
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 13: one building

Chapter 13: one building

Lingyue, who is wearing a simple and elegant white dress, sits quietly beside Chu Mo. The long white dress has a pale pink waistband around her waist. The height of 1.75 meters does not make people feel thin, but has an outstanding demeanor. The Miaoman figure.

The long hair that was originally scattered on her shoulders was fixed by a lavender hairpin, her skin was as tender and fair as white jade, and the beautiful woman with ninety-three points of beauty always had an elegant smile on her cheeks. It will be ignored!

After presenting the black gold card and chatting a few words, President Zhou had already left, but he left Lingyue behind, under the pretense of assisting Chu Mo in handling various things, but in fact urging Chu Mo to go to the bank as soon as possible to make deposits.

A deposit of one billion yuan is definitely a lucrative performance for any bank.

Shen Long, who was across from the sofa, was talking on the phone. As the CEO of a billion-dollar group, he naturally couldn't be as leisurely as Chu Mo.

While taking advantage of this time, Ling Yue, who had a faint fragrance on her body, leaned into Chu Mo's ear and whispered:

"Didn't you say you were going to see the car last night? Why did the real estate agent come?"

Lingyue whispered softly, the faint mint scent in her mouth made Chu Mo's heart beat faster again, she measured her cheek a little, looked at the crystal clear cheek in front of her, swallowed her saliva gently, and then said:

"The exhibition manager just now was introduced by a friend. I saw it for the first time today. It happened that I was also planning to buy a house, so I came to see it. I fell in love with it at a glance, so that's it!"

Chu Mo didn't know why he emphasized that it was the first time that he and Zhan Bingxue had met. Maybe in his heart, he still didn't want the school girl beside him to misunderstand something.

After all, when Lingyue was watching the exhibition Bingxue, her eyes were a little strange.


Ling Yue, who sat up straight, didn't say much, but the light in her eyes seemed to be brighter.

It didn't take long. After Shen Long put down the phone, Zhan Bingxue, who was walking on high heels, held two contracts in his hand, and came to the two of them swayingly, with a smile that was just right on his delicate face:

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Shen, the contract has been drawn up, and I would like to invite you two to review it. If there is no problem, after signing the contract, we can go to the real estate bureau to transfer the property. We have arranged for someone to stand by at the real estate bureau and sign there. Just a few words!"

Zhan Bingxue, the regional manager of Tianxia Real Estate, personally supervises the handling, and since both buyers and sellers are sincere in buying and selling, this contract is left with the part of wrangling and haggling, which naturally progresses rapidly.

After taking the contract, he glanced at random, Chu Mo found that he couldn't understand it at all, but seeing that Shen Long on the opposite side signed his name without hesitation, Chu Mo didn't bother, he picked up the pen and brushed it. Write down your name in a few strokes.

"Mr. Chu's words are really profound!"

Zhan Bingxue, who was standing beside him, smiled like a flower, and was complimented by a ninety-five-point beauty, Chu Mo was also relieved.

"Mr. Chu, President Shen, I'll ask Xiaoqing to accompany you to the real estate bureau later, where I've already arranged it, just sign two words there."

Chu Mo nodded, knowing that the beautiful manager may be very busy, and he may not be accompanying him next time, and he did not force it. After getting up and shaking hands with the other party, Chu Mo said lightly:

"Trouble the exhibition manager, I will invite the exhibition manager to dinner when I have a chance in the future!"

After waiting for Shen Long's polite words behind him, a few people went downstairs, Zhan Bingxue and the store manager personally sent them out of the store.

Chu Mo and the clerk Xiaoqing got on Lingyue's Audi, and Shen Long's Rolls-Royce also followed.

Instead of going to the housing management bureau first, he went to the bank first. Although the contract was signed, Chu Mo had not sent the 300 million house payment to the intermediary. Before the transfer, the money must be paid to the intermediary first. The company does it.

In the bank, it was naturally Lingyue's turn to appear. Lingyue, the bank manager, handled it in person, and successfully opened the Centurion Black Gold Card. According to the agreement, one billion deposits were deposited in the card. Similarly, in Sun Qing With the assistance of , in front of Shen Long, Chu Mo transferred the 300 million house payment to the intermediary company.

After everything was done properly, Lingyue declined the offer of accompanying her, and the three of them drove towards the Housing Authority without stopping!

An hour later, when he came out of the housing management bureau, Chu Mo had a red real estate certificate in his hand!

"Mr. Chu, it's a pleasure to work with you. I'll ask an intermediary for the transfer later. If you have time in the evening, I'll invite President Chu to have a good drink!"

Shen Long wants to go to the agency, and Chu Mo, who has already obtained the real estate certificate, naturally doesn't want to go any more. He ran for a day today, and he didn't sleep well last night. Now Chu Mo just wants to sleep with his head covered.

Shaking hands and saying goodbye to the other party, watching the short-haired girl named Sun Qing sitting in the back row of Rolls-Royce, waiting for the other party to leave, Chu Mo, who was standing at the gate of the Housing Authority, took a deep breath. From now on, he also has a car and a car. room man!

The house is a 270 million villa, and the car is a 47 million luxury car. If you can't find a girlfriend under such conditions, it is not someone else's problem, but your own problem.

Looking at the real estate certificate in his hand, Chu Mo hesitated for a while. Should he go to the villa or go back to the community?

But only for a moment, Chu Mo, who suddenly chuckled softly, said in a low voice:

"This is really a happy trouble!"

When he came to the side of the road, he waved his hand to stop a taxi, and after getting into the co-pilot, Chu Mo said easily:

"Master, go to the Sunshine Community!"

When he returned to the community, it was already six o'clock in the evening. He glanced at the Patek Philippe 5002 that he had thrown on the coffee table in the living room. Chu Mo couldn't help laughing. habit, so forget about it.

I can't help but feel a little fortunate. Fortunately, there are no thieves. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will never see this watch worth tens of millions again.

Putting the watch on his wrist, Chu Mo decided not to take it off in the future.

A little sleepy, I really wanted to fall back to sleep, but after counting the time, it was time to make dinner. After struggling for a while between sleeping and making dinner, finally, Chu Mo, who sighed softly, walked towards the kitchen!

Some things are better to change slowly.

Although getting rich overnight is a good thing, you still have to adjust your mentality at all times, and you can't really be like a nouveau riche.

Opening the refrigerator, accompanied by a gust of cool wind, looking at all kinds of chicken, fish, meat and eggs in the refrigerator, Chu Mo suddenly felt like he had fallen from the clouds and returned to life.

It's as if it wasn't me who spent a billion dollars to open a black gold card in the bank before, as if the person who bought a villa worth 300 million at random has nothing to do with me.

Suddenly, I remembered the look in the eyes of the female clerk named Sun Qing peeking at him.

I was happy before, and I transferred 100,000 soft sister coins to her, but now I calm down and think about it, at that time I was completely the mentality of a nouveau riche!

"Hey! There's still a long way to go~!"

He was washing all kinds of vegetables in his hands. The sound of pots and pans in the kitchen made Chu Mo more and more calm. He recalled that he had only obtained an unlimited bank card for two days, but the whole person had already swelled up like he did not. So what will you be like in the future?

The sweet and sour fish in the pot had already given off a tempting fragrance. He used a spoon to taste some soup. It was delicious and delicious. He nodded and turned off the fire on the stove. Chu Mo was planning to cook the next dish. Suddenly the phone vibrated.

After opening it, I found that it was a message from Zhan Bingxue.

"Mr. Chu, I'm sitting with the owner of Diwangxuan Villa No. 1 now. The other party wants to exchange a building in Century Garden for a villa No. 1! You see...?"

The text message on the phone made Chu Mo slightly stunned. Chu Mo didn't know how much a building in Century Garden Community was worth, but it would definitely not be less than 500 million!

Chu Mo, who was standing at the door of the kitchen, looked back at the sweet and sour fish exuding an alluring aroma on the stove. Just now, he was still reflecting.

And now, in the blink of an eye, it's up to you to decide whether to buy a building!

At this moment, Chu Mo suddenly had a feeling in his heart that when he returned to the kitchen, he could return to reality and return to his original peaceful life. Once he stepped out of the kitchen and replied to the text message, then his future life would inevitably move towards another direction. A completely different world to go.

There was no intense ideological struggle, it seemed normal and natural, Chu Mo, holding a mobile phone, walked towards the living room!

Fingers were flying, for a moment, Chu Mo edited a text message! "How much does that building cost?"

I pressed send, didn't wait for long, just in the blink of an eye, the phone vibrated.

"Sixth Century Garden, 1.1 billion!"


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