
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 60: Chu Mo's idea

Chapter 60: Chu Mo's idea

The eight maids in the hall were quietly serving by his side, and the housekeeper Danny lowered his hands slightly, his expression respectful and solemn.

The upper and lower floors of the living room have a very high roof, giving people a luxurious and atmospheric feeling. The crystal chandelier imported from Italy exudes a soft but not dazzling light.

Even the inconspicuous blue and white porcelain in the corner of the living room is an antique worth more than 30 million!

It can be said that the entire hall is Chu Mo's home court. Here, every move of Chu Mo will attract everyone's attention. It is precisely because the surrounding environment gives Chu Mo incomparable self-confidence that Chu Mo can ignore the powerful man on the opposite side. pressure on the body.

This man with a height of more than two meters and eyes like copper bells just sat there casually, no one dared to despise his existence, and he always exuded a convincing aura.

If it weren't for this hall, the luxury around and the respect of the maids provided Chu Mo with sufficient courage. If the two met alone, Chu Mo was sure that he would never be able to be as calm as he is now.

The living room was very quiet at the moment, Chu Mo, the master, had a dull expression, while the middle-aged man with a tiger-like aura on the opposite side was thinking about something. At this time, Shoubo on the side looked anxious.

It's just that here he represents Chu Mo's bodyguard, and there is no room for him to speak!

It didn't take long, but after a few breaths, Jiang Tao with a serious face finally said:

"Mr. Chu is willing to waste time with a small person like me. You must have your own ideas. I'd like to hear more about it!"

So, this is a great start!

Gently sat up straight, with a stern Chu Mo on his handsome cheeks, said:

"To be honest, I don't have much interest in your so-called detective agency. These days, money comes first. As long as I spend money, what kind of information can I get?

Not to mention, it's just that the entire magic city is bigger than you, and there are no more professional detective agencies than you!"

Chu Mo said slowly, but the man in front of him did not refute anything, because he knew that what Chu Mo said was the truth.

After a short pause, Chu Mo, who raised his eyebrows slightly, continued:

"However... I am quite interested in you personally. With your courage, you should not be limited to a small detective agency, you should have a bigger stage, and now, only I can provide you with such a stage!"

"Mr. Chu, don't play dumb riddles. If you have something to say, please speak directly."

Jiang Tao's eyes are like copper bells, and his voice is rough and wild, and he has that kind of grassy taste!

Nodding slightly, Chu Mo, who went straight to the subject, said:

"To put it bluntly, you open a detective just for money, and you're right about one thing before, I'm not short of money.

Even if according to your plan, I invest 500,000 or even 1 million for you, you cannot guarantee success, and there is a high chance that you will lose everything and end up in debt. I will provide you with a method.

Come to me, you can see Shoubo's treatment, 20,000 yuan per month, the work content is nothing more than follow me around, give you the bottom line, I don't have any life and death enemies, so I don't need you to fight and kill. kill. "

Seeing the other party frown slightly, Chu Mo, who continued to increase his chips, immediately said:

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, I know that with your temperament, you will never bend your waist for a mere 20,000 yuan, and listen to my conditions.

I paid for a detective agency, and you choose the personnel, preferably those who retire from the team. They are clean, disciplined, and skilled.

Divide these people into grades one to nine, of which grades one to three are junior detectives, with a monthly salary of 20,000 for the first level, 30,000 for the second level, 40,000 for the third level, and intermediate detectives for the fourth to sixth levels.

The monthly salary of the fourth level is 60,000, the fifth level is 80,000, the sixth level is 100,000, and the last level seven and above are senior detectives.

The monthly salary of the seventh grade is 300,000 yuan, the monthly salary of the eighth grade is 500,000 yuan, and the monthly salary of the ninth grade is 1 million yuan.

If you are willing to come, Mr. Jiang, I can first give you the salary of a fourth-level agent, 60,000 per month, and I promise that within five years, as long as you guarantee my safety, you will definitely be promoted to the ninth level!

Mr. Jiang, there is another point you are right. I just put up the shelf here. It is indeed the time to use people. However, the opportunity is only this time. If you miss it, I believe that in the world, you will never find the first time. The two families can provide you with such treatment!"

When the words fell, Chu Mo stopped talking!

Chu Mo wanted to build a detective agency of his own. In fact, it was only after meeting the fat manager at the Audi franchise store this afternoon.

The matter of Chu Wen's dismissal made Chu Mo really understand that sometimes, money alone may not be able to solve everything, and when Chu Mo asked the bodyguard to check the details of the fat manager, the moment the other party bowed his head, Chu Mo Mo's heart gave birth to the idea of ​​preparing for his own power.

The so-called detective agency is only an external statement, it is considered a coat. In Chu Mo's heart, this detective agency is actually his own private bodyguard base.

The so-called first-level to ninth-level detectives here are Chu Mo's personal bodyguards. Chu Mo needs them to provide security for himself and his family 24 hours a day.

The detective agency also operates externally, but earning money is secondary. The main purpose is to expand channels. If one day Chu Mo needs it, they can also provide detective services for themselves!

Naturally, for the grades from one to nine, Chu Mo actually referred to the setting of his own maid.

Diwangxuan's maids are graded according to the grades from one to nine. The Chu Mo family, including Villa No. 8, has a total of ten maids, including six fourth-grade maids, three fifth-grade maids, and one sixth-grade maid. Their average salary is A monthly salary of 20,000.

The highest level 6 maid is the head maid here, a 26-year-old beauty master, with a monthly salary of 60,000 soft sister coins and an annual salary of more than 700,000, just a little lower than the housekeeper Danny!

Naturally, high salary can retain high-level talents, which is the guarantee for Chu Mo to set up a detective agency!

The silence was a little longer this time, and Jiang Tao, who was obviously tangled in something, was bullying slightly in his chest. It wasn't until a minute later that Jiang Tao, whose eyes flashed with light, said solemnly:

"Mr. Chu's upgrade system, what are the specific assessment criteria? I want to know, other than me, how should my brothers be upgraded!"

Sure enough, the charm of money is really infinite!

Seeing that the other party had let go, Chu Mo, who was a little more relaxed, said easily:

"It's very simple, you only need to wait for the time between the first and third levels. As long as you are selected, the default level is the first level, with a monthly salary of 20,000. After half a year, you will automatically be promoted to the second level, and a year later, you will be promoted to the third level.

Levels 4 to 6 are one level a year, and those who have special contributions can be promoted as appropriate. As for level 7 and beyond, except for yourself, which is a fixed level upgrade every year, others need special contributions.

As for the specific standards, it is up to you to specify, but I will give you a quota, such as no more than ten people at the seventh level, no more than five people at the eighth level, and no more than three people at the ninth level!"

The corners of Chu Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

If this goes well, it won't be long before you have a team that can play for you!

The man on the opposite side was obviously moved. He knew that such conditions could not be given anywhere else except here.

When the tall man made up his mind, the entanglement on his body was swept away, and the whole person became strong and cold again!

"Mr. Chu, we all came down from the team. The most important thing is the word loyalty and trust. Since Mr. Chu can trust me, I, Jiang Tao, will put my words here today.

In the future, for the safety of Mr. Chu and your family, whenever there is a slight chance of coming out, I, Jiang Tao, voluntarily leave an arm to apologize to Mr. Chu!"

With a monthly salary of one million and an annual salary of ten million, where is it really so easy to get it!

Chu Mo was not polite, but nodded seriously.

Chu Mo turned his head slightly, and Danny, the housekeeper beside him, immediately took a half step forward, and at the same time attached himself to Chu Mo!

"Transfer two million to Mr. Jiang as start-up capital!"

Then, putting his eyes on Jiang Tao, Chu Mo raised his eyebrows and said:

"I'll give you one month to expand the number of detective agency to thirty people. Remember, as long as those who retire from the team, their character must be carefully controlled. My brother was transferred to me first and was responsible for the security of the villa!"

Then, he turned his attention to Shoubo again, and continued:

"Shoubo, you are responsible for taking care of these people. From today, your salary will be raised to the third level, 40,000 per month. If there is no difference, it will be automatically upgraded to the fourth level after half a year, 60,000 per month."

Shoubo, whose face was flushed red, nodded immediately.

For him, this is indeed an opportunity to leap into the dragon gate. As long as he seizes it, he will not be rich and noble, but at least he will be able to become an elite class.

For anyone, this is an opportunity that is enough to change their life in the future. When such an opportunity comes, they can only seize it with all their might, and there is absolutely no possibility of retreating halfway.


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