
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

She is the real Phoenix

Many girls flocked around Rica immediately the teacher left.

"Wow! I'm Tonya, you are pretty."

"Can i be your friends?"

No one have witnessed the power of Phoenix, although they heard about a Phoenix that existed, ten thousand of years ago.

"A phoenix appeared ten thousand years ago?" Lilia asked Lyra, looking at Rica intently.

"Yes. There was a Phoenix called, Maya. She was thrown into the dungeon for killing a god. And she was killed for killing Hestia, the goddess of fire."

"I heard the gods are powerful, how come they were killed easily by her?" Lilia asked curiously.

"Phoenix is very powerful and should never be underestimated. Whenever she is with her fire dagger, she wasn't scared of anyone. The only person she was afraid of was the God of Universe." Lyra said with a.smiling face.

"So, who killed her? God of Universe?"

"Of course, no. The God of War killed her when he learnt she killed his future bride. And she was even very strong and it was the scarlet witch who provided a metal for God of war to kill her." Lyra said.

"Shouldn't Scarlet witch be known as the most powerful?" She asked curiously.

"Because no one know where the scarlet witch is."

"Why would people be happy that a murderer is reincarnating?"

"Because her power is rare. No one wanna lose opportunity like her. Zeda would have lasted, if he saw her egg. This Phoenix is stronger than the former one." Nat said and they looked at him surprisingly.

"How do you know? You don't seem to be brilliant and bright in the class." Lyra raised her brow at her.

"Really. I might not be bright In the class, but I think I'm perfect in one aspect." He said and gave them a toothy smile.

"Then....what would happen if she walked into that path again?" Lilia asked.

"Which path?" Lyra asked, not understanding what she meant.

"The darkness path." Lilia said.

"Then, she will be sentenced to death like the former one." Nat said looking at her intently. "Why are you asking though?" He asked.

"Nothing." She smiled.

Nat looked at her for few seconds, smirked and walked away.

Students trying to get close to her saw that she was only closing her eyes and not responding to their greetings, left with embarrassment.

"Some people think they are on top of the world, because they are A phoenix." Jenna said while Dani laughed.

"Brother, I want to cause a fight, promise to get my back." Rica smirked.

"Sure. Show them you are not easy to bully." He said and his eyes mistakenly looked at Sarah, who was writing some things.

Rica stood up and walked towards Jenna and slammed a book on her desk.

"Excuse me?" Jenna said looking at her with smirk.

"Are you talking to me?" She said referring to her statement the other time.

"Of course you. Is there any other phoenix here?" Jenna asked.

People began to look at them, interested in the fight. They all wanted to witness the Phoenix power.

Rica walked closer to her and dragged her up with her collar and threw her down. People were surprised by her power, even Jenna.

"You should not sit when I'm talking." She said and sat on her seat.

Jenna stretched her hand toward Rica and threw a ball of fire to Riva, who only watched the fireball with interest.

She grabbed the fire with one hand, and returned it back at Jenna.

"Don't you think you are overusing your powers?" She asked as she screamed in pain.

"Of course not. I have plenty of power, why would I be overusing it?" She said and looked at her intently. "Why the hell are you having the same hair as me. Don't be a copy cat."

"Because I am a dragon. And I don't think that has something to do with you." She clenched her teeth and tried to stand up.

"It has a lot, baby. The hair irritates me." she said.

"Have you forgotten we are cousins?" Jenna said as she watched her play with the brick red fire she just created and she definitely knew it was coming for her.

"I don't think I have cousins, and as dumb as you are." She said and blew the fire and it went toward Jenna who was trying all our powers to stop the fire, but her efforts were in vain as the fire slapped her head and burnt her and hair, till her head turned bald.

Jenna screamed and screamed.

"You idiot people. Can't you see her bullying me? You guys should go and report." She yelled slapping her bald head

'Of course, no one would answer. She had bullied almost every one in that class.'

"No teacher will come to your rescue. If you cry from today till tomorrow, your cry stops at the door entrance I've sealed everywhere." Rica said, stood up and walked to her seat.

Jenna stood up and ran out of the class, looking for her nephew. He must get revenge for her.

"I tried, right?"

"You are always like this. I'm helpless." He smiled at her...

He walked out of the class and walked into the restroom.

He was about to get out, when a voice laughed.

"Who could believe that the almost died boy, retuned to school today, fully healed."

Zayn ran out of the restroom and tried to look for the person, but many students were passing.

"Who can that fucking boy be?"

He was about to walk into class when she saw sarah being yelled at by the Proprietress, and she only nodded her head.

He wanted to walk to her, but he entered the class instead.

He saw Rica smiling at a picture of him, she was drawing.

"Who can think that a powerful Phoenix is dating a useless boy?"

"If i tell my uncle about this they won't believe it."

"A hot phoenix is dating a hot useless boy. Maybe I should try and ask Jenna out maybe she would answer me." A guy said and others laughed..

They screamed when they saw their clothes had caught fire.

They began to off their clothes hurrily and running out of class.

"You did that?" He asked.

"Of course yes. Those crazy assholes need to ve taught a lesson." She said and he smiled.