
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Bug Nightmare

It was pass sunrise and Shadow was already up doing push ups. David awoke from his sleeping bag, yawned, and stretched. He looked at Shadow and thought to himself, "I better go see if I can get some information out of Shadow." David walked up to Shadow and sat down. "Good morning Shadow." Shadow didn't answer but just continued doing push-ups. "What can you tell me about Marick. We never met him but we heard the he is the leader of the legendary sorcerers of darkness." Shadow ignored David and continued with his push-ups. "Stop ignoring me you jerk!"

Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy woke up and turned their attention towards David and Shadow. Shadow sat up and asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Do you know how we can beat Marick?"

Shadow show David his fist and said, "The same way you beat anyone. With superior strength and fight skills."

"Is that it? I mean don't you know of any weaknesses?"

Shadow laughed and said, "You don't know who your dealing with. Marick has been doing intense training for a long time. I don't know how Marick accrued his power, I just know he's really powerful."

David pondered his next question. He asked, "How do you know the dark sorcerers?"

Shadow got up and said, "None of your business. I'm going for a run." He jogged out of the clearing and deeper into the forest.

David walked back to the others and sat down. They all looked at David. David said, "I'm trying to be welcoming but that guy is a jerk."

Sara said, "I'm having a hard time trusting him."

David said, "He did save me from the werewolves, we fought together against that one dark wizard, and he did come back to help us fight Ratso the other day."

Foxy said, "Although he does seem to know about the dark sorcerers personally and his magic is clearly dark. I am almost certain beyond doubt that he is one of the legendary sorcerers but his magic is corrupted. It is missing the light that all legendary sorcerers carry."


Ratso was deep in the forest in front of giant cocoons. Ratso said, "These will do nicely." He raised his wand and chanted,

"Dark magic of hornets nest,

Instilling rage is what you do best .

Dark forces disturb the peace,

awaken to by bidding and now release."

Ratso waved a dark light out of his wand and the dark light settled on the cocoons. "This will do nicely. In the most terrible way." he laughed such an evil laugh.


David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were walking in the forest. Foxy's rabbit ears twitched. He stopped and said, "Wait minute. I can hear something coming. It's a buzzing sound.

The buzzing became louder and then five seven feet tall flying insects came in view of David and the others. These five giant bugs were flying with dark red wings. They had big black eyes and bodies that were covered in black and white stripes and on their bottoms were these huge stingers almost a foot long. Foxy said, "They are called zebees. A zebee is one of the magical creatures that pollinates forests. Their stingers are poisonousness. It's best to avoid it."

Sara said, "It looks like they're coming right for us.

Shadow exclaimed, "They're under a spell! Sorcerer evolution! Shadow was wearing his black and dark green robe. He pointed his wand at the nearest zebee that had its stinger extended coming towards him and exclaimed, "Dark blaster!" A blast of black light shot from Shadow's wand, hit the zebee, and took it down. The other four zebees flew towards Shadow.

Seeing Shadow in danger David, Ken, Sara, and Ashley raised their wands and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!"

David shouted, "Shadow get out of the way!" Shadow jumped and rolled out of the way of the 4 zooming zebees.

Ken said, "David! Sara! Try using a commination attack to hit them all."

"Good thinking" Sara exclaimed, "White feathers attack!"

David exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower! David slashed his wand sideways and the fire of David's attack combined with Sara's attack of glowing white feathers and wind so that now the white feathers and the wind around them were on fire. The combination attack hit the remaining 4 zebees and knocked them all down on the ground.

Ratso stepped forward from hiding and raised his wand and chanted

"Dark magic from the great abomination,

fuse them together to aid the assassination!"

The five zebees glowed with a dark light and came together like a snap of two magnets connecting. In a the black light the five zebees fused together and created one twenty foot tall zebee. Shadow shouted, "Watch out guys! That stinger has enough venom to kill!"

"Good to know" David said. The zebee went straight to David.

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" A blast of water shot out of Ken's wand and hit the giant zebee. The zebee only slowed down a little as Ken's attack pushed against it and then the zebee continued charging after David.

Shadow ran behind the zebee and pointed his wand at the base of its stinger. He exclaimed, "Dark blaster!" Shadow's attack shot the zebee's stinger clean off. The zebee turned around jabbed Shadow right in the stomach with the base of its stinger. He fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

"Shadow" David exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower!" Fire erupted out of David's wand hit the zebee. The zebee turned to face David and headed straight for him.

Sara said, "Ashley lets do a combination attack." Ashley nodded. "White feathers attack!

"Rose petals!" Glowing sharp white feather and rose petals sped at the zebee on a powerful gust of wind and hit the zebee square on. The zebee was thrown up in the air and in a flash of black light the twenty foot tall zebee seperated into five seven feet tall zebees. The five zebees seem to have been released from Ratso's spell because they all flew away hobbling in the air.

David and the others ran to Shadow who was holding his stomach in one hand while using the other to prop himself up off the ground. Ken asked, "Is he poisoned?"

"No" Foxy said. "The poison of a zebee lies at the point of the stinger."

Shadow got up still holding his stomach and said, "We have to fight Ratso now."

Ratso said, "After that fight you five will be to tired to best me."

Shadow said, "We'll just see about that."

"Hold on Shadow" David said putting a hand on his shoulder. "You took a hard hit to the gut. Sit this one out."

Shadow shrugged off David's hand and said, "I can take a blow to the gut. I have abs. Don't treat me like I'm soft."

"This looks like it will be your final chapter" Ratso said as he aimed his wand at Shadow and exclaimed, "Black rat attack!"

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" Ratso's energy attack in the shape of a black rat overpowered Ken's attack. David jumped in the way of Ratso's attack and took the hit for Shadow. David was flung into Shadow and the both fell.

Sara turned to Ashley and said, "Come on Ashley." Sara pointed her wand at Ratso and exclaimed, "White feathers attack!"

Ashley exclaimed, "Dizzy pollen!" A blast of small purple fuzzy balls shot out of her wand and mixed in with Sara's attack of glowing feathers and wind. Together the attacks hit Ratso and he was thrown on the ground. He got up trying to brush aside the dizziness of Ashley's attack.

Shadow pushed David off of himself and they both got up. Shadow turn to David asked, "Why did you step in the way of that attack?"

"You were already. Besides we're a team."

Shadow turned to face Ratso and held his wand in both hands. Shadow exclaimed, "Dark blaster!" A slightly bigger than normal blast of black energy shot out of Shadow's wand and hit Ratso square in the chest before he could do anything and sent him spiraling on the ground.

From the ground Ratso lifted his head and said, "I'll be back." He waved his wand and he was gone in a puff of black smoke. The robes of David and the others disappeared and they were wearing their normal clothes again.

Shadow turned to David and said, "I didn't need you to protect me."

David smiled and said, "I just did what I would have liked you to do if I was in your place. We're a team."

Shadow sighed and said, "Whatever. Lets go." David and the others followed behind Shadow and he started walking off into the forest.