
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 59: unequal cooperation

Chapter 59: unequal cooperation

Chu Mo didn't rush downstairs. He took off his pajamas and changed into casual clothes. After dawdling for a while, he felt that he was almost done, and then he walked down the stairs leisurely.

In the nearly 200-square-meter hall on the first floor, the housekeeper Danny and eight maids quietly stood by.

Chu Mo remembered that there were only two maids on duty when he just came back. He thought that there were guests at home, so the housekeeper called all the maids.

The bodyguard Shoubo also stood quietly in the living room, while on the sofa, a tall and robust figure was quietly waiting.

When Chu Mo's figure appeared, the eight handsome maids bent over to greet him at the same time, while the housekeeper Danny strode to his side and respectfully said:

"Mr. Chu, this is Mr. Jiang Taojiang introduced by Shoubo!"

In the kung fu introduced by the housekeeper, the middle-aged man who was sitting quietly on the sofa also got up. When the other party really came to him, Chu Mo realized that with his height of 1.82 meters, he was not even close to the other party's chin. Location.

A conservative estimate is that the other party is at least two meters above!

"Hello Mr. Chu, I'm Jiang Tao, Shoubo's teammate, I came here late at night and disturbed you!"

He didn't have the explosive muscles in the gym, but his whole body gave off a strong and oppressive man's voice, and his copper bell-like eyes showed a real coldness.

The other party stretched out his hand towards him, and his broad palm was covered with calluses!

Just casually glanced at the man in front of him, and Chu Mo, who did not shake hands with him, said directly:

"Mr. Jiang, please take a seat!"

There was no embarrassment because of Chu Mo's rudeness. He naturally retracted his hand, and the man with a strong physique solemnly sat across from him.

Butler Danny personally brought himself a glass of water, and when Chu Mo picked up the glass in front of him and took a sip of water, the feeling of being oppressed and breathless just now gradually disappeared!

This man is really scary!

There was a vague guess in Chu Mo's heart. If he shook hands with him just now, under his strong coercion, no matter what he did after that, all the initiative would probably be in his hands.

"Listening to Shoubo, thanks to Mr. Jiang's help in the afternoon, I haven't had time to thank you!"

The two maids behind him naturally stood on the left and right sides of Chu Mo, the other six maids stood by the door, and the remaining four were also standing not far away, ready to serve them at any time.

The housekeeper, Danny, was standing behind the maid, while Chu Mo, who was in the center of everyone's attention, leaned slightly on the sofa behind him with a lukewarm expression.

The middle-aged man with a Chinese character face on the opposite side, not very handsome, but with an extraordinary air, heard the words, nodded slightly, and said seriously at the same time:

"Shoubo and I are a lifelong friendship. This trivial matter is nothing to worry about... This time, I still have something to ask Mr. Chu for help!"

It was already dark, and Chu Mo didn't want to play dumb with a big man here. He nodded lightly and said directly:

"I heard Shoubo mention it because of funds?"

Hearing this, the man who had always had a righteous face had to sigh softly, but for a moment, his face became straight, and Jiang Tao, who looked straight at Chu Mo, said solemnly:

"That's true. Last year, I came down from the team, and I ran into a wall several times looking for a job, so I found a few brothers to set up a detective company. Originally, I thought that with my connections, I would not be a problem to make a living... But...

The modern society is developing too fast. I take it for granted. The company has not paid a salary for four months in a row. Those brothers have no complaints because of their trust, but they are not like me, a few brothers. The pressure at home is also very high. If it goes on like this... I don't have the face to see their family anymore.

This time, I want to invite Mr. Chu to invest in our detective company. As long as we can get through this difficulty, any trouble Mr. Chu will encounter in the future, as long as we give an order, our brothers will do their best!!"

Chu Mo didn't have any surprises, and the situation was almost as expected.

Glancing at Shoubo on the opposite side, a curious Chu Mo suddenly said:

"Shoubo, you can beat three ordinary people by yourself. How many of you can beat Mr. Jiang?"

Originally, in Chu Mo's heart, Shoubo, who was able to fight three times in a row, was already considered a top expert, but when he met Jiang Tao today, this man who gave him a strong sense of oppression from the beginning really left a deep impression on Chu Mo. .

Therefore, Chu Mo is very curious, how powerful is such a man with a powerful aura like a tiger!

"Mr. Chu, Brother Jiang is my instructor, and all my skills are taught to me by Brother Jiang... If it is a normal competition, about four of me can subdue Brother Jiang with brute force like this, but if it is a fight for life If so, about ten talents like me will score five or five points with Brother Jiang!"

Shoubo, who is about 1.8 meters tall and also has a strong physique, did not hesitate, but quickly gave the answer.

Truly a beast!

A look of anticipation flashed in his eyes, and Chu Mo, who nodded slightly, asked:

"Mr. Jiang, how much money do you need?"

"500,000...Excluding me, we have a total of six brothers. I think each of them will give them 50,000 soft sister Binan's home, and the remaining 200,000 will be used for publicity funds. As long as the company can get on the right track, Mr. Chu will be in the future. Whatever happens, our brothers will do our best!"

Hearing this, he gently waved his hand, and Chu Mo said casually:

"I'll give you a million!"

Seeing that the other party did not show any joy, but raised his eyebrows slightly, Chu Mo said directly:

"One million, do you have the confidence to build your company?"

Without patting his chest to promise anything, Jiang Tao, who seemed very silent, said loudly:

"What do you think of Mr. Chu?"

Chu Mo did not answer, but smiled:

"You can come here, it shouldn't be just for the mere half a million!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tao, who did not hide anything, nodded slightly and said at the same time:

"That's true. Although the company is in a hurry to use the money, it has not yet reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. If I am willing to give up my face and reach out to my former comrades in arms, there will be more than a few hundred thousand. The reason for looking for Mr. Chu... I listen. Jiang Tao said that Mr. Chu's frame has just been set up here, and there are no available people around. In one, Shoubo said that Mr. Chu is very principled, not the kind of person who bullies men and women...

Mr. Chu, you need people, we happen to have people, we need funds, and Mr. Chu has funds, this is a win-win situation, I believe you will seriously consider Mr. Chu!"

Nodding with a smile, but after a while, Chu Mo, who suddenly shook his head again, sighed:

"This is just your wishful thinking!" Pointing to Shoubo opposite, Chu Mo continued:

"Shoubo's original salary was 15,000 a month. For him who doesn't have any special skills, this is not a low salary. I raised him to 20,000. As long as I am willing, 20,000 a month, Needless to say, ten or eight of the bodyguards who retired from the team? I can recruit even a hundred.

Therefore, your so-called cooperation does not hold at all!"


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