
Chapter 2

Listen here.

I woke up the same way, with the same dreams or should I call it 'nightmare'.

I rush to the bath and slap myself again.

It hurts but this time.... its worst.

When I looked at the mirror I saw someone, that isnt me!

my hair is black and short, my eyes are brown as coffee and my skin is white but, the person I saw on the mirror has a brown hair, long and curly hair, she has a tan skin that I've ever dreamed off and her eyes... her eyes are very blue.

I feel like the mirror was calling me saying 'come here' on my head. I touch the mirror at it moves like I touch a water on the ocean. it sounds so deep yet it never overflows, it moves so think as if its a very watery slime I've touch.

"ahhhhhhh' I shouted, suddenly there was a girl inside the mirror appeared from nowhere.

I rush to the door and tried to close it, but she is pulling it too! her arms got long that it reaches me.

half of her body was out of the mirror, she transforms to a monster! Green skin, big eyes, big mouth with alot of teeth!

"give it back to me!" she shouted , I know in here voice she's mad about something.

"what did I take from you?" I bravely asked, while still pulling the door close.

Im shaking.... Im scared.... the way the frown to me when her head reaches the door and looked at me, its as if she wants me dead. Why is this happening!?

"my life"she shattered.

I let go of the door and rush to the open windor, but I accidentally slip and pulled the curtain open.

she disappeared....

I let the window open, then rush to the C.R.

"where are you!" I shouted

"who are you!" I shouted

no one answered.

all was left was a ring with green emerald.

I once again touch the mirror and its back to normal.

"I should talk to a doctor" I said to myself.

what is happening to me.

its getting worst.


simple dreams



what is happening to me?

why I have so much, I dont know.

After I took a shower, I get down the kitchen and see it so dirty.... arghhh maybe I forgot to clean it again last night, I should really clean my house. I have my breakfast the go to school.

I dont know but, when Im outside that appartment I feel normal, I sleep in school normal, eat at go to the bathroom normal but, oncr i've entered that appartment I always feels scared and I always have nightmares.

By the way Im

"Charity Guzman" a half Filipina and half american.

Im 19 and Im a College student, well Im alone because my parents are in the Philippines, we love that country but my mom keep on saying I shouldnt go home until I aged 20. They said its a promise hmmmmm promise for what?

As time passed, I get more curious why I'm having such nightmares, unexplanable things and events.

'I have to tell my parents about this' I said to my self, then get my phone from my pocket.

since they were out of the country, Im contacting them using messenger app, but they are offline so I just decided to leave a messenger saying that they have to contact me as soon as they can.

still I dont habe thing to do even though Im on school, so I just scroll on my Facebook account and the latest news I can get about my parents.

there are posts of the relatives thats with mom.

every posy was similar, no doubt one person had captured this pictures.

I decidwd to check lilibeths post, shes my cousin in mothers side.

'sana ol free'(I hope Im free too) I said to myself. How rude of my parents to be having vacation without their own daughter!? huhu I also, wanted to go on a beach and swim!

but one picture have catch my attention.

It has a caption.

"Marry have a good time in heaven"

it their picture in a cementery visiting ,

well I its just a relative, then suddenly...

all I can do is cover my mouth in fear, there is this! the girl I saw thid morning!

but why is she hugging my mom? and wearing black overall in the beach?

well I guess fashion does matter more that what you feels.



in the second picture, the girl is staring at me, as if she knows Im looking. Then I looked into her hands there is a knife pointing to my moms neck, it was the last picture! what happened to mom!?

there I checked the comment section of the post.

"hows cynthia?"

"what happened? why is she on the hospital?"

"get well soon sister cynthia"

what happened?...

its still noon,

I rushed home to my pareants house, But it was locked I was hoping I can get any details so I can contact them!

"It appears you missing your parents?" did someone just talked behind my back?

I immediately look...

"dont be scared its just me"

oh god, its just my dad...

but I thought hes with mom?

"dad, Why are you here? I mean I thought you are with mom?"

I asked him, where doing a hand gesture of asking.

"lets talk inside the house" he asked then leads me inside.

its so hard to open the door,

as he opened the door, I saw so many trash,owww and alot of books. when did my parents got addicted with books specially with mythodologies and books from Philippines.

"happened here?" I asked when we are finally inside.

"well your mom got addicted with it." he humbly answered.

"dad Im serious, why is this place a mess?" I angrly said. who can even live in a filty housr like this!

(Authors note: a rat)

well.....not me! Im not even a rat boss!

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