
The Loud House: Doujinshi

After a vision and an argument with the family, Lincoln Loud, the middle and only male child to the Infamous Loud family, leaves Royal Woods to go to a new city to attend a new school. There, he meets new people and new friends and learn about his new powers but also his past lives and learn to be a true hero

Pixel9922 · TV
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Season 1: Origin Part 2: Rage Unleashed and Farewell

Author's Conner

Hey guys, Pixel Here and thank you for reading my story, I was scared that no one was going to either read it or leave a fav or follow it, so thank you. And thank you to BlueKnight-X2 for reading it, since you are the godfather of making me make the story. Here's part 2 and things are going to get heated between Lincoln and his family and things are going to change for the best or worst of Lincoln. Now of the disclaimers

"I, Pixel' Fanbooks, do not own any of the following: Characters, Names, Music, Powers, and or people in this story, I only own the OC's in this story. All Characters are owned by their respective owners

No Animals were harmed during to writing of this story.

Oh and go check the story out on Wattpad, If you want the detail to it: the story on that site has the same name I use for this version here, and my name on Wattpad is PixelFanfic99. So please go and support me there if you can, thank you and enjoy chapter 2 of the story.

(Intro-00:03 to 01:23)

Opening 1: NO LIMIT (AmaLee)

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaa

Oh, we'll get stronger!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa

Lincoln was on top of a building with the wind blowing his hair and hoodie while he was looking at the afternoon sky with a sad look on his face before a hand pats his back and he turns to see that his new friends were behind him and smiling at him before he smiles at them.

Hey! Mr. Pain! Bring it! Bring it!

I'll never let you do as you like

I will get stronger than you

I've already made up my mind to be so!

Birds fly past him as they soar into the clouds with beams of different colors hitting the center as the title appears.

THE LOUD HOUSE: Doujinshi (Season 1)

Two girls walk by the title screen and smile at the readers as they take the camera and move it to show a city with the sun

I was always born a dreamer

Letting my heart lead the way

The more challenges that block me

Make tomorrow exciting

Lincoln in his new school uniform was walking to school as transplant images of his family and friends from Royal Woods flash around him and stops and the world around him darkens

Eh, Yo! Come my way, show me whatchu got, Mr. Pain!

No – no – no – no you know there's no stopping me!

I was never fit for losing

People in hoodies stand in a dark room with a tall boy with glasses and had a black bowl haircut but two cuts at the end that made up the letter M was smirking as robots were behind him as one girl with snow-white hair in a white dress with a black belt poses with a green creature and a girl who smirks evilly.


Even if scars fill every inch of my skin

A bright light appears and shows a short boy with ginger curly hair with some spikes at his crowd and a short mullet and was wearing a white lab-coat and had glasses with metal gantlets on his hands appeared with three girls in blue, green and pink dresses, with a black belt while one of them had blonde hair in two pigtails and light blue eyes smiles and has her eyes closed as she does a peace sign with both her hand to the camera and a girl with short black hair in a flip with a small triangular part on her forehead and light green eyes smirks as she punches her fist in her hand with green lighting coursing off her hand and a girl with long straight ginger hair with a big red bow and heart shape hair-clip smiles with her arms crossed against her chest while two kids were next to them, a boy with brown hair with a black and grey watch with a green faceplate on his left wrist as he holds it up in the air and the faceplate pops up and a girl with ginger hair and a small book floating over her hand with a pink aura around the book and her hand.


I know my friends'll fight until the end ... by my side!

Another boy appeared, he had tan skin, black chocolate curly hair, brown eyebrows with brown eyes with a scar over his left eye smirks before he spins his belt-buckle and is consumed by a green flame before green silted eyes open before a girl with white hair in a ponytail in black and white clothes appeared and floats and phases through a wall into an alleyway before a boy with purple hair in a grey hoodie and blue eyes ran in the alleyway and puts on a red and black mask and a red light erupts around him and above a building was a boy with buck teeth and a pink cap with pink and green wands in his hands and a purple backpack on his back as Lincoln looks up and his pupils glow bright grey and a girl with long blonde hair and had a hairband with red horns on it drops down a portal with a boy with brown hair and had a red hoodie on gets up and pulls out a wand with wings on its sides.

Shining brightly, there is a new world

Wanting for me, but I can't make it

Unless we fight as one – NO-LIMIT holds us back!

The three girls and the boy with glasses punch a bunch of robots away as a red and black ninja with a red scarf and a boy with a red kung-fu GI on appears out of light red smoke and slashes a group of robots with a katana and sword and the ninja throws a throwing star at a robot's head causing it to explode while a red creature with four arms throws a bunch of robots to another bunch and roars while the ginger girl shoots pink beams at a group of robots as a boy with a pink mask shoots a yellow blast at a couple of robots and they turn into a bunch of random things before a giant robot comes and was about stomp on the heroes before it was hit with something

It's in our hands, we've gotta grasp it

And take a stand, aim for the future

NO-LIMIT holds us back!

A bright green beam and a rainbow beam goes through the robot's chest and causes it to explode which made a chain-reaction of explosions, the smoke clears showing the white-haired green-eyed girl with her fist in the air and green smoke coming off her hand and the long blonde girl's wand was smoking as a shadow jumps over them and shoots a fist with a chain connecting to them at a bunch of robots and crash some of them, the boy shows his masked face and smirks before he slashes the robots with his claws and Lincoln running into the action with throws a punch with his right fist as white energy flows around it before it collided with a robot and it explodes

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaa

Oh, we'll get stronger!

Whoa whoa whoaaa

Lincoln turns around to see the readers and smiles before the camera zooms out and shows the heroes sitting on the destroyed robots as they smile at the readers and the scene fades to black

Last Time On The Loud House: Doujinshi

"This isn't helping, maybe a nap would help me get this stress off me." Lincoln said before sleeping

"Can you take care of our daughter, Rita for me? Please."

The man stood there and was shaking with his head down until he stopped shaking and looked up and showed Maire that he was crying, he nods with his eyes closed


"Thank you." Said Maire as she smiled and kissed Albert one more time before she pushed him into the carrier and bumped on the side, singling the pilot to take off, she watched the carrier fly away and smiled one more time before she turned to the creatures who were running to her. She got into a fighting stance (The Hyuga Stance) and white energy flowed off her and around her causing her hair to flow everywhere before she runs to the creatures and fights them. The carrier was above the destroyed city as Albert was watching out of the window with an orange ribbon in his hands as tears flow down his face.

In the center of the city, a bright white ball goes off and a white light starts to cover the destroyed buildings as it grows, it continues to grow and consume the creatures that were still in the buildings and streets. Marie sees the growing white ball coming towards her and smiles before the lights consume her and the creatures, she turns to Lincoln who was unaffected by the explosion and points to him, and smiles.

"You're Next, Lincoln Loud."

Lincoln's eyes go wide before something pulls him and a white light hits his eyes

"Well, dad...." Rita said, trying to find an answer. "We think that Lincoln could cause some trouble for the girls if he stays at the same school. Just for a while at least."

Albert looked at them for a while and made a note to talk to Lincoln later. "Well, if that's the case, I think you should send him to the school I went to." Albert said

"Your school?" The parents asked in confusion

Albert just took out a booklet and gave it to the parents, on the front of the booklet there was a symbol which was a shield, the shield was silver in color with two swords going under it and the swords were gold in color. There was writing under the shield and it wrote: "Knowledge is the key to success."

"Megaville Academy?" The parents said in confusion

Season 1: Origin Part 2: Rage Unleashed and Farewell

"Megaville Academy?" The parents said in confusion, they opened the booklet to see a suit of the art school as it looked new and fancy, something that scared the parents.

"Yes, Megaville Academy. One of the best schools in the world and is in the top 10 in the list of the highest pass rates in the world. It's on par with U.A. High in Japan." Albert said. Rita had a question on her mind to which she wanted an answer to.

"Dad, how did you go to this school, and why there?" Rita asked her father as she wanted to know how did her father get to this school

"Well, I went there when I was younger, I met a few interesting people there and that included your mother Rita." Albert said as Rita's eyes go wide from the mention of her mother, she takes a look for the booklet again to see if there was more information in it and sees something that worries her.

"What, it says here that Megaville Academy is in Megaville, California. You're not thinking what I think you're thinking." She says as Albert sighs

"Yes, I want Lincoln to go there, the plan was that I was going to send one of the kids that and go to school there for a while." Albert watched the expressions of the parents to see their reactions to it, he saw a worried and concern on Rita's face while he saw that Lynn was looking at the back of the booklet and had a frown look on the Loud father's face as he looked at it, Albert peeked over the booklet and saw what Lynn was busy staring at

"Sorry, Albert but I have two things to ask you, one how much is this going to cost us since I can tell from how the school looks likes and can tell that it's expensive and two, why Lincoln when you could send one of the girls there instead?" Lynn asked since he can't see why would his father-in-law send Lincoln to one of the best schools in the world and not one of the girls like Lynn Jr or Lisa or Luna.

"Well of two reasons. One, Lincoln is about to be at the elementary school level so he'll be fine since the school is like a school that has everything. It has a joint system, meaning that it has the Elementary, Junior High, and High School system and two, I had an idea to send one of the older ones there but they had other ideas. And as for the money to pay the school there, well leave that to me." Albert said as he continued to study the parents' faces. He saw Rita's face went to shock at his offer to pay Lincoln's school fees while Lynn's face went from surprise to happy as he really didn't want to pay.

"I don't know daddy; I mean it seems too big right-" Rita was going to decline it but...

"What Rita means is that we'll think about it and give you an answer first thing tomorrow morning Albert." Lynn said as he purposely cuts his wife off.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for the answer, now I want to talk to Lincoln about this. So where's sport?" Albert asked as Rita and Lynn's eyes go wide

"Uhh. He's...a-asleep, yep he's asleep." Lynn said nervously hoping that Albert would buy the lie but what he and Rita didn't know is that Albert already talked to Lincoln a while ago before coming here.

"At 4 in the afternoon?" Albert said, slightly narrowing his eyes as he didn't believe what Lynn told him

"Yes, he was at Lynn Jr's game and cheer her on so much that he tired himself out." Lynn said as sweat started to come on his forearm. Albert still stared at Lynn with his eyes still narrowed as he knew from his many years of experience that Lynn was lying to him

"Okay then, I'll talk to him tomorrow, oh and if he says yes then I want him to pack his stuff up as it'll be a long trip to Megaville, so I'll be here at 13:45 tomorrow to pick him up." Albert said before leaving the house and the two Loud parents to think about it as one of them was unsure for the idea.

Location: Loud House; Garage

Time: 17:48 p.m.

Lincoln was sitting on the floor with bandages next to him as he was applying one of the bandages to his pet dog, Charles as he got injured from the attack from his sister; Lynn Jr. for the past hour or so he had been trying to stop the bleed from the head but it only slowed down. Lincoln was trying not to let his buddy die here from his sister's stupid attack

"I'm sorry boy. I'm sorry that you got hurt from Lynn's attack, please don't die on me, buddy. Please don't die." Lincoln pleaded for his dog's survival while crying. While crying, white energy started to appear from Lincoln's hands and started to course over Charles wound, the wound started to close and soon the wound and blood was gone as the energy flowed around Charles' head, Lincoln's own wounds he got from the fight with Lynn started to heal at a rapid pace as the bruises were disappearing and the scratches were closing, soon Lincoln's own injures were gone. He felt dizzy and tired all of a sudden, he passed out next to the sleeping dog as the white energy disappeared.

Location: Loud House; Lisa and Lilly's room

Time: 17:48 p.m. (The same time while Lincoln was trying to heal Charles)

Lisa Loud, the second youngest of the Loud Family and the smartest one of the family, was in her room studying an experiment on DNA, she was studying the DNA of some of her family members such as Lori, Leni, Luna, Lincoln, Lucy, and her parents, the others were not suitable for the experiment as Lola used too much hair conditioner and it'll be hard to break it down while Lana's hair was filled with mud and that tampered with her experiment. She was trying to break the genetic code in the human body and unlock the secrets but every time she does slice it, the DNA sample would either die from it, all the DNA samples did it...well except for Lincoln's, for some odd reason, he's didn't die from it but every time she did try to slice it, the DNA sample would cause a short-circuit on her tools and radars and cause an explosion. She ruled out experimenting with the DNA sample until she got tools for the job. As she was carefully slicing Lucy's DNA, one of her older inventions started to beep loudly. Lisa looked over to her pile of old inventions and went to it, she pulled out a tablet with a large antenna on it as she scrolls on it

"That's odd, according to this, there's a large amount of energy being detected not too far from here." She said as she scrolls on the tablet to get a better reading on the energy.

"Now this is very odd, according to these reading, there are three of the same energy signatures in the premises of the house. Two in the backyard while one is too small to location." She as she analyses the data coming to her, suddenly the readings and beeping stop as the energy levels start to decrease. Lisa looks at the data once more time before placing the energy reader on her desk.

'What was that, where did that energy spike come from? The energy signature is powerful yet uncontrollable, where could that spike happen and why was the radar said it picked it up in the household.' Lisa said as she sat on her chair and thought about it.

"Kids!! Dinner's ready!!" Lisa was brought back to the world around her from her father called them down for dinner

"Maybe it was a false reading." Lisa said as she went downstairs to eat their dinner

Time: 21:45 p.m.

Lynn Sr and Rita's bedroom

We see the Loud parents in their bedroom as they were getting ready for bed, Lynn was busy reading a cookbook while Rita was reading the booklet Albert left for them to read, she was thinking about the school and was worried about Lincoln. You see, over the pasted couple of days, Rita saw how Lincoln was dealing with this fiasco and felt a bit guilty that she was involved in this, she went to drop some supplies outside the garage for his use, and some nights, she went and watched him in case. She placed the booklet down on the nightstand and sighed, her sigh caught the attention of her husband.

"Something wrong dear?" Lynn said

"Honey, do you think that we really should send Lincoln to the school Pop-Pop said?" Rita asked

"*Sigh* Honey I think that this is for the best, I mean the girls still think that Lincoln is still Bad Luck and I think that if he's far away from the family, then maybe while he's there, his bad luck will disappear." Lynn said casually as he was putting his book down, missing the look his wife was giving him.

"But what if he's not bad luck, what if we were wrong this whole time and we only realize it after we send him away." Rita argued to his husband

"Well if he wasn't that why did Luna's guitar strings break, or Lori's golf clubs or more importantly LJ's games. Look sweetie, this is for the best for us, the girls' futures, and more importantly Lincoln's." Lynn said as he places his hand on Rita's shoulder but she shashes it off it

"Look it's late and I think we should get to sleep as we have some important decisions to do tomorrow." Rita said as she tucks into the bed, Lynn sighs and turns the light off as he tucks himself in and soon falls asleep but Rita was up, thinking about this whole thing, she had a bad feeling about this as she knew that this would cause trouble for them. Soon she started to fall asleep, dreaming about someone who was cross with her

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown

'Where am I?' Lincoln thought as he was floating in...nothing, just nothing. He was floating there for who knows long as he was just floating there. He can't hear or see anything. He was floating there until a bright light started to appear


He heard a voice suddenly, it sounded like a girl's voice, he started to look around to see if there was anyone in this space and he saw a cloaked figure floating in front of him, this cloaked figure soon stretched her hands to his face and grabbed his cheeks and pulled herself close to his face, he couldn't see the cloaked figure's face

"Soon, your suffering will end and you'll meet new friends and family, the family you thought were not around and the fates will teach them a lesson. I can't wait to meet you." Said the cloaked figure as they soon kiss Lincoln in the mouth. His eyes went wide from the shock from the kiss as the light continue the brighten until it consumed the whole space

"Ahhh!" Lincoln shot his body up, sweat was on his forehead, and was panting.

Location: Loud Garage

Time: 07:45 a.m.

"What was that, why'd I dream that I was floating in space and why did I dream..." Lincoln said before his face went red from the memory of the dream kiss.

"I gotta stop reading comics before bed." He said before he left the garage and get his breakfast that his 'family' made. He was really getting to his breaking point. This whole summer was crap to him as it left him hurt, sad, betrayed, tired and worse, worthless. All he wanted was free time, such he lied but he confessed but they didn't believe him. He got to the back porch and saw a bowl of cereal on the ground as some of the milk and cereal was on it

"Damnit." He cussed as he took the food and sat on the stairs and eat his breakfast. He noticed that he felt...great, for some reason, he felt great as if he was one with himself and nature, he noticed that his injures were gone.

"How?" he asked to himself as he look under his clothes to see if all of the bruises and cuts were going and saw nothing on him

"Kids, I have news!!"

He heard his dad shout, he peaked through the window but couldn't see or hear clearly. He just shrugged it as he thought that it was no bad deal, he went back to the garage to check on Charles and change

He went through the door and was tackled by something, before he knew it, his face was being licked by a wet tongue. He knew who was the person or dog doing it

"Okay, okay down boy down." He said as he pulled Charles off him, Lincoln saw him and was shocked

"Hey, you're okay boy. Huh, guess Lynn starting to lose it since we're both okay." He said as Charles barked in agreement, Lincoln saw a blue hair sticking out of the top of Charles' head, he saw it and noted it for later.

"Okay boy, I'm gonna go and take a shower and get ready for today because I feel great." He said as he goes and takes a shower in the shower that Lana installed for Lori during the beginning of summer, as he showers he is unaware of what is happening inside the house

Inside the Loud House

"W-What did you just say?" Luna asked as she and her sisters were shocked by what their parents just told them, they just told them that they were sending Lincoln away to another school in another state and was going to live with a host family that Pop-Pop knows

"Now I know that some of you are upset from your brother leaving but.." Rita said but she was cut off

"Are you kidding me, this is just great!" Lynn Jr said all happy

"W-W-Wait. But you know that your brother won't come back until..." Rita was trying to tell the girls but was cut off again

"Yeah mom, but that'll be fewer rides to the comic or game store." Lori said

"Or fewer siblings to stand in front of the bathroom." Lola said

"Or fewer people in Vanzilla." Luan said.

Those three were thinking for their own needs while the rest were thinking about the lack of Lincoln, Lynn Sr smiled as he liked to see the girls agree on this decision while Rita was having second thoughts about this decision

"Well, it looks like that we all agree on this." Lynn Sr said

"Lynn, I don't think we should do this...I mean, we're sending our only son to a place that we can't reach." Rita said with an uncomforted tone

"But dear, think of the girls' dreams and success in school." Lynn Sr replied

"Yeah, I mean I don't want my games to be ruined." Lynn Jr said

"Or my Funny Business gags."

"Or my pageants."

"Okay! Look, you girls should go to your rooms while we bring Lincoln in and talk to him about this." Rita said. The girls started to go upstairs to their rooms while the parents were having different thoughts. Lynn was thinking about what to cook for dinner while Rita continued to have the bad feeling from last night but the feeling only grew more as the day continued.

"Hey hon, you ready?" Lynn said, concerned for his wife's strange behavior

"Uh...sure." She said as she forced a smile

The two walk out of the house and to the garage, they knock on the door and wait. They heard the knob turn and see Lincoln with his hair still messy and shaggy wearing a black t-shirt with orange sleeves and a pair of cargo shorts and black sneakers.

"Oh hey mom and dad, are you going to let me back in the house?" Lincoln as he fixes his hair to his best effect.

"No son, we're here or something else and it's about you." Lynn Sr said with Lincoln getting confused at what his parents had to say

Meanwhile Inside the Loud House

The girls were in Lori and Leni's room, discussing their plans for the day.

"So, should we go to the mall and do stuff there?" Lori asked to her sisters as some nodded their heads while Luna and Leni were thinking about something

"Hey Leni, you okay?" Lori asked as she noticed that Leni didn't speak

"No, I'm not, I think that sending Linky is a bad idea." Leni said sadly

"What's wrong with that?" Lola asked

"I mean he's our own brother and we agreed to send him away to another state that days away from us and we have no way of reaching him. Doesn't that seem wrong?" Luna asked as some of the sisters started to think over the situation better

"Now that I heard it in that way, yeah it seems messed up." Lana said

"Oh come on guys, who care about Stinkcoln when this could be good for us." Lynn argued

"And how could sending our brother away be any good." Luna said

"I'll never lose a game again."

"Oh this again, come on he said that he lied about being bad luck and he wasn't even at the game yesterday, I beginning to think that he's not bad luck and you were having a bad day." Luna said, getting sick and tired of this bad luck crap

"Oh no, it had to be him, I never played bad once until he went to my last game and everything get screwed." Lynn said

"Yeah, I mean he was at our events and things went bad so that proves that he's bad luck." Lola said

Luna and Leni were about to argue when something happened


The girls heard Lincoln's voice, shouting outside. They go to the windows and see Lincoln talking to their parents and saw Lincoln's shocked face

Outside the Loud House

"You're sending me away to California to another school, but I didn't do anything bad. I wasn't even at Lynn's game!!" Lincoln shouted as he was in shock from the news

"Sorry son but your sister still thinks that you were at that game, and no one can prove that you weren't there yesterday." Lynn Sr said

"I can because I was sleeping and reading my comics and I talked to Pop-Pop so he can prove it." Lincoln said as he was reaching his breaking point

"Sweetie, your sisters still think that you might ruin their success with your..." Rita said but she was cut off

"DON'T YOU EVEN SAY IT!!!!" Lincoln shouted as the parents stopped

"Ever since this summer started, it's been excuses from them and you two favored them over me!!"

"Son, that's not true"

"Oh really, okay answer me this. Have we ever once hung out or spent time together during the summer? Or have we ever gone to any place that I wanted to go to?" Lincoln asked his questions as the parents' mouths were moving but no sound came out of them

"Just like I thought. You know, I've felt like a tool that you guys use for your own things, I mean, your daughters come into my room without knocking first, they use it as a cool-down area and if I'm in it, they kick me out. And the worst part, whenever thing goes bad in this house, I'm the one getting screwed over!! I mean, mom I've only hung out with you once. Only once and that was during taking your daughter to work day!!"

"Lincoln, I'm sorry that had happened to you, I thought that I was protecting..." Rita tried to speak but she was cut off, again

"PROTECTING!?!?" Who were you protecting huh and from who? Oh let me guess, you were protecting those daughters of yours from me, well guess what. Who's going to protect me!?!? I got the blame when you took us shopping and I didn't anything, all I wanted was cereal. I'm been used as a training dummy, a caddie, a coach, an assistant who was fired, and a lab rat against my own will and I don't get thanks. Those girls act like maniacs compared to me and I have my limits but they keep pushing it. You signed me up for football but guess what, I don't like football!!! Sometimes I wonder if you even love me and sometimes, I don't feel the same way." Lincoln as the feeling he buried deep in his mind and heart were coming out, Anger

Rita gasped at what Lincoln said, she held her hand to her heart as if the words he said were like a knife and if you know how a knife feels when it stabs through a heart, it hurts. She was hurting from the words, inside the house, the girls heard what Lincoln said and some were feeling angry as they were mad at him for shouting at their mother while some felt guilt as the words he said spoke the truth, they were brought back when they heard a yell

"LINCOLN ABRAHAM LOUD!!! YOU DON'T SHOUT AT YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT!!" Lynn Sr said as he was getting mad and glared at Lincoln, who glared right back

"Don't think that shouting and glaring at me well make me listen to you, and don't think I'll apologize now when I'm not. I'm fed up with getting blamed for stuff that I didn't do, you were mad at me for clogging the toilet without proof, well newsflash, I didn't do it. I just took the dive for someone who could handle the shame and disses from the rest as I thought that she had my back as I did with her but I guess I was wrong! You've never taken me to your job, not once but no, stay out of the house. What kind of cowardly father does..."


Lincoln's head was turned to the right rapidly as the pain started to come on his left cheek. He looked up and saw that his father's hand was out near his face while Rita held her hands at her mouth and her eyes were wide...Lynn Sr...had just hit his son

"Go and pack your stuff and wait for Pop-Pop to come and pick you up at the front porch at 13:45." Lynn Sr said as he glared right at Lincoln, the boy just walked past him with his hair covering his face

"Lynn!! What are you doing!?!?!" Rita said in distraught to her husband

"That boy was out of line Rita." Lynn said with crossed arm

"But hitting him doesn't hit, it'll only make things worse."

"I don't care; he shouldn't question me on how I run things of this family."

"Lynn..." Rita said as she was shocked before they could say anything else, they were hit by a heave pressure which made it hard to breathe especially for Lynn Sr. They turned around to see Lincoln was glaring at them and they could swear that his pupils were silver in colour. Lincoln continued to glare at them but something was pulling his shorts, he looked down to see Charles saw pulling on his shorts with his teeth. The dog stops and looks at Lincoln in his eyes. They continue to do it until Lincoln sighed and stopped glaring at his parents. Eventually, the heavy pressure stopped and they could breathe again, Lincoln shook his head and watched a bit dizzy but fine, he saw his father and the anger came back and he marched back into the garage and slammed the door shut. The parents were gasping for air as they were thinking about what just happened

Meanwhile Inside the Loud House

The girls were stunned at what happened, first, their dad slapped Lincoln in the face and then they felt something heave on their lungs which made breathing hard but they saw that their parents were suffering it worse than them

"Dude, I've never seen Pops go nuclear on anyone like that ever." Luna said

"Yeah but I'm shocked that Lincoln was that mad before." Lana said, slightly feeling scared of Lincoln now

"Oh bop hoo, Stinkcoln got hit. So what, he's a boy, he should be fine with it." Lynn said, not caring about Lincoln wellbeing but smirked at the image of him getting hurt

"Can we at least say goodbye to him?" Leni said

"Yeah, but not now okay, he's mad at all of us and he'll probably try to hurt us so we'll wait until Pop-Pop comes and picks him up and then we'll say our goodbyes

Location: Loud House; Front Porch

Time: 13:43 p.m.

Lincoln was on the porch steps with his green duffle bag, two suitcases, and his backpack as he was waiting for Pop-Pop to come, his wound from the slap heal immediately so he didn't need a patch on his cheek which kinda confused him. He was on his flip-phone typing something on it, he closes it and puts the phone in his pocket.

"There, no loose ends. I hope you guys have a great school year than I'll ever have." Lincoln said while staring at the sky


Lincoln looks at the doorway and sees his mom standing behind him

"Oh...it's you Mrs. Loud." Lincoln said as he looks down and his hair was covering his eyes

Rita was hurt from hearing her calling her by her formal name

"Lincoln, I wanted to tell and understand that this is..."

"To protect your daughters' success and stupid careers while I'm left behind to take all the blame, ha I guess I finally understand." Lincoln said in an emotionless tone which Rita flinched at

"What do you mean you finally understand?"

Lincoln continued to look down for a while until he finally looked up to Rita and she flinches as she was looking at him straight in the eyes but his were dull and dead, something that she didn't like.

"I feel like I'm in my sisters' shadows...I feel like I'm normal since I never found my own talent yet, I feel like I'm nothing." Lincoln as he spoke his heart out.

"I d-d-did s-sing you up for..." Rita complain

"For football, for course. You signed me up to a sport which 1. I don't like and 2. I didn't know how to play. Do you know what happened after I made the team lose huh?" Lincoln question getting angry

Rita was feeling shame now as she knew what happened to him after the game, they beat him up and send him to the hospital, he gave him bruises, broken bones, and torn muscles.

"I-I-I didn't know that they'll beat you up, I just what you to..."

"To be in shape huh? Mom, I'm getting tired of going to places that I didn't like to go to." Lincoln said finishing her sentence

"But I-I-I never forced you to go."

"Mom, they threaten me, beat me up, push me around and worst use me for their own need since they think I'm a pushover. And you and Mr. Loud don't do a thing about." Lincoln said as the anger was coming back but he took a breath

"Sometimes...I feel like I shouldn't have been born..." Lincoln said as he was ready done with this chaos. Rita gasped at what he just said

"Lincoln, you..."

*Honk Honk*

They see a white and orange station wagon pulling up in front of the house, they see the window is rolled down and Pop-Pop was in the car waving

"I guess it's time for me to go." Lincoln said as he grabs his things and start to walk to the car

"Lincoln...I never knew that..." Rita tried to speak but couldn't come up with the words

"Well, Rita...I hope you are happy that you're sending me away." Lincoln said as he was walking to the car

Rita's heart broke from hearing her son calling her by her first name, that meant something she knew but it wasn't good. Lincoln put his stuff in the trunk of the car and went to the backseat

"Please...please at least say goodbye to your family!" Rita shouted as Lincoln stopped, he turned and look at her

"I love you guys but...the only family I have is Pop-Pop, Aunt Ruth, and Lilly." And just like that Lincoln gets into the car and leaves the Loud House and Royal Woods as Rita cried knowing that she let her son leave with hate and anger in him. What she or Lincoln didn't know was that the girls were listening to their conversation and some felt like knives were going through their hearts from Lincoln's last words as he basically disowned the family while some just shrugged at the words think that he'll get over this.

"Mom, are you okay?" Rita looks up and sees her family now minus the Loud Boy were in front of her, she gets up a runs back into the house.

"Uhh...Dad, well she be okay?" Lana asked

"I don't know, look you girls can borrow Vanzilla and do what you want while I go and check on your mother." Lynn Sr said as he handed the key to Lori h=and headed back into the house while the girls go into the family van and drive to the mall

Location: Unknown

Time: 13:50 p.m.

In a dark place, a scene was on show a radar showing the area of Royal Woods and a big dot leaving Royal Woods

"So, he's going away now huh? Well, we'll see about that." Said a voice as a finger pressed a button.

Well that's two now and things got heated

Lincoln leaves Royal Woods and his old life behind and goes to start a new life in a new city

And who was that person who kissed Lincoln in that dream and who was that in the end?

Well those answers can be answered in the next and first official episode of The Loud House: Doujinshi

Pixel Out