
The Lost Heir (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

An unexpected tragedy happened, and a boy suddenly died. Because his death was unexpected even in the eyes of Fate, he was given a chance to reincarnate to the world of his liking. Follow the boy in his misadventures and series of misfortunes as he lives his second life while being burdened by the curse of his name. Author's notes: So this story will have slow updates as this idea was stuck in my head for a while, and I can't really find a fanfiction with this idea so I'm making one. You can even copy my idea since I don't know if I will put an end to this story. I will apologize in advance if there are grammar mistakes because English is my second language. I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works, except my SI-OC character.

MapleLeaves · ファンタジー
29 Chs

The Letter

I'm now 11 years old. 8 years have passed since the first night my grandfather introduced himself and my family to me, and the start of hellish training he put me under. But it was all worth it though. All of the lessons he nailed in my head remained stuck there. Even all of his personal spells and curses were passed on me, and he advised me to create my own. But one downside of learning dark magic is that I can never cast the Patronus charm again. The Patronus charm is based on happy memories. Meaning, light magic manifests every time the Patronus charm is cast. Grandfather said that every dark wizard who explored dark magic deeply and succumbed to it deprived them of their emotions, making them unable to cast the Patronus charm again. If one tried, maggots will grow from your wand and crawl through your whole body. In my case, my intent to cast the spell was not enough. Even my memories with the orphanage we're never enough to cast a non-corporeal form. Snape's love for Lily was very powerful compared to his loyalty for either Dumbledore and Voldemort, so he can cast a corporeal form of the Patronus charm. What do I feel for orphanage if it's not love? Maybe I'm just afraid that they'll be involved with me because they're weak and defenseless? Is that what I truly feel?

Aside from dark magic, I've already applied all the knowledge I learned from my grandfather. I managed to create protective wards that I set up around the orphanage. I've also hesitantly used a blood ritual just to protect the orphanage. I killed a stray cat and used its blood to complete the ritual with only pure sheer will and magic. The old man didn't console me though, nor he gave any advice. He just let me cry in my dream. I know I will have to kill when the next war arrives. I'll have to kill to protect those I care about. What I just know is to never get used to killing. That will be the difference between a human and a monster.

Grandfather also made me train my body. Not to only strengthen my body, but to increase my stamina as well. Like what they always say: The one who wins is the one who survives. I kept getting weird looks from the kids though. I kept feeding them rumors that I'm weird. Some of the kids I used to play with started keeping their distance from me, but I didn't care. I only played with them out of obligation rather than pure intentions. If they're old enough, maybe I can.

In one of our meetings, the old man warned me the moment I enter the magical world. I will be putting a lot of attention on myself, whether I like it or not. Hell, I think I will be more famous than The-Boy-Who-Lived by the time I made my debut.

Now that I think about it, grandfather also advised me to accept the letter from Hogwarts instead of the other schools. He was sure that his friend will protect me as long as I am inside the school's premises. But I think Dumbledore will go overboard for me just like what he will do for Harry Potter. He'll try to make sure I don't stray from the 'light'. I know grandfather didn't have a good history with Durmstrang.

From what I've heard from grandfather, the Dumbledore in this world is exactly the same as the one in canon. Now, I won't have to worry about evil Dumbledore I read in other fanfictions.

Magical things aside, I'm currently in 5th grade in a primary school near the orphanage. I don't plan on skipping year levels, no matter how annoying my classmates are. I always want to take it slow. Last time I tried not to, grandfather transformed a lesson into hellish training. I know things will be intense once I step inside Hogwarts. Plus, I don't want bullies trying to mess my life. I try to be the bright student inside my class, but I never try to outstand every student I encounter. It's too much a hassle to deal with unwanted attention. I already have a problem that will require my full attention. Thanks.

Then the day I've been waiting for arrived. I tried my hardest just to keep myself calm. But I can't help but be giddy because every Potterhead would be excited when this day comes. Quickly enough, I reigned all of my emotions using my Occlumency. It's been long since I was able to master the mind art. Now my mind will be protected on all kinds of mental attacks. My approach was rather subtle though, rather than upfront. Imagine that if someone tried to attack my mind. My mind shields were formed like a mirror house. While they're busy finding their way, I'll keep feeding them false memories until they either overload their brains from too much information or too annoyed and get out my mind immediately.

"Fred! Someone wants to see you. I'll be in the kitchen while you talk okay?" Sister Anna said from the room where we receive guests.

Sister Anna and I were very close. Me being her favorite orphan as I always follow her around and her being my favorite nun. Although all the nuns were very kind, their attention was divided among the other orphans to attend their needs. I'm still nice to them though, but I'm extra nice to Sister Anna.

"Yes, Sister Anna!" I said as I approached the entrance to the room.

"How may I help you, Sir..." I said trailing off. What greeted me was a man with greasy black hair that reached his chins. Dressed in black robes, that seems that it does not even restrict his movements at all. What's more, he's constantly brooding? I might think he's Batman if I didn't know who he was.

"Call me Professor Snape. And you must be Frederick. I must say, your profile is rather... intriguing. Have you ever experienced something odd when you're emotional? Like fear or anger?" He said, but his tone sounds like he's sure about everything he says. Damn, the book and the movies didn't do justice for the man. He's more intimidating in person. But his face is terrifyingly similar to Alan Rickman. Wow. But no, I won't look at him in the eyes. He's a known master in Legillimency. I don't want to alarm him that I have my mental shields up.

"I remember being too excited back then. Then all the light bulbs in the orphanage exploded. But no one's hurt because all the children were outside when it happened." I said with much confidence as I can. I feel like he's testing me. I think that he already knows my secret. The book and the quill were the ones responsible for listing all of the magical children born inside Magical Britain. Must be the time when the Fidelius charm was broken.

"That is called accidental magic. A sudden outburst of magic when an untrained magical expresses too much emotion." After explaining, he handed me the Hogwarts letter. Which is the dream of every Potterhead in my past life. I truly am a lucky bastard.

"This is the letter from Hogwarts-" He says as I look at the capital letter H as seal of the envelope.

"Hogwarts is a magical school built to educate the awakened magical. In short, you're a wizard. The letter contains all the required materials and books that will aid you in your education."

When I read the whole letter, the content was exactly the same as what was posted in the wiki pages in my past life.



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Grindelwald, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I read the complete list for the required learning materials, and it is very long. I wonder how much was all of those supplies would cost? I'll ask grandfather later.

"I may not be able to attend Professor Snape. These materials surely will cost money, and I had none. The orphanage only depends on donations and government funds. Even then, the budget is limited." I said.

"The school will handle the cost. Muggleborns and those who are not financially stable are granted Hogwarts scholarship fund." Snape explained.

"Muggleborns?" I asked. Pretending to not know the term.

"Magical children who grew up in the muggle world and raised by muggle parents. The word muggle refers to non-magical people. " He answered.

"How come there's a distinct name for magical people Professor Snape? Can't they be just all people?" I asked like a curious child.

"It's a long history that you will learn in school. In short, the magical world was protected by the Statute of Secrecy which prevents the muggles from discovering our world. We've already taken care of those things. Now come, I don't have much time in my hands." He said while maintaining his brooding mood. After a short explanation to Sister Anna, I shortly left with Professor Snape and went to Diagon Alley.