasn't said much, aside from groaning and sending warning glares to the woman.

"Tiara, can you explain to me what you are doing here with my daughter, I don't understand this concepts! I told you to wait in the visitor building , didn't I!"

It wasn't a question but a threat as susuan and the woman got the message, she gasped almost immediately after me, our eyes met buts she said nothing, probably scared now because the hybrid king is angry with her.

But my reason for gasping and opening my eyes wide in disbelief is because of what I just heard, I don't know about hers.

"Please why is happening here? A daughter or what? Are you married? You knew she was coming here and you told me nothing about her? What's happening here!,"

As I spoke, I noticed my hands shaking while I tried pulling my robe over my almost naked body, the shake hitting me harder, Isabella would definitely be happy to hear this news and she would laugh so hard.

"Where do you think you are going woman? Did I ask you to leave, she would leave not you and she's not my wife, you are my wife Lucinda!, I will explain everything, that's why I called you!,"

His blaring tone stopped me on the spot, I was already moving quickly toward the other side of his huge bedroom, hoping he wouldn't notice me since his other woman is here but I was wrong, his guards were suddenly in front of me.

"What are you saying? What else do you want from me please. I have given you everything, my body, my soul and now you want my heart? I even gave you my blood! She's here with your daughter and you didn't think of telling me before now?,"

Got once in my life, the pain and betrayal I felt didn't let me think of fearing him, he's a big and mighty man but right now, I could t think of that. I noticed the guards returning to their spot but before I could turn around to check why, he was already behind me, pulling me into his chest.

"You aren't leaving here until you understand what's happening, Tiara was my mate and she left me! Okay she left after having sex with half of my guards, I found out about her unfaithfulness after she left and warned her not to return,"

"Yet, I can't leave my daughter, I have to take care of her and seeing her today is because I called her here to discuss about my daughter!," He spoke calmly but there was anger and frustration in his voice as well.

A maid rushed in to pull the little girl away, she waved at me and gave me a very sweet smile, my heart melt at once and i reminded myself that she's not the enemy, hee mother who thinks she's can come here to destroy what we have is my enemy.

I stopped thinking at once and jerked my self out of his hold, to my suprise he allowed it and moved backward slowly from me, eyeing Tiara with a very demeaning and threatening look.

"I don't want to know what happened between you both, she's here and she's with your daughter. You can return back to your family, just met me be. Please!," when i added the last word, I burst into tears.

The tears reminding me of how foolish I am, to think that a man like my husband can stay with only me, or have only me in his life, he has a deep past and they will be connected to us forever, how can I beat that.

"Don't try to soothe me with your words Spencer, this is what I feared! Being in the shadow! In the dark, where no one tells me about what's really going on, you have a family and you didn't tell me?,"

"Just like Eric, he was with my sister for years and he said nothing, can you tell me the difference between you both ? Can you prove now that I was wrong, i told you to let me go, I told,"

The hand on my neck forced me to choke on my word and cut them off at once, instead I whispered and pressed on my husband string hand on my neck.

I wasn't expecting the change in color of his eyes, but when he flung me hard straight into his bed, I knew I had just gotten myself into a terrible trouble.

"You need to talk to me, we need to discuss the way forward, that's why I'm here!," Tiara shouted from across the room, probably to get his attention. I almost forgot she was there until she spoke again. Would he take me right in front of her.

His mouth twitched as he approached me and I could see death and blood in his eyes, I knew what he had in mind for me, to teach me a great lesson for bringing up Eric.

"You want me to show you how different I'm right? Lucinda! Isn't that what you want? I will show you just that," he roared at me, scaring me the more, I burst into another round of tears when I felt him just beside the end of the bed. Towering over me like a giant.

I came here to give my blood and have a spicy night while we are at it, like always. I will enjoy ghe night and beat myself about it in the mei king, reminding myself that I need to leave his life and house.

"Get out now! What are you still doing there! Do you want to watch me and my wife, you will enjoy it though!," Thenhybtid king hard tone brought me out of my thought.

Only then did I realize that he was talking to his other woman who was being dragged out by his guards at the door, the door slammed with a very heavy and final noise, leaving only the both of us.

"Lucinda, you need to coperate with me and let me ease off all my anger, I won't be hard on you baby, but you know what I will do if you try to bring up leaving or talk about your foolish Ex, you might survive this night if you keep your tempting and sexy mouth shut!,"

His tone changed into a seductive and scary one when he spoke to me, my heart racing with increased anxiety as I watched him pull off his cloth one by one. I wanted to say something, anything to make him stop whatever he wanted to do to me.

My husband can be sweet and gentle in bed when he wants to be but right now he wants to punish me and words so not seem to be in my head right now, I couldn't think of anything to say to him, I couldn't even plead. It will make him more furious.