
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Phoenix's Tattoo

Zayn walked into the classroom, the next day.

Everyone stopped talking as he entered, as usual.

He walked to his seat, and sat down.

"Hello." He greeted Lilia who flinched when she heard his voice.

"Hi Zayn." She said with a smile.

Zayn noticed something off, but shrugged it off and started drooling on his notebook.

Sarah was pushed in from outside, and fell down badly.

Some guys walked in immediately after her and laughed. They were five. They have KINGS crest at their chest.

"Can Miss Willy stop walking before me. You know I hate the sight of you." A red haired guy said.

"Is that Kelly?" Lilia asked in whisper to Zayn, who only observed everything indifferently and nodded his head.

"Kelly. Aren't you, your sister and your gang a little obsessed with me? Maybe you secretly have a crush on me, no one can tell." Sarah laughed trying to stand up, but was angrily kicked by Kelly.

"Fuck off. How can I secretly have a crush on you. Don't you think you are a extremely ugly for my liking? You haven't checked your face in the mirror, right? You should be chosen as the most horrible woman on earth."

"You still consider here earth. I think this place is worse than hell. Especially, when monsters like you resides here." She spat at his face.

"Calm down, little girl. I think the reason why you being mad is because I called you ugly. But of course you are. The sight of you irritates me." Kelly said while most of the people in the class laughed and they all walked back to their seat, except Sarah who was still on the floor.

Kelly glanced back and was about to say something to Zayn in a mocking way, but was surprised with the beauty behind him.

"Who are you, pretty girl?" He asked, smirking.

"She is the new girl. I told you about her yesterday"A grey haired guy said smirking devilishly.

Lilia was surprised they already talked about her and looked at them with a raised brow. She gasped when she saw Kelly's face and melted. She couldn't look into his eyes and dropped her gaze.

"Really? A new girl? And has been taken already? Not just by someone that can match up to my shoes? But by a loser?" Kelly smirked looking between Zayn and Lilia with and interesting look.


"No we aren't dating." Zayn was saying something, but was cut off by Lilia.

Zayn looked at her with a cold smile, but didn't say anything and turned back to his drawing. Immediately, he looked at her. He saw a Phoenix tattoo on her neck, as she combed her hair up with her hands.

His smile grew colder, but didn't say anything.

"So. You aren't taken. Interesting. I'm Kelly. You are....?"

"I'm Lilia." She quickly said.

"Something a whore could do." Jenna said as she entered with Dani.

Dani fumed as she saw what is happening.

'How dare that human girl trying to snatch her crush?' She thought.

"Jenna. Watch your tongue. Don't you want your elder brother to have a chick?"

"I definitely want that too. But, I won't want you marrying a slut." Jenna said with no emotions and pushed Sarah off her seat.

"Jenna!" Sarah yelled.

"Go and find somewhere else to sit." She said and Dani sat on the chair beside her.

Sarah was so angry and pulled Jenna's hair.

"How dare you?" Jenna said angrily and screamed. Sarah slapped her, and that made her more furious. She pushed Sarah away with power.

She turned around, dug her hand into her chest, and brought out a knife. She threw it at Sarah, which the latter quickly dodged.

"Jenna. Watch what you're doing." Kelly said.

"I need to teach this bitch a lesson not to mess with a wrong person again." She said and stretched her hand at Sarah, and flame surrounded Sarah.

The pain was too much for Sarah and she could only cough and cry.

After Jenna's fury has dissipated, she released her, and that made Sarah's skin more darker than before.

"Don't ever mess with me again." She said and walked out of the class.

"Interesting." Nat said clapping as he rested his head on Zayn's locker, looking at Zayn with a smiling expression. "Don't you think is fun." He said and laughed like a maniac.

Kelly and his friends walked out the next minute after Jenna and Dani had left.

"This new girl is also amazing. Very very cunning, isn't she?" He asked Zayn with a smile, while the latter was thinking when they became close. "Where does she get the tattoo? A phoenix?" He asked and smirked.

Zayn looked at it again, and his eyes turned red. He stood up and dragged Lilia out of the class.

"Did i say something wrong? Or is it a love triangle?" He asked and laughed again.

Mera who was not that far to him, heard him and hissed.

She stood up and walked towards Sarah who hasn't stood up, from where she was.

"Can't your life stop getting messier. Just try and be bold or practice more with magic, so people will not tamper more with your wretched life." Mera said angrily and walked out.

"I'm trying." She said lowly to herself as she stood up. "Its not my fault I'm powerless. I cant change who I am." She said to herself and stood up.

"Everyone in this class are very interesting." Nat smirked as he watched Sarah intently.

The latter didn't know she was being watched. She carried herself to her locker, sat down and rest her head on the desk.

"Many things in a day. A phoenix tattoo. A powerless guy that likes a beautiful guy, but who actually likes the powerful guy, and the powerful guy, likes to bully a powerless girl, with his powerful sister. Very interesting. I need to put this into my novel. A very big angle." He said and laughed again to himself.

Some people around him looked at him, and wondered if he has gone mad