
The Beginning

In the back garden wisteria grew tangling itself around a pillar of a back porch. It looked as if it was a part of the pillar as the wind swayed its purple flowers. The garden around the back porch was breathtaking one had to look multiple times to see all of the flowers. Not to far away across the green lawn sat a girl on a swing gently humming to herself. She wore a beautiful white sundress that made her lovely red hair that fell to her waist stand out even brighter. Her hair glistened in the sun and she felt the warm beams touch her face. She had no shoes and her bare feet were feeling the lush green grass beneath them. It seemed as though she didnt have a care in the world as her eyes ventured towards a large pond. She sat there for a long time before she heard her name being called, "Caroline, Caroline you need to come help me." it was her mother calling. As Caroline slowly got up and walked across the lawn to the house she turned back and looked at her court yard for the last time. When finally reaching the front door Caroline took a deep breath then entered. After her eyes had adjusted to the dark house she noticed everything had been packed, her entire life packed into boxes. She went to her mom to help carry boxes and neither one spoke a word to eachother. Caroline was afraid if she did talk she wouldnt have been able to stop herself from crying. They loaded the last boxes into the car and Caroline got in the car without turning to spare the house another glance. When they were both seated and ready to go Caroline's mom turned and said, "Everything will be ok I promise we will get through this." she then started to drive away. Only then did Caroline look out the car window to see the huge pale yellow house with magnificent pillars. This was the house she grew up in and only then did it hit her the new troubles she would have to face.