
The Legendary Swordmaster

The MC Shiro was on the game and then when he fell asleep he was in the game he was playing and don't remember what happened to him "it is a luminous dream or what?, please exploit to me god.

Denshin · Games
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10 Chs

Upon the Training - Chapter 2

Upon the week long.

Shiro endure all the struggle he face, the weather, hunger, sleepless and even the extra work at the University.

He loggin into his account to see the improvement of his skill but he didn't believe of what he see's on his tab screen.

A quest of becoming the "Legendary Swordmaster", that information was keep by himself and start of the training.

But the old man curious on "how the kid I'm just seeing all day long got this far?" And "why his confidence didn't broke up?"...

The Old man stood up and go where Aki was training and said that "hey young boy you want some story?"..

Shiro said "mmm? Wait old man did I know you?, I think your just an NPC?".

The old man replied with a smile "hahaha boy this old man didn't want to spoil your training but if you want to listen to my story it will help to improve your skill"..

Shiro replied on old man saying "ok but, if that story will benefit on helping to improve my skill I'll listen".

The old man start the story and it end up late at the afternoon.

Shiro replied " so old man how I will find the Stone Cliff mountain?"

The old man laug again and said "The Old Stone Cliff Mountain was originated on a tale of the Legendary Swordmaster story, if you can find it you can learn his skill and gain his energy".

Shiro wants to find the Stone Cliff Mountain so that he can learn the skill the old man said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Denshincreators' thoughts