
The Legendary Robot Fighter with Optimal Universal System

Pablo yearned to follow in his father's footsteps, who had been lost at sea on his quest to become the greatest robot fighter in the world. However, the harsh realities of the world made him realize that there was more to life than just being a robot creator. He was betrayed by both his father's aide and his girlfriend, and losing the once-mighty da-Fonte Robotics to the enemy left him feeling worthless and bitter, as if he were nothing but a burden to his legendary family. Overwhelmed with grief, he retreated to his father's hometown, drowning in sorrow and consumed by regret. He resigned himself to a life of misery and was simply waiting for death. Just when he thought he had given up on life, a simple act of kindness in the small, backward town changed everything for him. Through this act, he discovered a new purpose and reason to keep going. And so, the birth of the legendary robot fighter began. When he thought everything was finally on the right path, he discovered a huge secret-- Robots were not meant for fighting in the ring alone, they have a higher purpose that carries the weight of mankind's survival. Then a question pops up in his mind. "Is this related to the disappearance of my father?"

_EverSmile · SF
105 Chs

Final (2) Champion... Optimal universal system

Ward looked at the clumsy Free Points with a slight shock on his face before turning into disdain.

'Since you still have some extra lives. I'll surely kill everything once and for all' He thought as he controlled the Hell Punch toward Free Points.

As for Pablo, he had a solemn look on his face. With that single punch from Hell Punch, he realized the difference between both robots. The difference was just too much.

'Hell Punch is almost close to a grade-one fighting robot.'

Even though he was having various thoughts running through his mind, his hand never left Free Points' control as he controlled it moving back and forth on the ring.

"Hands up" Pablo shouted.


Free Points raised his guards in time and the powerful Hell Punch fist rammed into his guards, making it retreat a couple of feet.

Seeing this, Ward grinned and control Hell Punch to move swiftly toward the trembling Free Points to rain punch on it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Under the heavy fist of Hell Punch, Free Points had various dents on its hand and chest. The audience could see wires and circuits with smoke coming out from them.

"This is a massacre'" Liz murmured.

"It looks like it…. This is the end of the Free Points team. And they would be lucky if they could have their robot intact."


"He's down!" A voice screamed.

On the ring, Free Points fell like a log of wood with smoke coming from its body. His system was already overheating under such barricades of punches.

"This should be the end?"

"Hell Punch is just too strong."

"He's still undefeatable."

Various voices echoed from the audience as they watched Free Points lying on the ground while Pablo was working on the controller.

When the crowd thought this would be the end, Free Points rose once again.

"No. No. I'm dreamy!"

"This can't be right?!"

"He stands once again?!"

"What did he put inside his robot?"

The audience had their jaws dropped to the ground as this was beyond their processing power. Never for once have they seen a robot that was beaten this badly and has the strength to stand up once again.

"I won't lose that easily," Pablo murmured with determination.

Ward didn't say any useless words and controlled the Hell Punch to pounce on Free Punch with more brutal punches.

"Get out of the corner?" Pablo shouted as if Free Points could hear his voice.

As if Ward would give him that chance, Hell Punch threw Free Points back to the corner and began to rain punches on him.

By the right corner, Free Points couldn't raise his hand to defend against the heavy thruster punches.

In addition, every punch from Hell Punch was not just a normal punch; it was carried by a powerful thruster that made it more powerful with unimaginable force.

"I can't look at it any longer"

"Yeah. It's just too brutal to watch."

"Why can't he surrender?"

Various metal parts flew out of the ring from Free Points, making its defense weaker every moment. In addition, thick smoke came back and it was only a matter of time before it had a system failure.

Pablo's face was covered in beads of sweat as he controlled Free Points vehemently, trying to salvage the situation.

"Should I use that trick?" Pablo mused with various thoughts flickering through his face.

"Turbo hell rain" Ward commanded.

At once, the rain of fists increases, ramming into Free Points' chest. Free Points probably couldn't stand and had to support himself by using the ring rope.

Inside the audience, a middle-aged man surrounded by hefty men dressed in black suits looked at the fights with a bright smile on his face.

"That's my son." He whispered. "Now, end this facade beautifully."

In the ring, Hell Punch raised his right punch in the air and was ready to deliver the killing blow. But then, something unimaginable happened.

"Initiate the Man-slaughter sequence" Pablo muttered with a sharp glint on his face.

Immediately, it was as if Free Points had been injected with a stimulant. He got up and the blue light on his face shone brightly.


"Right Uppercut!"

This was the first attack from Free Points and it sent Hell Punch a couple of steps back. Hell Punch shook its head vehemently as his system was not ready for such a counterattack.

'I only got 30 seconds before it shuts down…. Let's see if he can last under this sequence.'

As for the audience and Ward, they were flabbergasted by Free Points' counter-attack. Previously, he was on the brink of shutting down, how the hell did it have such power to give such a power punch.

Bang! Bang!

"Drilling Punch"


Ward was not an amateur fighter as he quickly recovered from his shock and tried to regain his momentum with a powerful punch. Only for him to receive another shock.

"Fluid shadow movement," Pablo commanded.

At once, Free Points movement changed and it moved bizarrely. Ward and the audience were left dumbfounded as they couldn't fathom what was happening right now.

Even though Ward was shocked, he tried to understand Free Points movement but only for him to get more confused.

'What type of movement is this?!' He cried in his heart.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Right Uppercut"

"2 by 2"

"Left jab, Right jab"

"Get into him" Pablo issued a series of commands that gave Hell Punch no chance to retaliate at all.

Besides, if Hell Punch wanted to fight back, the strange movement skills made it quite impossible.

Outside the ring, Isadora and the others held their breath as their eyes were shining brightly. They couldn't believe what was happening in the ring, but their fire hope was burning deep in their heart.

'Can he do it?'

'I have 10 seconds left.' Panic filled Pablo's heart as he controlled Free Points with all his heart.

"Deadly Thunder Cut"



The audience sucked in a cold breath as they watched Hell Punch staggering back under such a powerful punch while trying not to fall.

'5 seconds left'

'This can't do…..I need more firepower.' Pablo screamed in his heart.

At once, Free Points halted for a few seconds before he resumed his attack but something was different about his attack. It was slower with lesser force power.

"Something is wrong with Free Points?" Judge said.

"Yeah…. Perhaps, it had overused its core." Liz responded.

As the audience was speculating on what was wrong with Free Points. Thick smoke came from the back of Free Point with his fan running vehemently, trying to sustain the system from failing.

'It's now or never'

"Thunder Destroyer" Pablo screamed.

A powerful punch that left a wail of wind behind, whistling through the ring, traveling at an unimaginable speed toward Hell Punch.

In the presence of the punch, everything slows down, leaving only the punch. Even though Hell Punch was only a robot, it could feel the extraordinariness of the punch.


Like a judgment day, everywhere was silent as they watched Hell Puch flying across the ring. He bounced off against the wire and flew back to the center of the ring and crashed to the ground.


Pablo wiped off the bead of sweat from his forehead and looked at Free Points for a moment and shook his head.

'Well done. You can finally rest in peace.'

As for the audience, it took them a couple of seconds before they recovered from the initial shock and cried in exclamation.

What a show!

They were still clamoring about the powerful fist when they realized Hell Punch was out and Free Point had become the champion.

Ward looked at his dead robot with wide eyes and mouth agape. Never in his wildest dream would he think such an attack was possible until now.

"F-Free Points is the new champion." The referee said with a trembling voice.

'We're the champion?'

Isadora, Fabian, Kaida, and Cedric couldn't believe their ears as they widened their eyes, staring at the referee.

Free Points! Free Points!

The audience chanted with excitement written all over their faces. This was an unprecedented win in the history of Golem Pit and Nightshade town. And this would last till ages.

Meanwhile, a couple of fans rushed toward Pablo and carried him with jubilation. Shock and not knowing what to do as he was being carried through the stadium in jubilation.

Pabo received another shock of his life.


[Host has met all the required conditions to initiate the system]

[System Initiation…]

[Initiation Complete]

[Optimal Universal System]