
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 12: billion deposits

Chapter 12: billion deposits

The Aston Horse One-77 worth more than 40 million yuan in the garage, Chu Mo didn't open it, even though the car keys were in Chu Mo's pocket.

First, Chu Mo didn't have a driver's license. Besides, except for the coach car, Chu Mo had never touched any other car.

Of course, the most important thing is that this car is still in Shen Long's name. When you pay for it and transfer the house and car to your name, it's not too late to drive!

The Maserati co-pilot who was still sitting in Zhan Bingxue, and the female clerk named Sun Qing sat in the back row. Both Chu Mo and Shen Long wanted to get this thing done as soon as possible, so after deliberation, they decided to go directly to the agency to sign the contract.

Maserati led the way in the front row, Shen Long's Rolls-Royce followed.

After leaving the villa area, Chu Mo suddenly said to the petite girl in the back row:

"Xiaoqing, you add my prestige!"

"Ah? Oh, good Mr. Chu!"

Waiting for the other party to scan his QR code, for a moment, in the address book, an account called Qingtian applied to add friends.

Click through to open the chat box, and Chu Mo directly transferred 100,000 soft sister coins to the other party!

"Mr. Chu? You...!"

A petite girl's slightly excited voice came from behind, she waved her hand slightly, and Chu Mo said lightly:

"It's nothing, it's your hard work for Xiaoqing! Don't refuse."

Sun Qing in the back row opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but after seeing Chu Mo waving her hand, she hesitated for a moment, then she gritted her teeth slightly, said thank you, and then tapped gently to confirm the payment!

Suddenly, 100,000 soft sister coins arrived.

This is Sun Qing's annual income!

"By the way, Mr. Chu, you said before that you wanted me to challenge it. Is it about that Villa No. 1?"

It is now 12:30 noon, and it is time to eat. There is not a lot of traffic on the street, and the cars are unobstructed all the way. While waiting for the traffic light, Zhan Bingxue, who put his hands on the steering wheel, suddenly asked!

Hearing this, Chu Mo chuckled lightly:

"The exhibition manager is really wise, yes, mine likes that Villa No. 1, that's good, if the exhibition manager can help me get that Villa No. 1, I'll give you 5 million privately. Of course, the price of red envelopes can be appropriately increased."

Suddenly turning his cheeks, Zhan Bingxue with a slightly hesitant expression said softly:

"Mr. Chu means that Villa No. 8 should be put away first?"

"No no!" He waved his hand, and then pointed to the green light in front. After the vehicle started smoothly, Chu Mo continued:

"Buy the No. 8 villa now. This will remain the same. As for the No. 1 villa, it will be regarded as an investment. If the exhibition manager can help me get it, it will be better. If the owner does not agree, then do not force it!"

Chu Mo's voice fell, but there was a sudden growl in his stomach. He hadn't slept all night last night, and he didn't eat anything in the morning. Until now, he was really hungry and his chest was on his back. He pointed in front of him. ramen restaurant, Chu Mo suddenly said:

"Exhibition manager, let's have something to eat here first!"

The two people in the car heard Chu Mo's stomach growl, and naturally they would not object. The turn signal was turned on, and Maserati slowly stopped in the parking space, just like the Rolls-Royce behind.

Chu Mo got out of the car, pointed to the ramen restaurant in front of him, and smiled at Shen Long who just got off the driver's seat:

"Boss Shen, let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal, please take care of yourself!"

"No, this meal should be my request...!"

The words hadn't fallen yet, but seeing that Chu Mo was pointing at a ramen restaurant, Shen Long, who was holding out the general's belly, swallowed the words behind him with a puzzled face!

Although the ramen restaurant is not big, it is still clean. Of course, it must be a lot of thought to have a private room here. The group of four found a place to sit down, and Chu Mo said in a loud voice:

"Boss, four bowls of ramen, two large and two small!"


When the proprietress agreed, Shen Long, who was holding the general's belly, said with emotion on his face:

"It's been a long time since I came to eat at this kind of small shop. When I first started my business, I liked all kinds of street food, such as malatang, stinky tofu, and teppanyaki. Now that I think about it, I really miss it!"

Shen Long's face was full of sighs, Chu Mo was not good at sociability, and he couldn't catch a word other than a smile, but Zhan Bingxue was exquisite, and immediately complimented the other party a few words, so as not to make the atmosphere awkward.

But what surprised Chu Mo was that the short-haired girl named Sun Qing always turned her big eyes on her body intentionally or unintentionally. Chu Mo looked at her several times unintentionally. This girl with 85 points of beauty The child is always blushing and looking away!

Chu Mo was too lazy to guess the girl's thoughts. When the stomach growled again, Chu Mo found that the face of Shen Long on the opposite side seemed a little wrong. The big boss, who was worth hundreds of millions, looked at Chu Mo. There was already some scrutiny in his eyes.

Seems to be suspicious of something.

At this time, the phone rang, and I glanced at the caller ID. It was actually an old classmate, Lingyue, who was calling. Without any hesitation, she answered immediately, and the clear voice of the school flower came from the other end of the phone!

"Mr. Chu, are you free? I invite you to dinner?"

I just separated last night, and when I received a call from the other party again, Chu Mo actually felt a little strange. He glanced at Shen Long who was on the opposite side, and Chu Mo smiled and said:

"I'm in a ramen restaurant now, and I'm planning to eat. If you want, I'll treat you to ramen!"

Chu Mo was just joking, but he didn't want to, but Lingyue on the other end of the phone immediately said:

"Use your prestige to send me the location, and I will arrive with President Zhou in a while. The black gold card has been settled. Let's talk in detail!"

The Centurion Black Gold Card is ready so soon?

Without waiting for Chu Mo to think about it, the other end of the phone said "see you soon" and hung up the phone.

He shook his head with a wry smile, then turned on his prestige, and when he sent the location to the other party, the boss had already brought four bowls of fragrant ramen in front of him.

"I'm starving, so I won't greet you, everyone will try it."

The already hungry chest was pressed against his back, and with the tempting aroma of the ramen noodles, Chu Mo, who picked up the chopsticks, took a big gulp.

The two men, Chu Mo and Shen Long, each had a big bowl. Naturally, the two girls were both small bowls. Chu Mo devoured it. Sun Qing, who was sitting opposite, was not polite and ate it in small bites. Zhan Bingxue looked at the chopped green onion in the bowl, somewhat hesitant!

She usually doesn't like to eat chopped green onion. She usually asks not to put chopped green onion when she goes to restaurants, but when she glanced at Chu Mo beside her, she gritted her teeth slightly, and stretched out her hand to stroke the naughty strand of hair on her forehead behind her ear. With an elegant temperament, Zhan Bingxue, who was out of tune with the surrounding environment, just gritted his teeth and ate.

As for Shen Long, who was sticking out of the general's belly, he immediately put down his chopsticks, except that he picked a noodle to taste at the beginning.

He is a business owner who is used to eating fine food, and the oily smell in the ramen makes him unbearable!

When the last drop of soup in the bowl was poured into his mouth, he burped with satisfaction. When Chu Mo put down the bowl and chopsticks, Zhan Bingxue, who was beside him, put down his chopsticks in relief, even though she only had a bowl of noodles. Ate a small portion.

It was Sun Qing who was on the opposite side and ate the noodles in the bowl clean.

Obviously, the usual meals for the petite girl opposite should be of this grade.

Compared with the delicate and elegant Zhan Bingxue and the plump Shen Long, Chu Mo suddenly had a good impression of Sun Qing in his heart.

Sure enough, he and she are truly the same people!

At this moment, a call suddenly came from his ear, and he raised his head. Sure enough, Ling Yue, who was tall and tall, had come to the door of the store. Along with Ling Yue, there was an old man in his fifties with a bald head.

"Mr. Chu, let me introduce, this is our President Zhou!"

"President Zhou, this is my college classmate, President Chu!"

At this moment, Ling Yue is wearing a white dress and is not walking on high heels, but even so, Ling Yue, with her supple skin, is still a few centimeters taller than the old man beside her.

It's just that before Chu Mo could speak, Shen Long, who had a dull expression on the opposite side, suddenly stood up. Then, the man with a big belly immediately shouted:

"President Zhou... is it really you? I never thought I could meet you here?"

Shen Long's company has encountered difficulties recently, so it will naturally go to major banks for loans. The President Zhou in front of him, Shen Long has visited no less than three times.

Governor Zhou is just a bald old man, but as the head of the Agricultural Bank branch, he has absolutely no small power, and the amount of loans that he lends each year reaches more than 3 billion.

For company bosses like Shen Long, President Zhou is their **** of wealth. When they see it, they naturally want to kneel and lick.

The enthusiastic Shen Long stretched out his hands and came to the bald old man, but the old man was obviously not in the mood to chat with him, so he nodded casually as a greeting.

Then, just like Shen Long just now, President Zhou, whose expression suddenly became extremely enthusiastic, came to Chu Mo and stretched out his hands. smiled and said:

"Mr. Chu is really young and promising. If Manager Ling said you were college classmates, I wouldn't believe it!"

Chu Mo smiled and shook hands with the other party, and said at the same time, "President Zhou, trouble you!"

The two chatted, Zhan Bingxue and Sun Qing standing beside Chu Mo naturally, looking at the two women who were clearly headed by Chu Mo, with good looks, President Zhou said heartily:

"What's the matter? It's all right to serve customers. Manager Ling, is the card that Mr. Chu wants ready?"

When the words fell, Ling Yue, who was half a step behind, immediately stepped forward, handed a metallic black bank card to Chu Mo with both hands, and said mischievously:

"Mr. Chu, President Zhou has put a lot of thought into this card. You just need to go to the bank with me to open it later!"

Lingyue and classmate Chu Moshi have such a relationship, so she can speak more easily.

Nodding lightly, Chu Mo will definitely not break his promise. He said before that he would save one billion yuan in this card. If he can't do it, he will probably implicate this old classmate.

Putting away the black card, Chu Mo said casually:

"Later, I'm going to go through the house transfer contract with President Shen. How about I go to the bank with you in the afternoon and get the card for the one billion deposit?"

Chu Mo's voice was flat, but just after the voice fell, Shen Long, who was opposite, suddenly sat on the dining table.

Picking up the ramen that was barely moving in front of him, just like eating some delicacies from the mountains and seas, Shen Long, who was unwilling to touch it originally, pulled it up!


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