
The Legendary Swordmaster

The MC Shiro was on the game and then when he fell asleep he was in the game he was playing and don't remember what happened to him "it is a luminous dream or what?, please exploit to me god.

Denshin · ゲーム
10 Chs

Hunting - Chapter 3

Shiro goes into the forest nearest to the town.

He stumbled upon a group of goblin that has a level of 5 and 10 (same level as him).

The goblin angrily attack Shiro but Shiro manage to dodge the attack that goblin use.

Then another goblin attack Shiro using a Rusty metal sword, he didn't manage to dodge so that he got critical damage that his HP drop to 87%.

Shiro heal himself with potion that only one left and he attack of a skill called "Dawn of Whisper" he obtain it through training with his sword skill and when he first saw the skill he didn't use it and said that " I will use it on a right time"...

The powerful wind come's from the sword damage all the goblin and all of the goblin was killed by the attack.

He gain level as well the equipment that the goblin used.

Upon searching into the Forest he see's a beautiful elf unconscious left in the river side.

Shiro went to the river to help the elf and aki calling multiple times but no response at the end.

The elf wake's up and ask a question to Shiro "where am I?".

Shiro didn't even understand a single bit of what the elf was saying to him..

The beautiful elf spoke again to Shiro but Shirowas confused now.

The quest tab pop up to his screen and Aki was surprised on what he see.

The quest tab contain of learning the elf language/tongue and information about how to find the Stone Cliff Mountain.

The quest was to find he hidden elf village?.

"Do you want accept this quest?"



Shiro accept the quest but there is an additional reward that if he complete it he can obtain it from the elf village the " nature blade, nature bow and a set of armor"..

Shiro jump on excitement when he see the additional rewards on it so he went back to town to prepare the goods he needs.

Shiro:But what will happen to the elf if I leave him here?"...