
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Phoenix, I like you.

The KINGS haven't been that active in school so they didn't know what was happening.

They were coming from a meeting when they saw Jenna coming toward them with a bald head.

Everyone that saw her were laughing at her bald head, and wondered why she chose to face Phoenix her first day in school.

"Cousin. What's up with your head? Kelly said with a laugh.

"Are you trying to do some project or what?" Ian said with a stifled laughter.

"Or maybe she just like this type of style. She is always unique." Gary said.

"You guys are just useless in this school." She shouted and everybody looked at her strangely. She was about to yell again, but stopped when she saw the cold look Sean gave her.

Sean glared at her and looked away.

She saw he wasn't feeling fine, but she didn't even care. She fear him more than she care for him.

"Y.you guys don't know I was being bully, right? Why are you guys behaving this way when you are my guardians?" She said getting frustrated.

The four of them laughed and looked at her with fake pity.

"Really? Who dare to bully the school bully?" Kelly said with a fake angry face. They all thought she was joking.

"Kelly. You mean she bullies the person and wasn't satisfied with the way she bullied him." Nick said with a toothy smile.

"The Phoenix bully me." She seethed in anger.

They all looked at themselves. Even the unbothered Sean was interested.

"What happened?" Kelly asked curiously.

"She..bullied..me. I was sitting and trying to rest when she told me she hates that we both had the same hair. And she dared burnt my precious hair, Kelly. The hair have been worshipping for my whole life. Twenty years is not a joke.." She cried.

"She came to you, without you going to her first?" Kelly asked not believing her shits.

"Yes." She clenched her teeth, glaring at him for doubting her.

"So what should we do?" Sean said getting tired already.

"You are a dragonlord, you should be able to kill her." She said in a determined voice.

"Kill? I don't kill." Kelly said. "And where in history have you seen a Phoenix being defeated by a dragonlord." He asked curiously.

"I don't fucking ask you to kill. Just help me teach her a lesson." She said.

"Let's go guys. I wasn't able to chat with her because of meeting. But there is time now." Kelly said.

"You aren't talking to the pretty chick anymore." Nick said as they walked.

"Don't talk about that crazy shadow here."

"You hate almost everything in this school." Ian sneered.

"Shut your mouth, is none of your business." She said to Ian who only raised his hands up in defeat and smiled.

She saw they were to slow for her liking and walked very fast.

"Of course. She is definitely not my type." He said.

"Then who is your type?" Gary asked curiously.

Kelly thought of something and laughed to himself.

"Who is she?" Ian quickly asked.

"She's also not my type. Let's walk fast guys" He said and walked very fast, leaving the white haired boy behind, who walked very slow.

They entered the class and Kelly kicked Sarah's locker and smirked, walking away.

She could only glared at his back.

"Hello pretty lady." He sat on the locker before Rica and sat on it.

Lilia watched him, curiously. She wondered what he was trying to do.

"I am Kelly."

"I am Ian."

"I am Gary."

"And its Nick." They all introduced themselves, except Sean who hasn't entered.

"You are here for what?" Rica asked them with a smirk, side glancing the Zayn's seat, noticing he's not arrived from where he went.

"Of course. They are here to avenge Jenna. You really messed with the wrong person." Dani said with a smile. She glanced at Jenna who had scarf on.

Kelly cursed under his breath and wondered where he got the dumb cousin and her mad friend.

Rica looked at them all and laughed coldly.

"You all are here for what? Vengeance?"

"Actually No. I am here to confess to Phoenix. You are my hero. Idol. Phoenix, I like you." He said to her.

He remembered what his father told him yesterday.

"Phoenix is coming to school tomorrow. She has been found. Make sure to win Phoenix over. If we have Phoenix on our side, no one will try to rule over me, when I'm on the throne already."

"So you liked me. And not here because of your dumb niece?"

"Of course, yes." He said smiling.

His friends were surprised. Sean stopped by the door, shocked. Even the students were surprised.

Jenna and Dani fumed in anger, but Lilia was very angry.

"For real?"

Sarah only smirked to herself and continued her work, Classwork.

"I'm not interested in you. I have a boyfriend." She said to him.


"Yes. What about him?"

"Nothing." He said when he noticed her glares.

"Okay. You may leave."

"I want to be your friend." He said.

"I'll think about it." She said and the KINGS left.

Kelly was ignored by his friends as they were very embarrassed.

Lilia walked toward him timidly.


"Hi Cynthia." He replied her.

"Its Lilia." She said.


"So you are not interested in me anymore?"

"I don't think I ever said I like you. Did I, miss?" He asked.

"But i like you." Lilia said and everyone in the class laughed.

"But i don't like you." He replied and rest his head on the locker.

Lilia walked back to her seat, embarrassed.

"Why did you do that?" Lyra asked.

"You don't have to remind me, I'm stupid." She covered her face crying.

Zayn walked in and went to his seat.

"Someone confessed to me." Rica said and laughed.


"Yes. Don't be angry, I turned him down." She said smiling.

He was shocked, because he wasn't jealous or angry.

Phoenix I like you