
The life of Charity Guzman as Ms. Reiven

"Charity! Charity! " someone called me that wakes me up. "are you okay? you've been shouting since you sleep" he said. where am I? what is he saying? who is he? My house was turn down using a wrecking ball, revealing my naked body and his naked body too, after that I wake up on a sailing shi- no its a pirates ship. They throw me in the water, I cant breath nor move to swim. I feel it, I was on the bottom of the ocean. When I close my eyes, I woke up on a different place. Now Im in the forest, running from the wolves, I keep on running and running and running, but I suppose Im not going anywhere. Is this a dream? why I keep on Waking up on different environment and scenario ! is it? Do you believe in reincarnations? Things like,once you died and comes to heaven, you have asked for 3 wishes. Once all of that wishes came true you'll be seeing heaven again, and thing keeps on repeating everytime you die, Jack Guzman is a typical normal girl, but every thing change when she turns 18, out of her knowing that there was a curse that had been reopened on her birthday. Then she started to have bad dreams, and then she saw wierd thing all over her apartment. When she lost her dad, she then decided to go to the Philippines... she stopped having bad dreams , but in return she always forget what happens at night before she sleeps..

nico_rosei14 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter 1

have you ever experience having a dream that feels so true?

That night I slept with him

"ahhhhhh" I shouted as I falls from a watch tower.

"HELP!" I shouted again,hoping anyone can hear me.


but, its too late... I hit the ground and die.

"That night I slept with him, if I can just go back in time, How I wish I didnt do it. " I said to myself.

but, who is he? whom did I selpt with?

My house was turn down using a wrecking ball, revealing my naked body and his naked body too, after that I wake up on a sailing shi- no its a pirates ship. They throw me in the water,

I cant breath nor move to swim. I feel it, I was on the bottom of the ocean. When I close my eyes, I woke up on a different place. Now Im in the forest, running from the wolves, I keep on running and running and running, but I suppose Im not going anywhere. Is this a dream? why I keep on Waking up on different environment and scenario ! is it?

I stop running and close my eyes but then, the wolves came to me....












I was eaten by them.

"Charity! Charity! " someone called me that wakes me up.

"are you okay? you've been shouting since you sleep" he said.

where am I? what is he saying? who is he?

"w-ho are you! where am I?" I asked, I covered myself with a blanket, while he slammed his hands to his head.

"Im your husband, lets get out the kids are waiting for you."

he said, then smile. kids?do I have kids?

"I dont have kids nor a husband!"I said to him, then he frowned to me, hold my hands and pull me to his body. He's cold... no..... he's not breathing!

then he let go of me, and gives me a bitter sweet smile.

'Just who is this guy?' I asked myself.

he opened the do--


something suddenly blast.

*psszzz pszzzzz pszzz pszzz time to wake up !* the sound of my alarm.finally Im awake, am I? I immediately go to the bathroom and slap my self hard!

"AW!" I shouted, it hurts so bad!

Its been months since I've been dreaming of the same dream. drowning, being burned, killed, I dont know. May be Im just stress.

After taking a bath, I go down to the kitchen, prepare and eat my breakfast. Then after that I go to school.

On my way, I saw a happy couple cuddling each other on the street, not just that there is this stupid puppet show that I dont get why its do pupular on everyone except on me.

Once i've reach my school, I feel so relief, I feel so safe.

Mara came to me after she saw me entering the gate,she is my only friend that Knows whats happening on me.

"what happened? you look so pale" she asked.

"same old thing" I answered.

"Do you have any plans on seeing a doctor?" she answered with her very beautifull british accent .

"I dont know, the last time I have a checked up, they said Im fine just a little bit stressed". I humbly answered, while copying her accent and doing a hand gesture of okay.

We both laugh.... We really have a very similar common sense I say.

right now we're both studying at FILAM Academy. A school for filipinos here in america. Some of you might think,why? of all the schools out there why?well to tell you the truth I love Filipino culture, everything suprise me .

When we arrived it just on time and the teacher just came after we entered the room. He is Mr. Mornong and he's teaching Understanding Culture, Social and Politics. its kinda boring but, who cares! the teacher's hot anyways.

"lets start with a trivia for today everyone."

"do you know, that in the Philippines there are monsters and mythical creaturea called "Aswang"? he said.

"apparently, there is no science proven theory of its exsistance, but the" pinoys "(a term for countryman of the Philippines ) still believes it because they always see it at night." he said, then look at as with his 'believe me' expression.Also, in the Phillipines there are this so valled 'kulam' or curse. Where they curse someone to death or to suffer. Wherr the curse making is called 'mangkukulam' or witch lady and he curse someone with exchange of life. yeah! he gives curses while wasting her life, so dumb yet so powerful. to tell you guys,no one knows if they were cursed or not and who gives them curse, it just happen and they just died." he said, then glared at all students.

owwww so creepy!

all students was left in silence, noone wants to talk or even open their mouth because of what they have heared. of course everyone you told about that will defeneatly be on shock and freeze.

"yes, of course hahahahahaha this is the only way to get all of your attentions. dont worry guys curses can be lifted and is gone for so long in the Philippines." he said then starts the reall lessons.

after the Lecture with Sr. Morong I headed to the cafeteria for some snacks, studying is so hard and much harder when you're hungry. I bought some juice and the very delicious rice cake in the Philippines! 'sinukmani'.

I walk towards the park, and there it is! my table under the tree! this spot is my favorite because of the tree its cold whene its summer and just right when its falls.

"the food in the Philippines is indeed yummy, how I wish I can personally go there!" I said to myself before eating my meal.

The way this 'sinukani' taste is just so incredible! how come its just sweetened sticky rice cooked with coconut milk?

well..... who cares? Its yummy anyways!

after eating, I have no enery or should I say mood? to go to my next class.

guess what it is!?

Yes its History time!!!!!!!!!!

so boring!

I walk towards ta classroom for History class but,

"nah, I'll just stay in the bench"

sorry self its just so boring today!