
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 57: Gift

Chapter 57: Gift

There really isn't any decent ingredients in the kitchen fridge, not even a bit of meat star.

Of course, this may be because the two girls are vegetarians. In short, Chu Mo really worked hard for this dinner that lacked ingredients.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the more than a week's training of my own chef, my cooking skills have improved a lot, and the taste of tonight's food would probably have dropped by at least one grade.

It is because of this that Chu Mo felt a strange sense of satisfaction when he saw the two girls eating deliciously.

Therefore, Chu Mo, who originally only ate a bowl of rice at night, finally added half a bowl to himself, and finally even poured the soup from several dishes into the bowl!

Chu Wen rushed to do the task of washing dishes and chopsticks, and Chu Mo, who had a bloated stomach, didn't specifically fight with him.

Just adoring her bulging belly like this, she lay carelessly on the sofa in the living room, and put the pillow next to her with the beautiful anime girl printed on it behind her head. Just when Chu Mo's face was comfortable, she finished washing up in the kitchen. Chu Wen gently asked while wiping the water on her hands:

"You haven't answered my question just now, what exactly do you do?

If I remember correctly, your mother seems to work in a state-owned enterprise, and your father works in a big company. Are you a second-generation rich man?

That's not right, I know your uncle and your grandparents are in the country!"

Chu Wen, whose eyes were full of curiosity, sat gently aside, and sure enough, with a gust of fragrant wind, the faint fragrance that she had just smelled in the elevator hit her nostrils again.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Mo, who was leaning on the sofa lazily, said softly, as if to **** that alluring aroma into his stomach:

"I'm really just a freelance writer, this is true, and I did invest in a hotel... Does Bafang International Hotel know?"

After seeing the girl shaking her head with doubts in her eyes, Chu Mo explained with a smile:

"You just need to know that it's a big hotel. I'm not a hotel chef, but one of the big bosses behind the scenes. Don't talk about me, let's talk about you, you get along well with that shared roommate, look. She is very protective of you!"

Hearing this, there was a hint of gentleness in Chu Wen's eyes, and she nodded lightly, she stroked the hair beside her ears with her hand, while her slender neck leaned forward slightly, she said with a smile on her face:

"Xiao Shuang was the one I met as a dishwasher at the Magic City Hotel... Among so many people, she was the only one who didn't call me Huoya Girl. We both worked hard together. She studied herself and was admitted to a college, and she suffered a lot. I finally became the flight attendant of my dreams.

My dream is to become a model, but I'm still working hard. Xiao Shuang is very good. Many times I want to give up, but she encourages me to grit my teeth and persevere.

If it weren't for her, I should have gone back to the country five years ago, had a blind date with a stranger, and then got married and had children... Fortunately, I persevered, so I am very grateful to her!"

Nodding slightly and pointing to the bedroom with the door closed, Chu Mo said strangely:

"What is she doing shutting herself up in the house? It seems so mysterious!"


For the first time, there was a smile in his eyes. Because he talked about his best friend, Chu Wen's beautiful cheeks were full of gentle smiles and said:

"She is afraid that you will laugh at her. Xiaoshuang is usually a flight attendant, but whenever she takes a break, she will sing live on the live broadcast platform.

She sings very well, but because of her good looks and good figure, she can earn a few hundred dollars per live broadcast, and she uses the money from the rewards to help me from time to time.

For example, I may not be able to pay the rent this month, she will help me cushion it, for example, if I am reluctant to buy cosmetics, she will buy it for me...!"

There is tenderness in Chu Wen's eyes, the kind of expression that comes out naturally because it touches the soft heartstrings in her heart.

A gleam of light flashed in Chu Mo's eyes, who was listening carefully. Originally, he was worried about how to make up for his fault, but now he seems to have found a good breakthrough.

Chu Mo, who took out his mobile phone from his pocket and tried his best to look natural, said casually:

"Which platform is she streaming on? What's her name? I'm going to help him get some small gifts to increase her popularity!"

Hearing this, the girl in front of him hesitated slightly, Chu Mo immediately smiled and said:

"If you don't tell me, I'll ask her myself later!"

In the end, he shook his head gently, with some helplessness in his eyes, Chu Wen took a deep breath:

"She is playing Yuyu live, her name is Shuangsu Shuangfei, you better not let her know that you are watching her live broadcast, or she will be embarrassed if you meet in the future. Other than that, no one around knew she was doing a live broadcast!"

Nodding lightly, open the phone to enter the system mall, and then download the Douyu platform. After a few minutes, the software installation is complete.

Log in with your prestige account, and after a little hesitation, change the platform's nickname to the end of the world, which is the nickname of Chu Mo's QQ account.

He didn't rush to search for the other party. After seeing the recharge options, Chu Mo directly clicked on the recharge page and glanced at several recharge amounts, ranging from one soft sister coin to ten thousand soft sister coins, and clicked on a few options. , Only then did Chu Mo know that a shark fin is equivalent to a real soft sister coin.

Although Chu Mo didn't play live broadcasts in the past, he had heard of this software. After groping for a while, he roughly understood some basic operations.

The biggest recharge option here is 10,000 soft sister coins, which obviously cannot meet Chu Mo's needs.

Click on other options, first enter one in the amount, and then press zero continuously, and after pressing five zeros, you cannot continue!

In this way, the amount of a single recharge seems to be 100,000 soft sister coins!

After hesitating for a moment, he deleted the number he entered, and then Chu Mo entered nine in the first number, and then kept clicking. After a while, when six nines appeared in the recharge column, he could no longer enter it.

Therefore, the maximum amount for a single recharge should be 999,999!

Press OK and choose Prestige Payment directly, because his Prestige is bound to an unlimited bank card, which is protected by the system and has no upper limit at all, so Chu Mo is not worried about security issues.

Enter the password, click Confirm again, and after the recharge is successful, Chu Mo, who nodded slightly, looked at the nearly one million extra shark fins on his account, and then returned to the home page, entered the nickname of Shuangsu Shuangfei in the search bar, and after a while, the phone screen A delicate face appeared!


Because the tear mole in the eye is gone!

Just clicked into the live broadcast room, the girl with a delicate face on the screen was putting her hands on her ears and singing softly at the same time:

"The little rabbit walks and jumps

The duckling walks, shakes, shakes, shakes

little turtle walking slowly

The little cat walks quietly



When the **** the screen came out with a meowing sound, Chu Mo suddenly felt goosebumps!

"Pfft, I said Xiaoshuang can't sing, don't let her know that you overheard her singing later!"

After Chu Wen heard the familiar voice, she covered her mouth and laughed softly.

However, in all fairness, Chu Mo felt that Zhao Shuangshuang's singing was actually quite good.

Turn down the volume to the minimum, then click the gift option, and directly select the most expensive super rocket. The moment you click send, the entire screen is suddenly filled with a search of gorgeous rockets.

Later, Chu Mo discovered that Zhao Shuangshuang, who was talking on the screen, suddenly covered his mouth with his hand, looking stunned and cute.

At this moment, Chu Wen suddenly said:

"Don't waste money, just brush a few lollipops or lucky bags."

Because he was facing Chu Wen, the other party couldn't see his mobile phone page. He didn't explain or refute. Chu Mo, who nodded lightly in agreement, clicked again to search for the super rocket worth two thousand soft sister coins, clicked send, and then Then he chuckled lightly:

"I know, it's just a small gift!"

Two super rockets were sent, and the originally quiet live broadcast room immediately became very lively, and various barrages continued to refresh the screen. At this time, a panic sound came from Zhao Shuangshuang's bedroom.

Glancing at the screen of the mobile phone, what made Chu Mo amused was that Zhao Shuangshuang fell back to the ground because of his excitement at the moment!

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then, Chu Mo stopped looking at it, and kept clicking to send with his fingers. In a moment, the entire screen was filled with Yisou Super Rocket.

Because Chu Mo's movements didn't stop at all, there was one rocket after another on the entire screen, as if it were endless!

When I didn't know how many times I clicked, and my fingers started to go numb, the door to the opposite bedroom suddenly opened, and then I saw Zhao Shuangshuang, who had a surprise in his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth to Chu Mo without thinking:

"is that you?"

Hearing this, before Chu Mo could answer, the girl at the door of the bedroom rushed towards Chu Mo immediately.

In a fragrant breeze, the whole person threw himself directly beside Chu Mo. After seeing the super rocket that was still being refreshed on the screen of the mobile phone, the girl who suddenly swallowed her saliva was stunned and said:

"Are you trying to take care of me?"

Because of the panic, Zhao Shuangshuang, who was flushed in front of him, pressed tightly against himself.

After feeling the amazing softness from his arm, Chu Mo's heartbeat began to beat fast.


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