
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

She is not her

"Stop dragging me. Leave me alone." Lilia said. Lilia wanted to turned to shadow, so she could escape from him, but surprisingly her power is not working so she gave up.

Zayn eventually released her.

Lilia was very furious and turned to him angrily.

"What did you just do? What exactly is your problem? Because I said we aren't dating? Are we? I only arrived yesterday, don't you think is too early for you to catch feelings. I'm not interested in you and I won't. If you like me then, its your cup of tea." She said angrily to the unfazed, Zayn."

"Where do you get your tattoo?" He only asked.

"What tattoo?"

"Your neck." He replied looking at her intently.

Lilia wanted to reply sarcastically, but was astonished by the handsome face, masked with frown.

"I've always loved Phoenix. So I asked my mom to draw it on my neck, when I was eight. Its none of your business." She could only say, looking away.

"She can't be her. No. She is not her." He muttered under his breath, but could still be heard by Lilia who only regained her senses when he walked out of her.

"W.w.what did he just say? She is not her? Who is not her? Me? I have to ask her what he meant by that." She said and ran after him, who had entered class already. As she was rushing in, she mistakenly collided with Sarah's chair, who fell badly. She didn't even try to apologize and walked towards Zayn who was about to sit down. "Tell me what you meant by your statement." She demanded furiously.

Sarah walked up to her with a smile.

"Don't you think you have to apologize?" Sarah asked.

"Really? Sorry, I pushed you down, or mistakenly jammed with your locker. I'm sorry." Lilia said out very loud and Sarah smiled and was about to leave but stopped at Lilia's last statement. "Is that what you wanted me to say?" Lilia laughed and continued in low voice that only Sarah could hear, "Some crazy people bullied you, and tortured you, but you never demand for apology. Because I'm human or softhearted, you think you can come up to me and start saying that? Isn't that racism? Fight those people first, before you wanna fight me. I'm not that easy to bully." She smirked to her face and smiled brightly. Sarah eyes turned red and walked to her seat.

"What were we saying, Zayn?" Lilia said but stopped when a teacher walked in.

"Good morning class."

"Good morning Mr Roberts." They all echoed.

Soon after, the KINGS entered and Dani and Jenna followed.

"Let's talked about some creatures. Who are the

purest creatures ever, in the magic kingdom?" He asked.

"Wyverns?" A pink haired girl said.

"Why would a Wyverns be pure?" Her friend knocked her head.

"You didn't say pygmy puff when you are one." Sarah said and laughed.

The pink haired girl blushed and smiled.

"Are we really pure, Mr Roberts?" She asked, pouting her mouth.

"Of course, yes." Mr Robert said. "Can someone tell me more? Sarah had mentioned one."

"Fairies." Lilia said, timidly.

"Of course. But fairies could be very dangerous sometimes." Mr Robert said.

"Vampire?" Dani said, looking at Kelly with side glance.

Everyone in the class bursted into laughter.

"How could vampire be pure, Dani? If you want to get more attention more than you've gotten, try and study more." Mera smirked.

"Shut up...your mouth" She was raising her voice, and kept her voice low, trying not leave bad impression for Kelly.

"Vampires can't be pure. Although some of them are pure."

"What are the pure Vampires?" A deep blue haired boy said.

"I'll give you that as assignment, and Sarah, don't say anything." Mr Robert said.

"So lets talk about the pure creatures."


"No idea. I don't think there is a creature in this world that is pure."

"Human?" Dani said again.

"Hmm. We can't say Humans are pure. Can someone tell me why human can't be considered pure?"

"It's because they have the darkest heart among all the creator's creatures." Sarah said, and earned a clap from some people in the class.

"We have mermaid." Lyra said swaying her hair.

"Mermaid can't be considered pure. The hurt human the most." Sarah said.

"Are you the teacher?" Lyra eyed her.

"She's right. They aren't pure."

"What about Bow tuckle. They guard the wood. although they can be sassy." Mera said.

"Good. No one can tell me more about pure creatures?"

"Obviously, Unicorn." A guy with bloody long hair entered.

"I forgot to mention him the other time. That is Sebastian, The most powerful Vampire in the school, he is also a genius, only second to Sarah. Their family is the richest in this world." Lyra dragged her chair closer to Lilia and whispered. "He is the fourth fighter in the school."

"Really?" Lilia said and looked at him with interest.

The guy sat beside Sarah, who only looked at him with a deep frown.

"Why is she sitting close to her?" She pointed at Sarah.

"Because they are siblings. Vampire family own this school. Sarah was adopted by them, although they didn't treat her well. Only Sebastian love her sister, and no one dared to bully her, when he is around." Lyra said.

"Why are you just coming in, Seb?" Sarah whispered.

"You can't even say you miss me. I've gone to hunt for a week now." He whispered back.

"Really. You aren't a hunter, Seb." She jabbed her.

"Okay ma. But you know I love hunting."

"Sarah, Sebastian. Quit the conversation till the end of class." Mr Robert said and everywhere became silent. "Good. Sebastian has mentioned it. Unicorn is the purest creature. They are pure hearted and they are very gentle." The man taught them more about the topic and left when he finished.

"Back to our conversation. What did you mean by 'I'm not her'?" Lilia asked Zayn, who didn't look like he has been listening to what he's been taught, because he was just drawing.

He stopped what herm was doing and looked up at her.

"What?" He asked her, with a smile.

Lilia looked down immediately, and couldn't look into his face.

'How could he be damn handsome, when he has no power.' She thought.

He smiled the more and wondered what's funny about what she had said.

"What you said in the garden earlier. What were you trying to say? I'm not her? Does that mean you approached me with the intention of using me? Did I look like your ex lover or what?" She said clenching her teeth and Zayn smiled again. But the smile went down slowly and turned to a chilly expression.

"Because you are not her....and you can never be her." He said with a cold smirk, and focused back on his drawing.

Lilia got scared when she heard his word and saw his expression. She'd never seen that face on him, since she had known him, yesterday.

She sat down and focused on her history book she is reading.

"She is not her.." That word kept repeating on her head.

'Phoenix tattoo? What does that have to do with him.

She's going to research more.