
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 40: unexpected surprise

Chapter 40: unexpected surprise

The lobby of Bafang International Hotel.

Five days ago, when Chu Mo and Zhan Bingxue were sitting here together, Chu Mo's biggest impression of this hotel was that the environment here is very high-end, and every guest who dined around was chewing slowly and politely. .

If there is, I feel that the Kobe steak in this restaurant is very mellow and has a feeling of endless aftertaste.

At this moment, he was also sitting in the hall. Because of the different mentality and focus, Chu Mo had the same experience as last time.

In the center of the hall, next to the golden piano, a woman wearing a bright purple cheongsam has long hair tied behind her head, and her snow-white neck is slender and delicate.

The woman with slender and slender hands had a focused expression, and under her long eyelashes, a pair of bright eyes narrowed slightly. Between the dancing of her fingers, the delicate and pure sound of the piano continued to reverberate in the golden hall.

Because it is not yet the peak period of dining, the entire hall is only sparsely seated with seven or eight tables of guests, or in groups of three or five, or in pairs. However, what remains unchanged is that the guests who can dine here, Both men and women are dressed up.

At the entrance of the hall are eight good-looking welcome ladies, **** and elegant rose cheongsam, slender and snow-white long legs, and sweet greetings, enough to make every guest here feel Comfort and satisfaction.

Even the waiters in the corners are all dignified and decent!

All in all, this is a five-star hotel full of luxury and elegance.

The lobby manager with a respectful face was serving with his hands down, and the chef hired from France had already come over to say hello.

On the dining table, all kinds of delicacies are exuding bursts of tempting fragrance, and at this time, five men with extraordinary gas are enjoying the food at will.

While Chu Mo was attentively tasting the steak in front of him, Lin Hongqiang with a pale face casually said:

"Brother Chu, I don't know if you are interested in antique calligraphy and painting. I have a Yuanqinghua in my place. Of course, although it can't be compared with the 230 million Guiguzi going down the mountain picture pot, it is still a rare treasure. Intentionally, it just happens to complement the blue and white porcelain in your Diwangxuan villa."

Lin Hongqiang's words fell, and before Chu Mo could speak, Li Tianming, who was opposite, suddenly laughed:

"Mr. Lin, you're joking. I took a photo of the blue and white porcelain in the living room of President Chu, but it costs more than 30 million yuan. How can it be compared with your 100-million-dollar treasure?"

There is indeed a blue-and-white porcelain piece in the corner of the hall of Diwangxuan Villa No. 1. Chu Mo didn't pay attention to it before and thought it was an ordinary decoration. Now, listening to the voice of the original owner of the villa, Li Tianming, this blue-and-white porcelain is actually worth 30 million yuan. Antique, this did make Chu Mo a little surprised.

"I think Mr. Lin is going to demolish the house today. First, the villa on Luyin Avenue is worth 700 million yuan, and now it is worth hundreds of millions of yuan. Mr. Lin, you are treating Mr. Chu as a **** shop, right!"

When the black-faced Sun Shangwu laughed and joked, Chu Mo, who wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, followed with a joke:

"Mr. Lin is going to hollow me out so that I can take up less shares!"

"Haha, Mr. Chu's eyes are so bright...!"

After joking for a while, Lin Hongqiang, who suddenly sighed softly, put down the cutlery in his hand and said helplessly:

"I can't do anything about it either. Watching several bosses eat meat, I'm also anxious. The Shengshi real estate project some time ago almost drained my funds.

Seeing that you are all divided into ten or two billion shares, I can't even get a little soup for three hundred million, so I can only pay attention to Brother Chu!"

The total assets of Bafang International Hotel are 8.5 billion yuan, and the four people in front of them have put together 6 billion yuan. If Lin Hongqiang only collected 300 million yuan, then the other three people have spent an average of 1.9 billion yuan each!

From this point of view, the shares that Lin Hongqiang can receive are indeed not worth mentioning!

It's no wonder that the other party is eager to change the seller's property.

Several men talked softly, chatting and laughing with each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious, but what few people in the restaurant knew was that what they were talking about was related to the future of a five-star hotel with a market value of more than 8 billion.

At this moment, the soft music in the hall slowly stopped, and then, a beautiful woman in a gorgeous purple cheongsam stood up gently.

The bright eyes swept towards a certain position in the hall. For a moment, the woman who seemed to have made up her mind breathed lightly, took elegant steps, and slowly walked towards the handsome figure.

However, before the woman approached, a few sharp eyes immediately locked on the figure of the woman Miaoman. When she saw several bodyguards in black with stern eyes on the dining table opposite, the woman knew that without permission, if she Continue to move forward, I am afraid that these bodyguards will stop me.

She stopped lightly, feeling somewhat regretful in her heart, but she has come to this point. After taking a deep breath, the woman who has no way to go back has a sweet smile on her face.

"Mr. Chu, we meet again!"

Chu Mo, who was tasting red wine, was slightly stunned. The voice from behind made Chu Mo feel familiar. When he turned his head, he saw a Miaoman figure in a cheongsam!

It was the woman who played the guzheng for herself and Chu Xiner's guests in the villa that day!

A smile flashed in his eyes. A few hours ago, when he met Shen Yaoyao in a coffee shop, Chu Mo thought of the other person in his heart, and the girl who left the deepest impression on Chu Mo was that the other side's pair of slender and slender, almost The jade hand that can see the blood vessels!

Nodding lightly at the other party, Chu Mo, whose handsome cheeks flashed a smile, said lightly:

"Miss Wu, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon!"

Chu Mo only knew that the girl's surname was Wu, and she was a third-year student of the Conservatory of Music. She would perform at a nearby restaurant or private club every weekend.

And meeting her here, although I was a little surprised, it was not too surprising. I wanted to come and perform in such a high-end venue with the other party's good level of piano skills!

"I haven't had time to thank Mr. Chu for the lunch he provided last time. I performed here and saw you, so I specially said hello to you. If there is nothing else, I won't disturb your meal!"

The decent and elegant Wu Xinran nodded politely.

And just when the other party was about to turn and leave, Chu Mo suddenly said with a strange look on his face:

"Miss Wu..."

When the voice came out, Chu Mo, who was originally going to ask the woman if she knew about the hotel, suddenly stopped, and glanced at the four middle-aged men beside him with a playful look. Chu Mo shook his head gently and said with a smile:

"Miss Wu, please feel free!"

When the cheongsam woman with doubts in her heart turned and left, Chu Mo, who was holding the red wine in front of him again, glanced at Zhan Bingxue from the corner of her eyes.

Zhan Bingxue, who has seven orifices and an exquisite heart, immediately understood. While a few men were chatting and laughing, Zhan Bingxue, who gently stroked the hair in front of his forehead, got up at will, took a Miaoman figure, and then disappeared into the hall!


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