
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

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Chapter 41: night reverie

Chapter 41: night reverie

Presidential Suite on the 58th floor of Bafang International Hotel!

The beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous purple cheongsam was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel at this moment.

He raised his head slightly, without the obstruction of high-rise buildings, above his head was a bright galaxy dotted with countless stars, looking up at the universe, the stars were shining.

Looking down, at the end of the eyes, the most famous Bund in the magic capital and Lujiazui face each other across the river, and the Huangpu River and the Suzhou River meet each other.

Admiring the superb view at the core of the magic capital was originally one of Wu Xinyi's greatest wishes, but at this time, the wish was fulfilled, in addition to the expected obsession, the cheongsam girls also carried an indescribable touch in their hearts. perturbed!

Two hours ago, I came to the Bafang International Hotel to perform as usual. For Wu Xinyi, who often performs in various high-end venues, this was originally just a very ordinary, very ordinary performance.

However, what I didn't expect was that the figure that once made his heart beat slightly, actually appeared in the hotel as well.

Wu Xinyi was really impressed by the performance at Diwangxuan a few days ago. Although she also frequently went in and out of high-end venues, she was considered to be very knowledgeable. However, the luxurious level of the lunch at Diwangxuan Villa No. 1 that day still refreshed Wu Xinyi's performance. Three Views.

Precious and rare gold caviar, ham with a production cycle of up to four years, each black chicken with a price of 50,000 soft sister coins, champagne with 19 carat diamonds on the bottle cap...!

The luxury of that table of lunch is even enough to make an ordinary family go bankrupt.

Wu Xinyi, who is in charge of playing in the corner, whenever she hears the middle-aged butler introducing dishes after dishes, her heart will be filled with tongues, and at the same time, her whole person's spirit will experience a slight fluctuation!

Therefore, the restless Wu Xinyi made a total of six subtle mistakes during the half-hour playing.

If it's a game, these small mistakes can be fatal, but fortunately, it's just a normal performance!

After the meal was over, when several guests left, Wu Xinyi was about to move her stiff hands and feet when the man with golden glasses on the bridge of his nose chatted with him indifferently and kindly...

Even now, Wu Xinyi can still clearly remember the tenderness in his eyes!

A top rich man who spends millions of dollars on lunch will take the initiative to have a gentle conversation with a woman who plays the piano. Wu Xinyi can see the calm water in his eyes, and there is absolutely no malicious prying eyes!

It was from that time that Wu Xinyi's heart, for the first time because of a certain man, set off a tiny ripple!

And this chance encounter made the ripples in Wu Xinyi's heart even more rippling...

This is also the reason why when I see him again, I will take the initiative to step forward!

However, what Wu Xinyi never thought was that when he turned to leave, he would send someone to bring him here!

The tall and slender woman who surprised herself left hurriedly after leaving a message saying "Mr. Chu will be here soon".

Therefore, at this moment, there is only one person in the luxurious and huge presidential suite.

You can leave whenever you want...!

However, whenever those calm and gentle eyes appeared in his heart, Wu Xinran gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

"He called me here... there must be something urgent, but why did he choose to be in the presidential suite?

Am I a very casual person in his heart? What should I do if he makes any unreasonable demands...!"

All kinds of thoughts in my heart kept skipping over my mind. The innocent girl of 20 years old was full of ripples in her heart, but now it has become even more rippling!

In the Conservatory of Music, Wu Xinyi is not the most beautiful, but the most famous student in the entire Conservatory of Music is definitely Wu Xinyi.

Wu Xinyi, who has a face value of 90, has a natural sensitivity to various sounds since she was a child. She can easily distinguish the subtle differences between various sounds, and can hear ultra-high frequencies that ordinary people cannot hear... .

Wu Xinyi, who has absolute rhythm, has shown extraordinary talent in music since childhood.

She has won numerous awards in various music awards since she was a child, and won the Princeton International Pianist Award at the age of 15. Since the establishment of the Conservatory of Music, Wu Xinyi, who is known as the strongest genius, has an incomparably broad future, and frequently appears in various high-end clubs to perform. It is Wu Xinyi's tempering of her skills!

It's just that no matter how talented a girl is, she will still be at a loss when she encounters the man who makes her heart beat faster!

"Mr. Chu shouldn't be that kind of person... But the black-faced man with him looks familiar, seems to have seen him somewhere?"

The young girl who was talking to herself frowned slightly, as if she was thinking hard about something. For a moment, a flash of brilliance suddenly flashed in her eyes. She quickly took out her mobile phone, then typed in the words "Celebration Ceremony of the Conservatory of Music", and clicked Search. She was in the hall before. The black-faced man I saw really appeared in the photo of the mobile phone!

"Sun Shangwu... President of R&F Industrial Group, ranked 61st in the Forbes list last year...with assets of 32.6 billion!

No wonder he looks so familiar, I saw him at the school ceremony...!"

The girl who whispered to herself suddenly remembered something. If I remember correctly, there were three other men with that Sun Shangwu in the hotel lobby just now. From their relaxed chatting and laughing state, it was easy to infer that Those three people are afraid that they are also worth a lot of money!

Then, trying to recall again, it seems that the four middle-aged men at the dining table are all around the young man...!

"As expected of a man who enjoys a million-dollar luxury lunch."

Wu Xinran, who slowly appeared in the bottom of his eyes, smiled madly.

For a moment, he seemed to have thought of something. He glanced at the gorgeous cheongsam on his body, and Wu Xinran, who pouted slightly, suddenly felt a little regretful...

Why didn't I put on my favorite fiery red dress tonight...!

In the girl's complicated sigh, there was a sudden soft sound at the door of the hotel. After a moment, the door handle turned, and then, the handsome man with golden glasses on the bridge of his nose finally appeared in sight.

The waves in my heart gradually turned into turbulent waves. Just as Wu Xinyi's face gradually became hot, a young man with an apologetic look in his eyes said calmly at the door:

"Miss Wu, sorry for keeping you waiting!"

"No...that, I just arrived...no, I mean, it's okay!"

Wu Xinyi, who bowed her head slightly, was a little flustered.

The heart beats like a deer.


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