
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Who is he?

They met everyday after school, and Sarah has improved.

"You see the fault is from the teacher." He said cockily and wiped his face with a towel.

"Not from the teacher." She replied, drinking a water and glaring at him.

"Then from who? Or maybe I'm just too perfect." He winked.

"Yes you are.." She was saying before stopping.

"I am what?" He said lowering his head to her height.

"You aren't perfect. You are a fool." She glared at him.

"Of course I am perfect. But can't you just change your word from fool? You've been saying that since a week we've been training." He smirked.

Who said this guy is too stupid? She thought to herself.

They bid themselves farewell and went to various house.

He was back to being alone.

He walked slowly to the direction of his house.

He was walking without looking when someone wanted to slap his head, but he dodged quickly. He held the person's wrist and twisted it.

The boy was in all black, with a black mask.

The boy kicked him, but Zayn held the leg and threw him down. The latter didn't back down still.

They were fighting and the other was getting tired.

He ran away, but Zayn ran after him.

He caught up with him and sent him flying with kicks. The guy stretched his hand towards him, and brown smoke oozed out, surrounding Zayn. The smoke carried him up and threw him down.

He used a magic to pick a stick and hit him with it.

He controlled a big stone and flung it at him.

"Who are you?" Zayn fell down, struggling and blood coming from his mouth.

The boy walked closer to him and used his magic to raise him up and threw him down.

He picked a knife and threw It at Zayn, which dug into his chest. Blood poured down from his mouth and his face and eyes began to turn black, and black smoke covered his body. The wind blew and the forest shook. The guy was surprised and was about to leave.

Zayn stood up and walked to him, carrying him with one hand, and flung him away. He closed his eyes and the other guy screamed.

"Who are you?" Zayn asked again.

"I was supposed to ask that question. Who are you?" The guy asked.

He walked toward him and was about to throw him away. The guy said something under his breathe and his body turn cold. Zayn touched him and saw that he was cold, he released him.

The guy used the opportunity to kick him away. He was about to run away but Zayn opened his closed eye, and a great force pushed the guy toward him. He used his eyes to control him and the guy crashed to a tree. His mask fell down. Zayn walked towards him to check his face. The guy punched the chest that held the knife and it dug more into his chest, and blood rushed from Zayn's mouth. The guy knocked him and ran away.

Zayn grabbed the knife at his chest and pulled it out. The pain was too much and he fainted.

Zayn woke up the next day, wondering why he was in his home, shirtless and bandage on his head and around his chest.

He wanted to stand up but he couldn't, as his chest tightened with pain. He checked his chest and saw the shirt was stained with blood.

He wanted to stand up again and he succeeded.

He walked out of the bedroom, and noticed something going on in the kitchen. He entered and saw the back of a short girl in a dirty black pony tailed hair, black shorts and white baggy shirts(His shirts....again?). She didn't seem to notice him as she was engrossed with her cooking.

He tried to walk closer, but he fell down.

"Why did you come outside?" Sarah rushed to him and checked his temperature.

"Why are you here?" He asked In a low voice.

Sarah didn't say anything. She helped him stand up and walked him to the chair and he sat down.

"You haven't answered my question?" He said.

"I wanted to give you some books to read before the exam, but saw you passed out in the wood." She said as he unwrapped the bandage on his chest.

"How did you carry me, all the way from there?"

"Of course I dragged you." She said pointing at some bruises on his legs. "What type of fight did you get into that make them wound you this bad?" She asked angrily as she cleaned the wounds, and wrapped another bandage on it.

"You wore my clothe...again? Told you not borrow it without telling me first." He said to her, but jokingly.

"Its not like the clothe is fine." She sneered and bandaged the cheat very well.

Zayn looked at her serious face that focused on his wounds and laughed.

"What's that? Why are you laughing?" She raised her head up to look at his face but their face almost collided. They stared into each other's eyes for few seconds before she took her eyes away. "Something is burning. I think its the food." She said and left the living room quickly.

Zayn watched as she scurried away and he laughed to himself.

He thought of something to do about his wounds, and frowned.

Who the hell is that guy? He seems to know how to fight very well, and he could only win against him with small margin.

He could have healed himself if no one had known about his wound, but Sarah knew.

Sarah came in with a tray of food.

"This is my first time cooking. But I'm a genius, I can do everything." She said and smiled at him.

"Does being intelligent apply to foods. Where do you learn how to cook?" He asked as he looked at the food that looked like shit.

"I saw it in the book. Don't judge book by the cover. Don't judge food by how it looks." She said with a smile and dug the spoon in the food. She took small and fed him with a spoon of rice.

His eyes turned red and spit the food out.

"Damn! I don't think I'm gonna eat this shit. I think I'm gonna die eating this, before the pain kills me." He said with a widened eyes and Sarah pouted her mouth in anger..

"Is it that bad?" She asked sadly.

"Very very bad." He said lowly to himself.