
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · ファンタジー
21 Chs

The Legendary Sorcerers of Darkness

David, Ken, Sara, Ashley and Foxy were in the castle of hope talking to the vice guardian of the magical world Dominic. David asked, "Do we even have to the power to defeat Marick and his dark sorcerers?"

"Not as you are now" Dominic replied. "But their is more power for you to obtain as the legendary sorcerers. The magical powers I speak of are your magical animals. Each of the legendary sorcerers are partnered with a magical creature that can more than triple their powers."

"That sounds awesome" David said excitedly. "With the power of our magical animals we can surly kick some series butt."

Ashley asked, "What about my wand? I have to find my wand first."

Dominic said, "Their is a wand of one of the legendary sorcerers magically concealed in this thrown room that will only reveal itself to the right person when he or she is ready."

"I'm ready."

"Then it will reveal itself."

David asked, "Once we all have our wands where should we go next?"

"Next you must head to the castle of darkness. On your way you will be sure to encounter the magical creatures that hold the power to your next evolution."

Their was yelling from behind the doors of the thrown room and then the doors broke off the hinges and crashed down with a loud thud behind David and the others. There standing in the broken door way were five wizards and witches standing next to each other.

On the far right was a evil looking yet beautiful witch with long black hair and a tight dark green robe. she said, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Doom and you will find be to be as deadly as I am pretty."

The wizard next to her had on a tight shiny black robe and said, "My name is Dome and their is no escaping me."

The wizard on the far left had an unappealing face with a wicked smile and was wearing a black robe. He said, "My name is Ratso and I will corrupt all to do my bidding."

The wizard next to him had a black robe with a design of dull yellow fangs going up his robe on both sides. He had a savage look on his face and said, "I am going to tear you all to pieces."

The wizard in the middle had on a black robe and that had a collar piece standing upright up to five inches. He said, "My name is Saturn and I will cast both worlds into never ending darkness."

All five of them yelled, "We are the legendary sorcerers of darkness!"

Dominic said with outrage, "How dare you take the name of the legendary sorcerers and use it in such a corrupted manner!"

"We are the true legendary sorcerers by might and power" Saturn said.

Dominic pulled out his wand and exclaimed, "I will not allow your evil to taint the castle of hope any longer. Sunshine blast!" A big blast of yellow light shot at the five dark sorcerers.

"Darkness defend!"

Four of the five dark sorcerers were thrown down on the floor but Saturn had protected himself with a black forcefield that surrounded himself from his wand. Saturn exclaimed, "Dark shot!" A shot of black light escaped from from his wand and hit Dominic square in the chest knocking him down backwards. "I thought you would have put up a better challenge than that."

David exclaimed, "We'll stop you. Magical flamethrower!"

"Darkness defend!" David's fiery attack was blocked by Saturn's shield.

The other four dark sorcerers stood up. Sara and Ken separated to the end of both sides of the legendary sorcerers of darkness. Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" Water shot out of Ken's wand and went straight to Ratso.

Ratso exclaimed, "Black rat attack!" A black light in the shape of a rat shot out of his wand and pushed right through Ken's water attack and shoved him on the floor.

Sara pointed her wand at Doom and exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" A gust of wind sharp glowing white feather headed straight at Doom. Doom waved her wand and fell in a black hole the formed beneath her. "Where did she go?" Sara looked back and forth.

A black hole form from the floor behind Sara and Doom rose out of it. Doom jabbed her wand in Sara's back and Sara was being electrocuted with black electricity.

Ashley yelled, "No!"

A pink wand flew down in front of Ashley. she grabbed it and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution! From a pink light she was now wearing a bright pink robe. "Dizzy pollen!" a bunch of small fuzzy purple balls of light scattered out of her wand and swirled around Doom.

Doom stopped her attack on Sara and began to swayed almost tripping. Doom swatted away Ashley's attack and turned to face her. Doom pointed her wand at Ashley and exclaimed, "Black lightning!"

Ashley exclaimed, "Rose petals!" Pretty gentle looking rose petals of light swarmed towards Doom meeting her attack of black lightning. Both attacks met in midair but while the rose petals began to hold back the black lightning sending it spiraling outward the black lightning broke through the barrier of rose petals and hit Ashley throwing her down to the floor.

Dominic struggled and got up. He shouted, "Legendary sorcerers you must find your magical animals!" He swirled his wand around in big circles with the tip of his wand glowing white light. "Starlight power save the legendary sorcerers and transport them out of danger and guide them towards their destiny!" Huge bubbles came out f Dominic's wand and they swallowed David and the others. "Go children. I believe in you." The bubbles holding David and the others flew up and broke through the ceiling of the throne room and shot away with great speed.


David, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were each flying inside their own giant bubble. The giant bubbles have taken them pass the the island's jungle and sailing high above the ocean at great speed. When the bubbles passed over new land they landed in the woods of a forest. The bubbles popped and David and the others found themselves safely on the ground surrounded by a wooden forest. David said, "Okay everyone I know what just happened was harsh but we have to make Dominic proud. We have to find our magical animals and use our magic powers to stop the legendary sorcerers of darkness."

Ashley asked, "Are you out of your mind? After what just happen you don't want to go home?"

"Ashley, how often do you help people" David asked.

"Well their isn't really ever much of a chance for me to do anything helpful."

"Well now we have a chance to save the world and we are the only ones that can do it."

"But why us?"

"It is your destiny" Foxy said. "You were all born to be the legendary sorcerers and save the world just like how the legendary sorcerers before you have. You all can do this and I will be with you every step of the way."

David said, "Lets make a pact right here and swear we will all do everything we can to protect the both worlds. That we won't give up until the world has a chance to live in peace. When we defeat the dark sorcerers we not only save this world but our world back home and to make sure that our friends and family will never have to fear the darkness that is threatening this world."

Sara said, "You said it David. I'm in."

Ken said, "I can't help feeling scared but I'll do everything I can. I'll be brave."

Ashley sighed and said, "I hate it when their are no good choices. Okay I'm in."


The legendary sorcerers of darkness have teleported to the castle darkness. While the five of them were sitting on sofas in a common room Doom said, "We should have defeated those brats before they escaped."

Ratso said, "Those legendary sorcerers are weak. I bet I could defeat them all by myself."

Dome said, "Go ahead and make a fool of yourself."

Saturn said, "We are at our most powerful when we are alone. It is not in the nature of dark magic to work with others. It is strongest when alone and without aid."

Ratso said, "Good. I will be the one to destroy the legendary sorcerers."


It was sunset in the forest with David and the others. David was setting up the firewood when Ken and Sara came into the clearing with apples, oranges, and different kinds of berries. Foxy had already conjured the sleeping bags around where David was making the campfire while Ashley was sitting on her sleeping bag. David grabbed his red wand out of thin air and then tapped the firewood. A flame shot out of David's wand and the firewood was now beginning to burn. Ken and and Sara placed the food by the campfire. David said, "Okay dinner time you guys."

David and the others sat by the campfire and started eating the fruits that Ken and Sara found. While they were eating Ken asked, "Foxy, do you think we will be able to stop all the dark sorcerers from taking over the world?"

"We must have faith" Foxy answered. "The legendary sorcerers are destined to defeat what ever evil is threatening the world. Have faith in yourself."

"Don't worry Ken" David said, "We are totally going to kick those dark sorcerers in the butt. We'll beat them for sure."

"Is that what you really think" a voice called out outside the clearing. Ratso walked into the clearing of the campsite. "Because you must be dumber than you look."

"You're one to talk" David said. "Come on guys, lets do it."

David, Ken, Sara, and Ashley raised their wands and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!"

With the legendary sorcerers in their robes Ratso exclaimed, "Black rat attack!" A black light in the shape of a rat shot out of his wand and headed towards David.

David exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower!" David's attack hit Ratso's attack in mid air but while David's attack slowed down the black light rat it still pushed through the fire.

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" The water from Ken's attack hit Ratso's attack from the side and made it disappear before it could hit David.

"Thanks for that Ken" David said.

"No problem."

Ratso said, "Your teamwork won't be able to save you."

Sara exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" Ratso pointed his wand at the ground beneath his feet and with a jolt he shot up into the air successfully dodged Sara's gust of wind with the sharp glowing white feathers.

Ashley exclaimed, "It's my turn now. Rose petals!" Glowing red-pink rose petals blew out of her wand and went straight to Ratso.

Ratso exclaimed, "Black rat attack." Ratso's attack collided with Ashley's and their was a force that knocked down David and the others. Ratso landed back on the ground and said, "I'll finish you all off one by one." A blast of black light shot at Ratso from the side knocking him down.

From a tree branch was stand a young wizard of the age of thirteen just like David, Sara, and Ashley. He had a robe that was half black and half dark green. It was the boy named Shadow that saved David from the werewolves. Shadow looked at Ratso and said, "If it's a fight you want then I'll fight you." He jumped down from the tree branch and landed on the ground."

"Fine" Ratso shouted. "I'll finish you off first."

David said, "I rethink that if I were you." David, Ken, Sara, and Ashley were back up on their feet with their wands pointed at Ratso. Ratso pointed his wand beneath him and a blast of black smoke surrounded Ratso and then he was gone.

Foxy looked at Shadow and said, "You're one of the legendary sorcerers."

David, Ken, Sara, and Ashley transformed back to their regular clothes. Shadow did the same and his black and green robe disappeared and he was now wearing black jeans with a black sleeveless shirt that showed that Shadow had muscles even when his arms are relaxed.

"Wow" Ashley said. She continued in a flirtation voice, "Would you like to travel with us? It would be nice to travel with a big strong guy like you."

"Hey" David said mildly insulted.

Sara said, "Yuck."

David turned to Shadow and said, "Would you like to team up with us. We could really use your help to defeat the legendary sorcerers of darkness."

Shadow said, "No kidding. You won't be able to defeat the dark sorcerers with puny attacks like what I saw."

David said, "Hey! Knock off the trash talk. Are you with us?"

Shadow smirked and said in his natural tough guy voice, "Your with me."