
The Loud House: Doujinshi

After a vision and an argument with the family, Lincoln Loud, the middle and only male child to the Infamous Loud family, leaves Royal Woods to go to a new city to attend a new school. There, he meets new people and new friends and learn about his new powers but also his past lives and learn to be a true hero

Pixel9922 · テレビ
3 Chs

Season 1: Episode 1: The Aftermath

Here's the official episode 1 and things might just be better for our hero now, now I did some research on the distance and how long it would take if you live in Michigan to California. I talked to some of my American friends on Discord about it since some of them live in Michigan and found out that it takes 34 hours to travel between Bay City to Los Angeles, so Lincoln might take a while to get to Megaville.

Now of the disclaimers

"I, Pixel's Fanbooks, do not own any of the following: Characters, Names, Music, Powers, and or people in this story, I only own the OC's in this story. All Characters are owned by their respective owners

No Animals were harmed during to writing of this story.

So please support me there if you can, thank you and enjoy chapter 3 of the story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Intro-00:03 to 01:23)

Opening 1: NO LIMIT (AmaLee)

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaa

Oh, we'll get stronger!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa

Lincoln was on top of a building with the wind blowing his hair and hoodie while he was looking at the afternoon sky with a sad look on his face before a hand pats his back and he turns to see that his new friends were behind him and smiling at him before he smiles at them.

Hey! Mr. Pain! Bring it! Bring it!

I'll never let you do as you like

I will get stronger than you

I've already made up my mind to be so!

Birds fly past him as they soar into the clouds with beams of different colors hitting the center as the title appears.

THE LOUD HOUSE: Doujinshi (Season 1)

Two girls walk by the title screen and smile at the readers as they take the camera and move it to show a city with the sun

I was always born a dreamer

Letting my heart lead the way

The more challenges that block me

Make tomorrow exciting

Lincoln in his new school uniform was walking to school as transplant images of his family and friends from Royal Woods flashed around him and stops and the world around him darkens

Eh Yo! Come my way, show me whatchu got, Mr. Pain!

No – no – no – no you know there's no stopping me!

I was never fit for losing

People in hoodies stand in a dark room with a tall boy with glasses and a black bowl haircut but two cuts at the end that made up the letter M was smirking as robots were behind him, one girl with snow white hair in a white dress with a black belt poses with a green creature and a girl who smirks evilly.


Even if scars fill every inch of my skin

A bright light appears and shows a short boy with ginger curly hair with some spikes at his crowd and a short mullet and was wearing a white lab-coat and had glasses with metal gantlets on his hands appeared with three girls in blue, green and pink dresses, with a black belt while one of them had blonde hair in two pigtails and light blue eyes smiles and has her eyes closed as she does a peace sign with both her hand to the camera and a girl with short black hair in a flip with a small triangular part on her forehead and light green eyes smirks as she punches her fist in her hand with green lighting coursing off her hand and a girl with long straight ginger hair with a big red bow and heart shape hair-clip smiles with her arms crossed against her chest while two kids were next to them, a boy with brown hair with a black and grey watch with a green faceplate on his left wrist as he holds it up in the air and the faceplate pops up and a girl with ginger hair and a small book floating over her hand with a pink aura around the book and her hand.


I know my friends'll fight until end ... by my side!

Another boy appeared, he had tan skin, black chocolate curly hair, brown eyebrows with brown eyes with a scar over his left eye smirks before he spins his belt-buckle and is consumed by a green flame before green silted eyes opened before a girl with white hair in a ponytail in black and white clothes appeared and floats and phases through a wall into an alleyway before a boy with purple hair in a grey hoodie and blue eyes ran in the alleyway and puts on a red and black mask and a red light erupts around him and above a building was a boy with buck teeth and a pink cap with pink and green wands in his hands and a purple backpack on his back as Lincoln looks up and his pupils glow bright grey and a girl with long blonde hair and had a hairband with red horns on it drops down a portal with a boy with brown hair and had a red hoodie on gets up and pulls out a wand with wings on its sides.

Shining brightly, there is a new world

Wanting for me, but I can't make it

Unless we fight as one – NO-LIMIT holds us back!

The three girls and the boy with glasses punch a bunch of robots away as a red and black ninja with a red scarf and a boy with a red kung-fu GI appear out from a light red smoke and slash a group of robots with a katana and sword and the ninja throws a throwing star at a robot's head causing it to explode while a red creature with four arms throws a bunch of robots to another bunch and roars while the ginger girl shoots pink beams at a group of robots as a boy with a pink mask shoots a yellow blast at a couple of robots and they turn into a bunch of random things before a giant robot comes and was about stomp on the heroes before it was hit with something

It's in our hands, we've gotta grasp it

And take a stand, aim for the future

NO-LIMIT holds us back!

A bright green beam and a rainbow beam go through the robot's chest and cause it to explode which made a chain-reaction of explosions, the smoke clears showing the white-haired green-eyed girl with her fist in the air and green smoke coming off her hand and the long blonde girl's wand was smoking as a shadow jumps over them and shoots a fist with a chain connecting to them at a bunch of robots and crash some of them, the boy shows his masked face and smirks before he slashes the robots with his claws and Lincoln running into the action with throws a punch with his right fist as white energy flows around it before it collided with a robot and it explodes

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaa

Oh, we'll get stronger!

Whoa whoa whoaaa

Lincoln turns around to see the readers and smiles before the camera zooms out and shows the heroes sitting on the destroyed robots as they smile at the readers and the scene fades to black

Last Time On The Loud House: Doujinshi...


"You're sending me away to California to another school, but I didn't do anything bad. I wasn't even at Lynn's game!!" Lincoln shouted as he was in shock from the news

"Sorry son but your sister still thinks that you were at that game, and no one can prove that you weren't there yesterday." Lynn Sr said

"I can because I was sleeping and reading my comics and I talked to Pop-Pop so he can prove it." Lincoln said as he was reaching his breaking point

"Sweetie, your sisters still think that you might ruin their success with your..." Rita said but she was cut off


Lincoln looks at the doorway and sees his mom standing behind him

"Oh...it's you, Mrs. Loud." Lincoln said as he looks down and his hair was covering his eyes

Rita was hurt from hearing her calling her by her formal name

"Lincoln, I wanted to tell and understand that this is..."

"To protect your daughters' success and stupid careers while I'm left behind to take all the blame, ha I guess I finally understand." Lincoln said in an emotionless tone which Rita flinched at

"Please...please at least say goodbye to your family!" Rita shouted as Lincoln stopped, he turned and look at her

"I love you guys but...the only family I have is Pop-Pop, Aunt Ruth, and Lilly." And just like that Lincoln gets into the car and leaves the Loud House and Royal Woods as Rita cried knowing that she let her son leave with hate and anger in him. What she or Lincoln didn't know was that the girls were listening to their conversation and some felt like knives were going through their hearts from Lincoln's last words as he basically disowned the family while some just shrugged at the words thinking that he'll get over this.

Season 1: Episode 1: The Aftermath

Lincoln was sitting in the backseat of Albert's car as they drove from the Loud House, he was thinking about what he said to his mother before he left. Now he didn't regret saying them as he spoke from his heart but he did feel guilt for making her cry. he somehow felt 10 energies near him and could feel some things from them but could really focus as his mind was occupied by his emotions. He stares through the car window as they pass by a few cars, trucks, and trees.

Albert looks at Lincoln in the rearview mirror and could tell that he was not okay.

"Hey sport, you okay?" Albert asked, Lincoln breaks out of his trance and turns to his grandfather.

"Yeah...I'm totally fine Pop-Pop." Lincoln said while forcing a smile. Albert could defiantly see that the smile was fake and decided that he would ask Lincoln about it before he would leave the state.

"Okay." The two continue the drive in silence as they were heading out of town. Albert stops at an old Gas Station, 15 minutes outside Royal Woods, and to a full stop. Albert parks the car there. He turns to Lincoln and gave the boy his famous look that could crack anyone, even Lucy.

"Lincoln, what's wrong?" He asked as Lincoln saw the look and sank into the seat

"Nothing's wrong grandpa." Lincoln nervously said, Albert just deepens the look

"Sport, I know something's wrong. When I came to the house yesterday and talked to your parents about this and when I asked to speak to you, they said that you were sleeping which was odd to me since I know that you don't sleep at 4 p.m. and they said that you were tired from Lynn's game which was very odd since you called me during her game, so please tell me what's wrong." Albert asked one more time, Lincoln looked at his Pop-Pop and saw that he really wanted to know, he puts his head down

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you have to promise me one thing Pop-Pop." Lincoln replied seriously. Albert cocked an eyebrow up

"And what's that?"

"Don't do anything drastic or deathly to my family after you heard what I'm about to say." Lincoln said as Albert puts his arm on the boy's shoulder as he starts to speak.

Location: Royal Woods Mall

Time: 14:30 p.m.

We are at Royal Woods Mall, home to 200 stores. We see people roaming the mall as they were either working or doing their shopping, the Loud daughters went their separate ways as they arrived there but one of them decided not to shop as she normally would as she was taking care of Lily, the youngest of the Loud family. She had shades on her blonde head, and she wore a tear blue dress and wore white sandals, she was Leni Loud, the second older child of the Loud family, and she was busy sitting on a bench with Lily. She was replaying the words Lincoln said before he left and it hurt for him to say that as his goodbye

"I don't know what to do. Linky is getting farther away from us, and he hates us now. He disowned us and I-" Leni was interrupted when she heard Lily clapping her hands and giggling. "What's wrong Lily?" she asks as the baby giggles

"Linky, Linky, Linky." Lily said while trying to reach her 'brother'

Leni looks at what she was reaching for and saw a boy with an orange t-shirt and blue jeans, he had a hat on with blondish hair coming out of it. He was reading a comic next to the fountain

"Oh Lily, that's not Linky, Linky's...Linky's gone." Leni said as she watched Lily's expression change from happy to confused

"Linky bye...bye?" Lily said with Leni slowly nodding. Lily started to tear up. Leni saw the tears build up and she start to soothe her

"Shh, there there Lily, Linky is only gone for school. He'll be back in no time, okay?" Leni said as Lily nodded and put her thumb in her hand to suck on it


The two hear a sigh, and they turn to see Lucy walking to the bench, the goth sitting on the bench, Leni could see the bored and sad look on the goth's face under her bangs so being the older sister, she started to chat with Lucy

"Hey, Lucy. Are you, like, okay?"

"No, the bookstore ran out of my favorite book when I left for the restroom...sigh...Lincoln would always help me by buying it for me when I left to do something." Lucy said with her hanging down, Leni placed her hand on Lucy's back and started to stroke it, trying to cheer her up.

"It's your fault!"

"My fault, how's it my fault with you're the one who caused us to get banned." They see Lola and Lana walk to them

"What happened?" Leni asked, her curiosity wanting to know

"Miss Beauty here kicked the pet store manager in the shin and got us banned from the pet store, I couldn't see the tanks for some of my pets because of her." Lana shouted

"Hey, he was telling me that I couldn't have a cute pet for free so I kicked him." Lola said

They smell something awful in the air, they turned to see Luan and Lisa walking toward them. When they reached the bench, the rest took a step back.

"What happened to you guys?" Leni asked while plugging her nose

"Miss Comedy here caused a stink bomb explosion at the funny store when she pushed a button on my new invention with it exploding when I was in the store trying to purchase an item for said invention."

"Yeah, I guess that stank, haha get it? But for real, we stink and we're lucky that we escaped before the mall cop got there." Luan said

Luna came to the bench all depressed and moved away from the stinky duo and stood next to the bench

"They didn't have any Mick Swaggers' New album; I could even get one." Luna said

"Sorry to hear that Luna." Leni said as she pats her sister's back

"THIS IS LITERALLY NOT RIGHT!" They all heard someone shout near them, they turned to the source for the shouting and saw Lori walking towards them, angry, she sat next to Lucy and grumble next to her, the sisters were scared since an angry Lori is a dangerous Lori, Leni slowly approached her

"Hey, Lori, like, what's up?" She asked

"The cell phone store doesn't do updates for my phone anymore since last week, they said my phone is out-of-date, like literally, since when. If the twerp told me about this, this would have never have happened." Lori said angrily as she started to plot revenge against Lincoln

"Uhh Lori, Linky's not here anymore..." Leni said deadpanned

"Oh..." said Lori as she realized that Leni was right and dropped the revenge plan and her angry face

"Ha, that's how you do it." They turned to see Lynn Jr limping her way to them with a new bat but she had new injuries, a cut on her forehead, new bruises, and the wound that Charles gave on her leg yesterday was reopened and worse

"What happened to you?" Luna asked as she looked at Lynn's body

"Hah, fought my way through a few people to get this new and once-of-a-kind bat, baby was sold out and I got the last one." She said, proud of herself for getting the bat as she starts to swing it.

"Lucky..." Lola said

And it was at this moment that the bat chose to slip out of Lynn's hands and fly through the air, it went through the top window of the mall and landed on the roof, never to be seen again, the sisters saw the bat's new place and turned to see Lynn standing there in her pose as she watched the hole that the bat made as it left her hand. She then walks to the bench and stands next to it.

"Uhh..." Lola tried to speak

"Not. One. Word." Lynn hissed in pain and anger

The sisters were depressed, out of all the times for them to go to the mall, it had to be at the worse time. Without Lincoln there with them even if they dragged him to come and spent his allowance on things that they wanted, it wasn't the same without him there to help them.

"Guess the mall is not the same without..."Leni tried to say but was rudely cut off

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY ITS NAME!!! Look, Stinkcoln's bad luck mojo is still on us, give it a few days to leave and we'll be back to normal." Lynn replied

"Look, since there nothing for us here, might as well go home and patch up Lynn and..." Lori said but all of them except Lily felt a chill going down their spines

"Did anyone feel that?" Lori said with the rest nodding

"I wonder why did we feel that?" Lana asked

"It could be the change of weather or something warning us about something in the future..." Lisa said, not knowing how correct she was

"Okay, let's not focus on that, let's go home and patch Lynn up." Lori said., taking charge again

"Nah, leave me be. These aren't nothing." Lynn said as they just walked or limped back to Vanzilla, unaware that one of her injuries was more serious than ever thanks to today.

Location: Old Gas Station; Outskirts of Royal Woods

Time: 14:55 p.m.

"Lincoln...please tell me that you're joking..." Albert said, hoping that Lincoln was only messing with him but Lincoln just shook his head. The navy hero was shocked by the tale his grandson told for his summer. Sister Fight Protocol, being dragged to places against his will, and worst of all...getting kicked out of the house over a superstition. He started to see red as his face was red in anger which Lincoln saw

"Pop-Pop, you promised..." Lincoln states

Albert took deep and long breathes and let them out, his face was returning to its normal color

"Sorry, kiddo but it's a lot to take in, for them to do that to you." Albert said

"I know but it's my fault." Lincoln said with Albert looking at him confused

"I caused this to happen, and all because I wanted some alone time." Lincoln said depressed, Albert patted Lincoln's shoulder

"Lincoln, it's not your fault. You came clean about it but they took it too far when they kicked you out, look I know that you're mad at them and you have every right to be. I know you wouldn't forgive them for a while and I understand that you might have some trust issues toward them but you can't let this follow you forever okay? You talked about being overshadowed by your sisters and their success, no you're not being overshadowed, you were a part of those achievements as you helped them in it. You don't need a trophy to prove that you're special, you have a golden heart and this spark inside you that makes you you. You're not your sisters. You're Lincoln Loud, The Man With The Plan." Albert said, proud to see Lincoln as the young man that he is

Lincoln smiled at the words his Pop-Pop said, he felt a deep and warm heart-warming moment, he hugged the old man.

"Thanks Pop-Pop, I needed that. If you're still angry, you could just punch my so-called dad in the face." Lincoln said

"Oh, I will." Albert said as he hugged his grandson, Albert's phone started to vibrate, he took it out of his back pocket and saw a text.

"They're only two minutes away, come kiddo. Let's get your stuff ready." Albert said with Lincoln nodding and took his stuff from the trunk as they set them down but one of Lincoln's bags was moving even after they set it down. the two waited for a minute until they saw a light brown RV with red and blue lines on the sides with satellites on the top

'That RV looks a lot better than Vanzilla.'

Albert chuckles at the sight of the RV

"Man, he'll never replace the RV." He said as the RV door opens showing an elderly man wearing a white shirt, covered by a red buttoned-up Hawaiian shirt with a floral design. He had grey hair and blue pants, as well as brown shoes. Albert laughs as he sees the elderly man

"And that he is." Albert said as the two walked toward each other and they hug each other

"Looks who's back in the game." Albert said while they hugged

"You're one to talk. I thought that you were out of good?" the other man said as they separate. Albert turned to Lincoln

"Lincoln, meet one of my oldest friends, Max Tennyson. Max meet my only grandson, Lincoln Loud." Albert introduced them, Lincoln saw Max coming to him, and he lifted his hand to shake Max's hand

"It's nice to meet you, so you and Pop-Pop are good friends?" Lincoln asked as he respectfully shakes Max's hand

"It's nice to meet you Lincoln and yes, me and old Albert here have been friends since school and went to the plumber business. Oh, wait, kids, come out here and see who will ride with us." Max said as he yells to the RV

'Wait...kids?' Lincoln thought as the RV door opened, and two kids come out of it. One was a girl who had short red hair held by a blue hair clip and green eyes and freckles on her face, she was wearing a blue raglan shirt with a cat logo on her chest, white capris, and a pair of white shoes with dark blue stripes. Next to her was a shorter boy with shaggy brown hair and green eyes, he was wearing a black-striped, white shirt with short sleeves, military green cargo pants with side pockets, and black and white sneakers with black stripes. He had a black bulky-looking wristwatch on his left wrist, it had white lines on it and a green hourglass faceplate.

"Lincoln Albert... meet Gwen and Ben Tennyson, they're my grandkids and kids meet Lincoln Loud, he'll be riding with us back to the city." Max said

"It's nice to meet you two" Lincoln said while waving

"Good to meet you too." Gwen replied

"Hey man, nice hair, it is dyed or natural?" Ben asked with his arm behind his head

"Doofus, don't ask a question like that to someone you just met." Gwen said as she smacks Ben in the head

"Sorry about that Lincoln, Ben's a little out of it, like always." Gwen said

"Oh I don't mean, I get it a lot, and Ben. Yes, it's natural." Lincoln answered, he grabbed his stuff and turned to Albert.

"Well Pop-Pop, I guess this is it." Lincoln said. Albert hugs Lincoln

"I know kiddo, I know that this school will bring the best out of you." Albert said he remembered something that he had for Lincoln

"Wait here kiddo, I've got something of you." He said as he goes back to his car and takes something. He had a book and a phone

"Here kiddo, this book has been passed down to people in the family, and now it's your turn to have it. And the phone is for you, think of it as a present to start over." Albert said, Lincoln said and took the items from his grandfather.

"Why don't you go inside the RV while I catch up with Max?" Albert said as Ben helps Lincoln with his bags, they get in and Lincoln looks around inside the RV.

"So you guys travel in this RV? My grandpa told me that you guy traveled the whole country during the summer." Lincoln said

"Yeah, we've been to places, from the best to the worst, and experienced things you won't believe." Ben said as he sat on the couch and turn on the radio

"And in other news, a robbery near Bay City was stopped by another alien that calls itself Heatblast with the help of a girl of calls herself: Lucky Girl. Who are these heroes that have been reported all over the country and where are they now?" the radio reporter said as Lincoln's eyes has stars in them

"Them again?! That's so cool, man those alien heroes are awesome." Lincoln said excitedly

"Wait, you know them?" Gwen asked

"Know them? I've been following them and other heroes over the world for years. That ninja I heard in Norseville who hasn't shown up all summer and that ghost kid who saved the world and I heard about some hero or villain in Miracle City that one time or those two kids from Damsdal that built incredible stuff during the summer." Lincoln said

"But who do you like the most?" Ben asked as he wanted to know if he was on the favorite list

"Oh, I like the major heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor but I really like the younger heroes, I think they could be one of the greatest with time, experience, and practice." Lincoln said as Ben and Gwen smiled at his words

"And I really like Lucky Girl, I think she's cute." Lincoln said as Ben's smile dropped and Gwen's mind goes off track and a pink line was on her face


"Dude, I don't think you should say something like that in front of us man." Ben said, feeling uncomfortable from the words Lincoln said

"What, why?" Lincoln asked confused

"Just trust me dude." Ben said as Max walks in

"What took you so long?"

"Oh Albert wanted to speak about a few things and we're done now." Max said as he gets into the driver's seat

"You kids ready?" he asked as Ben and Gwen took the backseats while Lincoln rode shotgun, Max turns to Lincoln

"Lincoln, are you ready for the next chapter of your life?" Max asked as Lincoln took a deep breath, he let it all out and looked at the road and saw a light coming him. He smiled

"I'm ready." Lincoln said simply as Max smiled and starts the Rust Bucket, Lincoln started to see his friends; Rusty, Liam, Zach, His Best Friend; Clyde, Ronnie Anne, and Girl Jordan. Lincoln looks out the window and sees Albert waving goodbye with him waving back.

Albert watches the RV drive away out of sight. He smiled as he knew things will change.

'I hope that he'll find friends that'll help him out. And I hope he can handle the power of it' Albert thought as he got into his car and drove back into Royal Woods with a mission in mind

Location: Road

Time: 15:00

Lincoln was looking back into the side mirror as he sees the town he loves and grew up in get smaller and smaller.

Max sees Lincoln's mood

"You okay Lincoln?" Max asked as Lincoln wipes a tear

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He said with a smile

"So are we going from the airport to the city." Lincoln asked as the Tennysons laughed which got him confused

"Hahaha, sorry Lincoln but we're not going to an airport. We're going all the way kiddo. So sit back and relax." Max said as he puts his foot down. Lincoln was shocked that he was going through the country just to get to a school.

"Hey, Lincoln." Lincoln looked back to see Ben was calling him, he gets out of his sit and walks to the cousins.

"So, you said that you follow heroes. So which are your best heroes?" Ben asks as Lincoln smiles and starts to explain while Max looks at the rear mirror and sees the kids hanging out as he turns on the radio and music start to play.

[Road Trip Music: Life Is a Highway by Rascals Flatts from Cars 1]

The Rust Bucket travels down the road pass through some towns as Lincoln sees Chicago in the distance. The kids continue to talk about their interests and dreams as they pass through Nebraska and a town called Lincoln which made the white-haired boy happy. The travelers stop at a rest stop and eat some burgers as Ben makes funny faces which make Lincoln spit take and laugh while Gwen smacks Ben on his head for playing with his food. They continue their journey as they pass through as the sun sets while Lincoln marvels at the lights of the city. The RV barrels down Route-70 through Colorado towards Utah. Lincoln and the kids start to get tired as the night comes, they change into their nightwear and head to bed as the cousins take their beds while Lincoln sleeps on the couch, Max continues to drive until he stops near the state border between Utah and Nevada and rests for the night. The following day, the travelers get up and continue their way towards Megaville as they pass through Las Vegas.

[End Music]

Location: Las Vegas: route to Megaville

Time: Wednesday, 29 July. 10:52 a.m.

The kids were sitting in the back eating their breakfast. Ben was eating a bowl of Sumo Slammers Cereal; Gwen was eating an English breakfast while Lincoln was eating a bowl of Zombie Brans that he took from the Loud House. Ben looks at Lincoln while eating as he had something on his mind

"Hey, Linc?" Lincoln looks at Ben as he called him


"Out of curiously, do you have siblings?" Ben asked as Max's eyes widen while Lincoln flinches from the question with Gwen noticing the flinch

"Hey Lincoln, are you alright?" Gwen asked

"Y-Y-Yeah, why are you asking?" Lincoln asked while forcing a smile while Gwen having lived with Ben for 3 months could tell it was forced

"Cause I saw that you flinched at the mention of siblings and you're forcing a smile. What's wrong?" Gwen asked concerned as Lincoln looked at them and sighed

"I just can't keep it fr..." Lincoln started to speak but he saw his green duffel bag was moving on its own, the cousins see the bag move as Ben slowly reached for his watch while Gwen's hands started to glow pink slightly, the bag fell and all its contains fell as a white ball rolled out of the bag. It hit the bathroom door and 'it' unrolled to show...

"CHARLES?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Lincoln shouted as he saw his pet dog on the floor eating one of his energy bars.

"Who's the dog?" Ben asked as he saw the dog eating

"He's my dog. Guys, meet Charles." Lincoln introduced his dog as Charles got up and barked excitedly.

"Awww, he's so cute," Gwen said as she went to Charles and pick him up. Ben smiled as the cute white dog remained him for his dog. Lincoln patted Charles' head and saw something different about Charles, his black spot over his left eye was turning blue, the black circle on his back was fading and blue spots were appearing in the circle's place and his right pupil was fading from black to blue.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" Lincoln asked as Charles barked and nodded

"Has Lisa experimented on you during the past week or have you been in contact with her chemicals?" Lincoln asked as Charles shook his head. The cousins look at Lincoln confused as they heard him speak to his dog and ask his strange questions

"Hey, Lincoln?" Ben asked


"Why are you asking your dog if he's been near dangerous science stuff?"

"Oh, well I was making such that he's not been experimented on by my little sister." Lincoln said

"Your little sister experiments?" Gwen asked as she starts to feed Charles food

"Yeah, she usually experiments on things and invents stuff but it usually blows up."

"How old is she?" Gwen asked, scared about the girl's safety

"Four years old..." Lincoln said as the cousins and Grandfather's eyes widen from his answer

"FOUR YEARS?!?!" Ben and Gwen yelled out loud


"Lincoln, don't you know that it's dangerous for a four-year-old to do those things?" Max said


"Don't your parents stop her or anything?" Gwen asked as Lincoln snorted at her question

"Ha yeah right, the only thing they do is either ground me or scold me for stuff I didn't do...they let my sisters get away with everything..." Lincoln said as he remembers the summer

"What do you mean by that?" Max asked as he knew about this from Albert but he wanted to make much of it

"Well..." Lincoln began explaining the things that happened to him during the summer, Sister Fight Protocol, being dragged to places against his will, getting blackmailed into doing things for them and worst of all...getting kicked out of the house over a superstition. The Tennysons sat in their seats as Lincoln explained: Ben wanted so bad to go alien on them, Gwen wanted to make them disappear while Max was disappointed for the parents as they failed to do their jobs as parents.

"And that's about it..." Lincoln said as he finished his summer

"Man, sorry you had to go through that man." Ben said as he felt sorry for the younger Kid. Gwen got up and put Charles on the floor and hugged Lincoln which surprised him and Ben from her actions

"Lincoln, you're a good kid, if they can't see that about you, well they're the problem and not you, especially that sports sister for yours." Gwen said

"She's right Lincoln, even if we only met just yesterday. We can tell that you're a great child and you have an amazing heart, you are one of a kind Lincoln." Max said with a smile to Lincoln

"Yeah man, you're cool and awesome to hang out with." Ben said as he playfully punches Lincoln's arm. Lincoln looks at them and smiles as he returns the hug and starts to cry a little.

"Thank you guys." That is all he said as they nodded. Gwen and Lincoln break up the hug

"Alright enough of this lovely Dovey stuff, let's play some games." Ben says as he hands Lincoln a controller which the white bunny took and the two started to play while Gwen grabbed a book and started reading

They continued to drive towards Megaville but Lincoln was distracted by two things he noticed about his new friends. First, when he looked at Ben's watch, it was bulky and weird looking as he knew that he couldn't tell the time on it and he knew that it couldn't be in stores, plus the faceplate on it matched the same symbol that was on the Alien Heroes he saw that were on either their chests, foreheads, shoulders or any part of their body. Plus, he saw a small book out of Gwen's pocket and it matched the book that Lucky Girl uses when she saves people plus he saw a faint pink light coming off her hand during the night

'Why do I feel something alive coming from that watch and why do I feel something strange from Gwen...' Lincoln thought as he was thinking

"Dude, we nearly had it." Ben said as Lincoln saw that they were on the last level and died

"Oh sorry man, I was just thinking about something..." Lincoln said as he rubbed his head.

"About what?" Gwen asked she looked up from her book

"Well..." Lincoln started but was cut off by Max

"Kids...we're here, Lincoln. You might want to see this." Max said as the kids and dog walk towards the front with Max, Lincoln picks up Charles and is in awe while Ben and Gwen smile.

"Wow..." Lincoln said in a quiet tone as he looks at the view.

They were crossing a bridge over the ocean and they saw a city...but this was no ordinary city, this city had multiple skyscrapers with business billboards and signs on some of them, Lincoln saw a gigantic tree in a neighborhood, a small island with a T-shaped Tower on it and there was a beach but this beach was huge with another small island near the coast but it had two small palm trees on it

"Lincoln...welcome to your new home. Welcome to Megaville, The City Of Heroes." Max said as he smiles

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown

"So he's had it to the city...well that makes my job a lot better." Said a voice as a chair spins and faces a window and out the window were robots being built by machines

"Soon...ever soon."

And cut. That's a wrap

Hey guy, episode 1 is done and Lincoln made it to the city and if I'm right, he has four days left until school.

And we've been introduced to Ben and Gwen from Ben 10

I hope you enjoy the story and please share it with your friends who love Pop Culture can you guess the cartoon references I put in this episode

Who is that person in the end and what friends will Lincoln meet and how will the Louds coop without the Man with the Plan and who will Lincoln live within the story?

Oh and I added two more heroes into this season, so they'll be in school with Lincoln and the gang. So guess who it is :P

Pixel Out

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