
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 56: dinner for three

Chapter 56: dinner for three

The food in the kitchen constantly exudes an enticing aroma.

Through the translucent doors and windows of the kitchen, a tall and handsome figure can be seen busy beside the stove.

In the living room full of warm tones, Zhao Shuangshuang, who was wearing hot pants and a vest with snow-like skin, suddenly shook his roommate and best friend who was absent-minded beside him, and said with a face full of jokes:

"Wenwen, I really don't see it. You are hiding quite deep. You didn't leak any clues before. I just tried it out a little bit, and they didn't even look at me. All they thought about was you, you are tall and tall. Handsome, plus you can cook and take care of people, Wenwen, you are very discerning!"

Hearing this, Chu Wen, who was sitting quietly on the side, glanced sideways at the direction of the kitchen. She had just put on some household clothes in the bedroom. Now, Chu Wen, who was dressed in a cool dress, said calmly and seriously:

"Shuangshuang, have I lied to you before? Or am I a liar?"

Zhao Shuangshuang, who was still full of jokes, suddenly became a little hesitant when he saw the serious and serious expression of his girlfriend. After a while, when Zhao Shuangshuang shook his head with a hot body, Chu Wen, who looked serious, continued:

"So, we are really just an ordinary classmate relationship, and we are ordinary classmates who haven't seen each other for a long time."

Zhao Shuangshuang, who had a small mole on his eyebrows, looked at his girlfriend with a serious face, and then looked back at the busy figure in the kitchen. The hot girl who suddenly became extremely puzzled frowned and said:

"Then which one did you sing? Since you're an ordinary classmate, why would you rather violate the rules we swore before and bring a man here?

What's wrong with that boy, the first time he came to a girl's house, he took the initiative to help her cook? Am I crazy? Or are you both abnormal?"

After realizing that her best friend was slightly dissatisfied, she was silent for a moment, and Chu Wen, who gritted her teeth, said softly:

"His name is Chu Mo. We are indeed just ordinary classmates, and we are elementary school classmates who haven't seen each other in more than ten years... My front tooth was knocked out by him!"

"God... it was him? No wonder you brought him home and said, are you trying to get revenge on him?

I will definitely help in this matter. That bastard, who has hurt you so much, Wenwen, must not forgive him lightly. What do you say?

Get him drunk and knock out his front teeth? Or take some pictures of him..."

Seeing the indignation of her best friend beside her, Chu Wen, who had a warm feeling in her heart, first took a deep breath, then shook her head gently and said:

"Have I forgiven him?"

"...Or let's find someone to scare him... ah? Forgive him? What's going on? How much hardship have you suffered all these years? Wouldn't you forgive him just because he made a **** meal? You too Too softhearted!"

She stretched out her hand and gently wrapped her best friend's arm. After she calmed down, Chu Wen, who had a dull expression, said quietly:

"In the past, he often appeared in my dreams, and I could always see him in all kinds of messy dreams, and it was true that I would never forget him in my dreams.

I often think that if I see him one day, I must knock out all his teeth, so that he can also taste the taste of being laughed at, and also think about humiliating him in public and making him sad. Absolutely, I've thought of many, many ways to get revenge on him...

However, when I saw him at the booth today, I suddenly saw a phantom of a little boy standing beside him, just like when he was a child. The little boy apologized to me anxiously, and then turned away. At that time, I suddenly realized...

In fact, at that time, he was just a kid who didn't understand anything, a kid who only knew how to play...

If I keep struggling, I may never be able to get out of the shadow of that time in my life, so... I chose to let it go when I saw him this time, and maybe he won't appear in my dreams in the future!"

When Chu Wen, who looked calm, suddenly revealed a bright smile, Zhao Shuangshuang, who was still full of grievances, also calmed down. Zhao Shuangshuang, who tapped the other's head with his hand, could only helplessly say:

"What a big idiot!"

At this moment, a boy's warm words suddenly came from the kitchen!

"dinner's ready!"

She got up gently, and then stretched out a lazy Chu Wen took her best friend's hand to the dining table, and looked at the four steaming dishes in front of her. Although it was only a few simple dishes, the tempting aroma still hooked. After gaining her own appetite, Chu Wen said with satisfaction in her eyes:

"So fragrant...Chu Mo, you must always cook for your girlfriend, so that's why you are so good at cooking, right?"

"I don't have a girlfriend, so I have to cook by myself. Otherwise, I won't be able to support myself. I don't have any ingredients today, so I'll just eat something simple. If you're not busy tomorrow, I'll invite you to a big meal!"

While speaking, Chu Mo placed three pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the dining table. After serving the last tomato and egg soup on the table, Chu Mo, who filled everyone with rice, sat down gently with a look of anticipation on his face:

"Do you have a taste, does it suit your appetite?"

The opposite Chu Wen took a small piece of vinegar and choked the cabbage and put it in her mouth. The sour taste was very appetizing, her eyes lit up slightly, and the girl who nodded fiercely smiled and said:

"It's really delicious. You should try it too, Xiaoshuang. It's definitely better than what you made!"

"Hmph, I'm really forgetting my friends. I've been serving you for so many years!" Zhao Shuangshuang, who was a little unconvinced, also took some dishes and put them in his mouth. Mo's eyes became strange.

Seeing that the two liked it, Chu Mo, who had a flash of satisfaction in his heart, also picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and then took a big mouthful.

Zhao Shuangshuang, who usually seldom eats dinner, took a few mouthfuls of rice, and his stomach was full. He filled himself half a bowl of soup, and while slowly tasting it with a spoon, there were still some strange girls in his eyes. :

"Your name is Chu Mo, right? It's the same year as our Wenwen, but you should be a college student, right? What job do you do now?"

Hearing this, he swallowed the food in his mouth, and Chu Mo, who looked indifferent, replied:

"I am a freelance writer, a profession that writes articles for websites or magazines, because I don't need to deal with many people, as long as I follow my own heart and write the words I like, it is relatively free, so I am very free. Love the job!"

"Oh? So you're a writer?"

Zhao Shuangshuang, who raised his eyebrows slightly, the tear mole at the corner of his eyes even more charming, said excitedly:

"Have you published those masterpieces? Are you famous?"

The opposite Chu Wen stopped eating and looked at Chu Mo with a curious expression on her face. Under the eager gazes of the two girls, Chu Mo, who was shaking his head slightly, flashed a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. He helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose. Sighed:

"It's not as tall as you think, and I have never published a book alone, but I often write some articles that I feel inspired, and then contribute to various websites and some small magazines.

Up to now, about 400 or 500 short articles have been published, and the fee for each article ranges from 300 to 500!

But I recently invested in a hotel and got a 30% stake...!"

Chu Mo, who wanted to put gold on his face at first, had not finished speaking when Zhao Shuangshuang, who was opposite him, suddenly burst out laughing.

"I thought it was a famous writer, which made me excited for nothing, but you are not bad. You earned a small two hundred thousand a few years after graduation. Did you put all the two hundred thousand into the restaurant? No wonder you are so good at cooking, you should be the chef of your restaurant!"

Seeing the natural appearance of the woman on the other side, Chu Mo opened his mouth several times to explain something, but after seeing Chu Wen snickering while covering his small mouth, he shook his head with a wry smile and did not explain more.

It seems that the opposite Zhao Shuangshuang is not so friendly to him.

But after thinking that she was also fighting for Chu Wen, Chu Mo didn't feel the slightest dissatisfaction.

"The three of us are very interesting. You are a writer, I am a flight attendant, and Wenwen is a model. It really includes various industries. Well, I want to keep my figure and I can't eat too much at night. You can eat slowly, I will go. busy!"

The girl in shorts and vest put her tableware back in the kitchen, and when she returned to the bedroom, the whole restaurant suddenly became quiet.

And in this light atmosphere, Chu Wen, who had been seldom speaking, suddenly said:

"What kind of hotel are you investing in? Driving tens of millions of cars can't really be just a chef, right?"


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